标签:mpi scala har its 技术分享 rac term bit forms
answer:Structure members can be all different types;they are accessed by name;and unused memory may be between adjacent(邻近的) members to enforce(强制) boundary alignment requirements.Array elements must all be the same type;they are accessed with a subscript;and no space is ever lost between elements for boundary alignment.
answer:A Structure is a scalar(标量).Like any other scalar,when the name of a structure is used as an R_value in an expression it refers to the values stored in the structure.when used as an L_value,the name refers to the place in which die structure is stored.when an array name is used as an R_value in an expression,however,its value is a pointer to the first element in the array,because its value is a constant pointer,an array name cannot be used as an L_value.
First,a declaration where all components are given:(首先,给出一个声明的所有组成成分)
This declares x to be a stucture having two members,a and b,In addition,the structure tag S is created for use in future declarations.
Omitting(省略) the tag field gives:(省略标签)
which has the same effect as before,except that no tag is created.while other declarations may created more structure variables with indentical(相同的) members,it is possible to create any more variable with the samp type as z.
Omitting the member list gives:(省略成员列表)
which declares another structure variable y with the same type as x.
Omitting the variable list gives:(省略变量列表)
which simply defines the tag S for use in later declarations.
Finally,there is the incomplete declaration
which informs the compiler that S is a sturcture tag to be defined later.
struct abc{ int a; int b; int c; }; ... abc.a = 25; abc.b = 15; abc.c = -1;
answer: abc is the structure tag,not the name of a variable,so the assignment statement are illegal.
typedef struct{ int a; int b; int c; }abc; ... abc.a = 25; abc.b = 15; abc.c = -1;
answer:abc is a type name,not the name of a variable,so the assignment statements are illegal.
struct { int a; char b[10]; float c; } x =
struct { int a; char b[10]; float c; } x = { 3,"hello" };
struct NODE{ int a; struct NODE *b; struct NODE *c; }; struct NODE nodes[5] = { {5, nodes + 3, NULL}, {15, nodes + 4, nodes + 3}, {22, NULL, nodes + 4}, {12, nodes + 1, nodes}, {18, nodes + 2, nodes + 1} }; (other declarations...) struct NODE *np = nodes + 2; struct NODE **npp = &nodes[1].b;
expression | value | expression | value |
nodes | 200 | &node[3].c->a | 200 |
nodes.a | illegal | &nodes->a | 200 |
nodes[3].a | 12 | np | nodes[2] |
nodes[3].c | 200 | np->a | 22 |
nodes[3].c->a | 5 | np->c->c->a | 15 |
*nodes | nodes[0] | npp | 216 |
*nodes.a | illegal | npp->a | illegal |
(*nodes).a | 5 | *npp | 248 |
nodes->a | 5 | **npp | nodes[4] |
nodes[3].b->b | 248 | *npp->a | illegal |
*nodes[3].b->b | nodes[4] | (*npp)->a | 18 |
&nodes | 200 | &np | -- |
&nodes[3].a | 236 | &np->a | 224 |
&nodes[3].c | 244 | &np->c->c->a | 212 |
struct{ char a; int b; char c; };
answer:With 16 bit integers,two bytes are wasted,one after each character,with 32 bit integers,six are wasted,Note that sapce is lost after c in order to guarantee that the structure ends at the most stringent(严格的) boundary,if this were not done,the next variable allocated(分配) might not begin at the proper boundary.
a whether the field are allocated right to left or left to right
b whether field too large to fit in the remaining bits of a word begin there anyway and cross the boundary to the next word or begin in the next word;
c whether signed or unsigned arithmetic is used for fields declared signed;
d the maxinum size of an individual field.
struct FLOAT{ unsigned fraction : 24; unsgined exponent : 7; unsgined sign :1; }; //or struct FLOAT{ unsgined sign :1; unsgined exponent : 7; unsigned fraction : 24; };
x &= 0x0fff; x |= (aaa & 0xf) << 12; x &= 0xf00f; x |= (bbb & 0xff) << 4; x &= 0xfff1; x |= (ccc & 0x7) <<1; x &= 0xfffe; x |= (ddd & 0x1); //or x = (aaa & 0xf) << 12 | (bbb & 0xff) << 4 | (ccc & 0x7) << 1 | (ddd & 0x1); //or x = aaa & 0xf; x <<= 8; x = bbb & 0xff; x <<= 3; x = ccc & 0x7; x <<= 1; x = ddd & 0x1;
struct { int a :2; }x; ... x.a = 1; x.a += 1; printf("%d\n",x.a);
It can either be 2 or -2,depending on whether the compiler uses signed or unsigned arithmetic.
union{ int a; float b; char c; }x; ... x.a = 25; x.b = 3.14; x.c = ‘x‘; printf("%d %g %c\n",x,a, x.b, x.c);
answer: A union is being used as if it were a structure,On a machine with 32 bit integers and floats,the second assignment will completely replace the value stored by the first,and the last assignment will replace the first eight bits of the value stored by the second,the integer and floating-point members therefore print as garbage,but the character prints correctly.
14.假定有些信息已经赋值给一个联合变量 ,我们该如何正确的提取这个信息呢?
answer:The same member that was used to store the data must also be used to read it.
struct VARIABLE{ enum {INT,FLOAT,STRING} type; union{ int i; float f; char *s; }value; };
struct VARIABLE{ enum {INT,FLOAT,STRING} type; union{ int i; float f; char s[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; }value; };
First,the member s would store the actual value of the string rather than a pointer to the value,this means that the value would not have to be allocated elsewhere,which is an advantage,but this entails a terrible disadvantage:the structure now contain enough space to store the largest possible string,and nearly all of this space is wasted when integer and floating-point values are sotred,the original stucture did not have this problem because it only contained a pointer to the string value,not the value itself.
struct PHONE_NUMBER{ short area; short exchange; short station; }; struct LONG_DISTANCE_BILL{ short month; short day; short year; int time; struct PHONE_NUMBER called; struct PHONE_NUMBER calling; struct PHONE_NUMBER billed; }
struct INFO1{ char cust_name[21]; char cust_addr[41]; char model[21]; enum {PURE_CASH, CASH_LOAN, LEASE} type; union{ struct{ float msrp; float sales_price; float sales_tax; float licensing_fee; }pure_cash; struct{ float msrp; float sales_price; float sales_tax; float licensing_fee; float down_payment; int loan_duration; float interest_rate; float monthly_payment; char bank[21]; }cash_loan; struct{ float msrp; float sales_price; float down_payment; float security_deposit; float monthly_payment; float lease_term; }lease; }info; }; //or struct INFO2{ char cust_name[21]; char cust_addr[41]; char model[21]; float msrp; float sales_price; enum {PURE_CASH, CASH_LOAN, LEASE} type; union{ struct{ float sales_tax; float licensing_fee; }pure_cast; struct{ float sales_tax; float licensing_fee; float down_payment; int loan_duration; float interest_rate; float monthly_payment; char bank[21]; }cash_loan; struct{ float down_payment; float security_deposit; float monthly_payment; float lease_term; }lease; }info; };
你的任务是编写一个声明,允许程序用这些格式中的任何一种形式对指令进行解释.你的声明同时必须有一个名叫addr的unsigned short类型字段,可以访问所有的16位值,在你的声明中使用typedef来创建一个新类型,称为machine_inst.给定下面的声明:
machine_inst x;
typedef union{ unsigned short addr; struct{ unsigned opcode : 10; unsigned dst_mode : 3; unsigned dst_reg : 3; }sql_op; struct{ unsigned opcode : 4; unsigned src_mode : 3; unsigned src_reg : 3; unsigned dst_mode : 3; unsigned dst_reg : 3; }dbl_op; struct{ unsigned opcode : 7; unsigned src_reg : 3; unsigned dst_mode : 3; unsigned dst_reg : 3; }reg_src; struct{ unsigned opcode : 8; unsigned offset : 8; }branch; struct{ unsigned opcode : 16; }misc; }machine_inst;
标签:mpi scala har its 技术分享 rac term bit forms