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标签:smo   ted   窗口   .com   exec   str   pass   get   active   


# -----------------------------------------------------------------
#       http://yaoqiang1968.bokee.com/6286046.html
# Contexts:
# R = Root Window 
# W = Application Window 
# F = Frame Corners 
# S = Frame Sides 
# T = Title Bar 
# I = Icon 
# Numbers are buttons: 1 3 5 7 9 0 8 6 4 2
# Modifiers: (A)ny, (C)ontrol, (S)hift, (M)eta, (N)othing
# DestroyFunc FuncName
# AddToFunc   FuncName
# + I (Action to happen immediately)
# + C (Action to happen on a mouse click)
# + D (Action to happen on a mouse double click)
# + H (Action to happen on a mouse hold)
# + M (Action to happen on a mouse motion)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
DesktopSize 1x1
EdgeScroll 0 0
EdgeResistance 0 0
EdgeThickness 0
EwmhBaseStruts 8 8 8 8
IgnoreModifiers L25
ClickTime 50
MoveThreshold 3
DefaultFont "StringEncoding=utf8:xft:Sans:size=14:encoding=iso10646-1"
ColormapFocus FollowsMouse

# !Handles:不需要窗口大小调整边角
# !Icon:使得程序 Iconify 后不在桌面上显示图标
# Style * BorderWidth 4, !Handles, !Title, !Icon
Style * BorderWidth 4, !Handles, !Title
Style * IconBox 30 100 100 -15,IconFill top Left
Style * NoIconTitle
Style * SloppyFocus,MouseFocusClickRaises
Style * SmartPlacement
Style * TileCascadePlacement

#--#MenuStyle * Foreground gray90, Background gray20
#Style * ClickToFocus, ClickToFocusPassesClick

Style "Fvwm*" Sticky, WindowListSkip, CirculateSkipIcon, CirculateSkip

# 窗口边框颜色
Colorset 1 fg black, bg rgb:9e/ee/ee, sh rgb:9e/ee/ee, hi rgb:9e/ee/ee
Colorset 2 fg black, bg rgb:55/aa/aa, sh rgb:55/aa/aa, hi rgb:55/aa/aa
Style * BorderColorset 1
Style * HilightBorderColorset 2

MenuStyle * Hilight3DOff, PopupDelayed, PopupDelay 160, SeparatorsLong
MenuStyle * ActiveFore white, HilightBack rgb:44/88/44
# fg:文本色、bg:背景色、sh:右下边框色、hi:左上边框色
Colorset 3 fg black, bg rgb:e9/ff/e9, sh rgb:88/cc/88, hi rgb:88/cc/88
MenuStyle * MenuColorset 3
DestroyFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc StartFunction
+ I Exec exec xsetroot -solid grey10

DestroyFunc InitFunction
AddToFunc InitFunction
#+ I Exec xclock -d -bg grey10 -fg grey80 -geometry 88x44-10+10 -strftime %H:%M
+ I Exec xterm

DestroyFunc ExitFunction
AddToFunc ExitFunction
+ I All Close

DestroyFunc RestartFunction
AddToFunc RestartFunction
#+ I Exec xclock -d -bg grey10 -fg grey80 -geometry 88x44-10+10 -strftime %H:%M
+ I Exec xterm

DestroyMenu RootMenu
AddToMenu RootMenu "Root Menu" Title
+ "" Nop

# Key maps
Key Tab A M WindowList Root c c CurrentAtEnd CurrentDesk NoGeometry NoCurrentDeskTitle NoNumInDeskTitle NoDeskNum SelectOnRelease Meta_L

Key k A 4 GotoDesk -1 0 1 Next [*] Focus
Key j A 4 GotoDesk +1 0 1 Next [*] Focus
Key k A C4 Silent MovetoDesk -1 0 1 Next [*] Focus
Key j A C4 Silent MovetoDesk +1 0 1 Next [*] Focus
Key k A C4M Restart
Key k A CM All (xterm) Close Delete
Key s A 4 All Iconify True
Key d A 4 All Iconify False
Key 7 A 4 Silent Move
Key 8 A 4 Silent Resize
Key m A 4 Silent Maximize 0 100
Key f A 4 Silent Maximize 100 100
Key t A 4 Exec xterm
Key i A 4 Exec firefox

AddToFunc CloseProgram
+ I Silent Close Delete
+ I Silent Next [*] Focus
Key 4 A 4 Silent CloseProgram

AddToFunc IconifyProgram
+ I Silent Iconify True
+ I Silent Next [*] Focus
Key 9 A 4 IconifyProgram

Key F4 A 4 Quit

# Mouse maps
Mouse 1 R A -
Mouse 2 R A -
Mouse 3 R A -
AddToFunc MoveSelectedWindow
+ H move
Mouse 3 WFS A MoveSelectedWindow  



标签:smo   ted   窗口   .com   exec   str   pass   get   active   


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