标签:.sh adapter layout default exception and sys imp direction
package cd.itcast.snake; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import cn.itcast.util.FrameUtil; public class SnakeGame { //宽度(列数)x public static final int WIDTH = 50; //高度(行数)y public static final int HEIGHT = 10; //地图 private char[][] background = new char[HEIGHT][WIDTH]; //初始化地图 private void initBackground() { for(int rows = 0 ; rows < background.length ; rows++){ for(int cols = 0 ; cols < background[rows].length ; cols++){ if (rows==0||rows==(background.length-1)) { background[rows][cols]=‘*‘; }else { background[rows][cols]=‘ ‘; } } } } //显示地图的 private void showBackground() { for(int rows = 0 ; rows < background.length ; rows++){ for(int cols = 0 ; cols < background[rows].length ; cols++){ System.out.print(background[rows][cols]); } System.out.println(); } } //使用集合保存蛇所有信息 LinkedList<Point> snake = new LinkedList<Point>(); //初始化蛇 public void initsnake() { int x = WIDTH/2; int y = HEIGHT/2; snake.addFirst(new Point(x-1,y)); snake.addFirst(new Point(x,y)); snake.addFirst(new Point(x+1,y)); } //显示蛇--》蛇的节点信息,反馈到地图上 public void showSnake() { //画蛇身,因为取出了蛇身,所以从1开始 for(int i=1; i<snake.size();i++){ Point body = snake.get(i); background[body.y][body.x] = ‘#‘; } //画蛇头,注意和二维数组对应 Point head = snake.getFirst(); background[head.y][head.x] = ‘$‘; } //蛇移动:向上移动 public static final int UP_DIRECTION = 1; public static final int DOWN_DIRECTION = -1; public static final int LEFT_DIRECTION = 2; public static final int RIGHT_DIRECTION = -2; //默认方向 int currentDecration=-2; //蛇移动的方法 public void move() { Point head = snake.getFirst(); //根据当前方向移动 switch (currentDecration) { case UP_DIRECTION: snake.addFirst(new Point(head.x, head.y-1)); break; case DOWN_DIRECTION: snake.addFirst(new Point(head.x, head.y+1)); break; case LEFT_DIRECTION: //穿越左边 if(head.x==0){ snake.addFirst(new Point(WIDTH-1, head.y)); }else { snake.addFirst(new Point(head.x-1, head.y)); } break; case RIGHT_DIRECTION: if(head.x==WIDTH-1){ snake.addFirst(new Point(0, head.y)); }else { snake.addFirst(new Point(head.x+1, head.y)); } break; default: break; } //如果吃到了,就要创建新的食物;没吃到才删除 if (snakeEat()) { createFood(); }else { snake.removeLast(); } } //改变方向的方法 public void changeDirection(int newDirection) { if(newDirection + currentDecration!=0){ this.currentDecration = newDirection; } } //食物 Point food; //创建食物 public void createFood() { Random random = new Random(); while (true) { int x = random.nextInt(WIDTH); int y = random.nextInt(HEIGHT); if(background[y][x]!=‘*‘){ food = new Point(x,y); break; } } } //显示食物 public void showFood() { background[food.y][food.x] = ‘&‘; } //吃食物:在移动的时候调用,因为每走一步,都可能吃到;当吃到的时候,蛇尾不删除 public boolean snakeEat() { Point head = snake.getFirst(); if(head.equals(food)){ return true; } return false; } //刷新 public void refrash() { //清空全部信息 initBackground(); //把食物的最新信息反馈到地图上 showFood(); //把蛇的最新信息反馈到地图上 showSnake(); //显示当前地图的信息 showBackground(); } //游戏是否结束 static boolean isGameOver = false; public void isGameOver() { Point head = snake.getFirst(); //撞墙死 if (background[head.y][head.x]==‘*‘) { isGameOver = true; } //咬死自己 for(int i=1; i<snake.size(); i++){ Point body = snake.get(i); if(head.equals(body)){ isGameOver = true; } } } public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { final SnakeGame snake = new SnakeGame(); //初始化地图 snake.initBackground(); //初始化蛇 snake.initsnake(); //显示蛇 snake.showSnake(); //初始化食物 snake.createFood(); //显示食物 snake.showFood(); snake.showBackground(); JFrame frame = new JFrame("方向盘"); frame.add(new JButton("↑"),BorderLayout.NORTH); frame.add(new JButton("↓"),BorderLayout.SOUTH); frame.add(new JButton("←"),BorderLayout.WEST); frame.add(new JButton("→"),BorderLayout.EAST); JButton button = new JButton("点我控制方向"); frame.add(button); FrameUtil.initFrame(frame, 300, 300); //添加事件监听器 button.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { int code = e.getKeyCode(); switch (code) { case KeyEvent.VK_UP: snake.changeDirection(UP_DIRECTION); break; case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: snake.changeDirection(DOWN_DIRECTION); break; case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: snake.changeDirection(LEFT_DIRECTION); break; case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: snake.changeDirection(RIGHT_DIRECTION); break; default: break; } snake.move(); snake.isGameOver(); if(isGameOver){ System.err.println("游戏结束!!!"); System.exit(0); } snake.refrash(); } }); } }
标签:.sh adapter layout default exception and sys imp direction