标签:tput sign rda ssi 字符 str end close log
COGS 1239
字符串 模拟 有栈的思想
1 var
2 s,plus,plu:ansistring;
3 i,sl,sr:longint;
4 procedure get(var x,y,num:longint);
5 var i,k:longint;
6 nu:ansistring;
7 begin
8 for i:=1 to length(s) do
9 if s[i]=‘[‘ then x:=i;
10 for i:=1 to length(s) do
11 if (s[i]=‘]‘) and (i>x) then begin y:=i; break; end;
12 nu:=‘‘;
13 i:=x+1;
14 k:=ord(s[i])-ord(‘0‘);
15 while k in [0..9] do
16 begin
17 nu:=nu+s[i];
18 inc(i);
19 k:=ord(s[i])-ord(‘0‘);
20 end;
21 val(nu,num);
22 end;
23 procedure doit(var s:ansistring);
24 var num,i,di:longint;
25 begin
26 plus:=‘‘;
27 get(sl,sr,num);
28 di:=num div 10;
29 if di<>0 then
30 plu:=copy(s,sl+3,sr-sl-3)
31 else plu:=copy(s,sl+2,sr-sl-2);
32 for i:=1 to num-1 do
33 plus:=plus+plu;
34 delete(s,sr,1);
35 if di<>0 then
36 delete(s,sl,3)
37 else delete(s,sl,2);
38 insert(plus,s,sl);
39 end;
40 begin
41 assign(input,‘passworda.in‘);
42 reset(input);
43 assign(output,‘passworda.out‘);
44 rewrite(output);
45 readln(s);
46 while pos(‘[‘,s)<>0 do
47 doit(s);
48 writeln(s);
49 close(input);
50 close(output);
51 end.
标签:tput sign rda ssi 字符 str end close log