标签:int mba rpo 理解 country 原则 trie ppa retrieve
1 aloft -adv- 飞向天空
2 resolute -adj- 坚决的
3 slumber -n- 睡眠
4 endeavor -n v- 努力
5 ridicule -v- 嘲笑 愚弄
6 tedious -adj- 无聊的
7 provincial -adj- 地方性的
8 genial -adj- 脾气好的
9 conjecture -n v- 猜测 猜想
10 yoke -n- 牛枷锁 加锁
11 perilous -adj- 危险的
12 sage -adj n- 圣人 贤明
13 foster -adj v- 养育的 收养
14 lance -n- 长矛
15 hammer -n v- 锤子 锤击
16 plunge -v- 跳入 投入
17 patent -n adj v- 专利 专利保护的 取得专利权
18 rash -n adj- 痘痘 鲁莽的
19 champion -n- 冠军
20 compound -n v- 复合物 混合 和解
21 pilot -n- 飞行员
22 grin -v- 咧嘴笑
23 prodigious -adj- 巨大的 异常的
24 crow -n- 乌鸦
25 sturdy -adj- 牢固的
26 tame -v adj- 驯服的 驯服
27 affliction -n- 痛苦
28 ally -n v- 盟友 联盟
29 integrity -n- 正义
30 rider -n- 骑士 扶手
31 marvel -n v- 奇迹 惊叹
32 condemn -v- 谴责
33 sanction -n- 批准 制裁
34 approbation -n- 认可 批准
35 allegiance -n- 忠诚
36 dispose -v- 处置
37 saturnine -adj- 忧郁的
38 stature -n- 身高 身材
39 lissome -adj- 柔软的 轻盈的
40 conviction -n- 定罪
41 spent -adj- 身体被掏空的
42 military -n adj- 军事
43 legion -n- 古罗马军团
44 movement -n- 动作
45 sin -n- 罪
46 guilt -n- 罪恶感
47 claim -v- 声称
48 acclaim -n adj v- 称赞(strong approval)
49 shallow -n- 浅的
50 check -n v- 支票 检查
51 scanty -adj- 缺乏的
52 distinctive -adj- 独特的
53 sibling 兄弟姐妹
54 infant -n- 婴儿
55 enduring -adj- 持久的
56 amnesia -n- 健忘症
57 repression -n- 压制
58 episode -n- 一段情节
59 charged -adj- 紧张
60 maturation -n- 成熟
61 elusive -adj- 难懂的
62 prescience -n- 先知 预见
63 chortle -v- chuckle laugh merrily 咯咯咯笑
64 lambast -vt- 狂打 谴责
65 exacerbate -v- make worse恶化
66 apathetic -adj- marked by a lack of interest;Mr T was so talented at teaching even apathetic student took interest.
67 audaciously -adv- take risks; bold 胆大
68 impudent -adj- improperly forward or bold 作死的
69 reticent -adj- disinclined to talk 突然沉默下来
70 decorous -adj- sally‘s parties are decorous(good taste in manners)affairs, instead of usual beer and music. there is tea and intellectual conversation.
71 banal -adj- repeated too often, overfamiliar 平乏的
72 mitigate -v- make less severe of harsh. lessen the severity of an offense
73 fortuitous -adj- occurring by happy chance. having no apparent cause偶然的
74 entrenched -adj- fixed firmly or securely 根深蒂固
75 dogmatic -adj- 固执
76 aesthetic -adj n- 美学的美学原则
77 bucolic -adj- relatig to pleasant aspect of country 田园风情的
78 cryptic -adj- mysterious or vague,usually intentionally 神神秘秘的
79 volubility -n- the quality of talking writing easily and continuously
80 inexorable -adj- impossible to stop 历史的进程蛤铪
81 vociferous -adj- conspicuously loud,given vehement outcry
82 eschew -v- avoid and stay away from deliberately
83 deferential -adj- showing respect
84 frivolous -adj- not serious in content or attitude
85 torpor -n- inactivity resulting from lack of energy
86 perfidy -n- an act of deliberate betrayal
87 rustic -adj- characteristic of rural life; awkwardly simple and provincial
88 preclude -v- keep from happening or arising; make impossible
89 meticulous -adj- marked by extreme care in treatment 工匠精神
90 conspicuous -adj- without any attempt at concealment
91 mawkish -adj- overly sentimental to the point that is disgusting 虐
92 engender -v- give rise to
93 culminate -v- reach the highest most decisive point
32 理解原因:
那个 earlier than 并不是连在一起的。而是
young children may form long-term memory of action they see earlier than they hear they told.
P4 理解原因:
story help children 是store information in a way that they can retrieve later.但是没有帮助form long-term memory。
标签:int mba rpo 理解 country 原则 trie ppa retrieve