标签:flags decode lan exception bin class style 计算 orm
fields = [
(‘nonce‘, big_endian_int),
(‘gasprice‘, big_endian_int),
(‘startgas‘, big_endian_int),
(‘to‘, utils.address),
(‘value‘, big_endian_int),
(‘data‘, binary),
(‘v‘, big_endian_int),
(‘r‘, big_endian_int),
(‘s‘, big_endian_int),
to参数初始化:to = utils.normalize_address(to, allow_blank=True)
def normalize_address(x, allow_blank=False): if is_numeric(x): return int_to_addr(x) if allow_blank and x in {‘‘, b‘‘}: return b‘‘ if len(x) in (42, 50) and x[:2] in {‘0x‘, b‘0x‘}://如果前两个字符问0x,截取从第三个字符开始的所有字符串 x = x[2:] if len(x) in (40, 48): x = decode_hex(x) if len(x) == 24: assert len(x) == 24 and sha3(x[:20])[:4] == x[-4:] //比较哈希值 x = x[:20] if len(x) != 20: raise Exception("Invalid address format: %r" % x) return x
super(Transaction, self).__init__(nonce, gasprice, startgas, to, value, data, v, r, s)
通过gas 判断交易是否合法:
if self.gasprice >= TT256 or self.startgas >= TT256 or self.value >= TT256 or self.nonce >= TT256: raise InvalidTransaction("Values way too high!") if self.startgas < self.intrinsic_gas_used: raise InvalidTransaction("Startgas too low")
def sender(self)方法:通过签名和公钥验证账号合法性
def sender(self): if not self._sender: # Determine sender if self.v: if self.r >= N or self.s >= N or self.v < 27 or self.v > 28 or self.r == 0 or self.s == 0: raise InvalidTransaction("Invalid signature values!") log.debug(‘recovering sender‘) rlpdata = rlp.encode(self, UnsignedTransaction) rawhash = utils.sha3(rlpdata) pk = PublicKey(flags=ALL_FLAGS) try: pk.public_key = pk.ecdsa_recover( rawhash, pk.ecdsa_recoverable_deserialize( zpad(utils.bytearray_to_bytestr(int_to_32bytearray(self.r)), 32) + zpad(utils.bytearray_to_bytestr(int_to_32bytearray(self.s)), 32), self.v - 27 ), raw=True ) pub = pk.serialize(compressed=False) except Exception: raise InvalidTransaction("Invalid signature values (x^3+7 is non-residue)") if pub[1:] == b"\x00" * 32: raise InvalidTransaction("Invalid signature (zero privkey cannot sign)") pub = encode_pubkey(pub, ‘bin‘) self._sender = utils.sha3(pub[1:])[-20:] assert self.sender == self._sender else: self._sender = 0 return self._sender
@sender.setter def sender(self, value): self._sender = value
def intrinsic_gas_used(self)方法:
@property def intrinsic_gas_used(self): #计算0位数量 num_zero_bytes = str_to_bytes(self.data).count(ascii_chr(0)) #计算非0位数量 num_non_zero_bytes = len(self.data) - num_zero_bytes return (opcodes.GTXCOST + opcodes.GTXDATAZERO * num_zero_bytes + opcodes.GTXDATANONZERO * num_non_zero_bytes)
标签:flags decode lan exception bin class style 计算 orm