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Codeforces Round #260 (Div. 2)

时间:2014-08-16 13:43:40      阅读:225      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

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A. Laptops

题意:给两个数列,问是否存在i,j,是的a[i]<a[j] 而 b[i]>b[j]



 1 var s,a,b,c:array[0..150000] of longint;
 2     i,n,m,tot:longint;
 3 procedure sort(l,r:longint);
 4  var i,j,x,y:longint;
 5  begin
 6  i:=l;j:=r;x:=a[(i+j)>>1];
 7  repeat
 8   while a[i]<x do inc(i);
 9   while a[j]>x do dec(j);
10   if i<=j then
11    begin
12    y:=a[i];a[i]:=a[j];a[j]:=y;
13    y:=b[i];b[i]:=b[j];b[j]:=y;
14    inc(i);dec(j);
15    end;
16  until i>j;
17  if i<r then sort(i,r);
18  if j>l then sort(l,j);
19  end;
20 procedure init;
21  begin
22  readln(n);
23  for i:=1 to n do readln(a[i],b[i]);
24  sort(1,n);
25  tot:=0;
26  i:=0;tot:=0;
27  for i:=1 to n do
28   begin
29   if (i=1) or (a[i]<>a[i-1]) then
30    begin
31    inc(tot);c[tot]:=b[i];
32    end;
33   if b[i]>c[tot] then c[tot]:=b[i];
34   end;
35  end;
36 procedure add(x:longint);
37  begin
38  while x<=n do
39   begin
40   inc(s[x]);
41   inc(x,x and (-x));
42   end;
43  end;
44 function sum(x:longint):longint;
45  var t:longint;
46  begin
47  t:=0;
48  while x>0 do
49   begin
50   inc(t,s[x]);
51   dec(x,x and (-x));
52   end;
53  exit(t);
54  end;
56 function check:boolean;
57  begin
58  fillchar(s,sizeof(s),0);
59  for i:=tot downto 1 do
60    begin
61    if sum(c[i]-1)>0 then exit(true);
62    add(c[i]);
63    end;
64  exit(false);
65  end;
66 begin
67   init;
68   if check then writeln(Happy Alex) else writeln(Poor Alex);
69 end.
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B. Fedya and Maths

题意:求 (1^n+2^n+3^n+4^n) mod 5

题解:不难看出,4 mod 5=-1  3 mod 5=-2

      i) 当n为奇数时  有  (1^n+2^n+3^n+4^n) mod 5=(1^n+(-1)^n+2^n+(-2)^n) mod 5=0 正好抵消

      ii)当n为偶数时,(1^n+2^n+3^n+4^n) mod 5=(1+1+2^n+2^n) mod 5 =(2+2*(-1)^n/2) 所以又要分情况

           ① n/2为奇数时, 原式=2-2=0

           ② n/2为偶数时,原式=2+2=4

     所以总结起来就是如果能被4整除,=4 else =0


1 var z:longint;s:ansistring;
2 begin
3   readln(s);
4   if length(s)>=2 then val(copy(s,length(s)-1,2),z)
5   else val(s,z);
6   if  z mod 4=0 then writeln(4)
7   else writeln(0);
8 end.     
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C. Boredom


题解:显然不能只选奇数或只选偶数 如 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 当然应该选1 和 4

所以我们应该DP,令f[i]表示选i 可以获得的最大收益,g[i]表示不选i 获得的最大收益,则:

f[i]=g[i-1]+w[i] g[i]=max(g[i-1],f[i-1])


 1 var f,g,v,a:array[-1..150000] of int64;
 2     i,n,x:longint;
 3     function max(x,y:int64):int64;
 4      begin
 5        if x>y then exit(x) else exit(y);
 6      end;
 8 procedure init;
 9  begin
10    readln(n);
11    for i:=1 to n do read(a[i]);
12    for i:=1 to n do inc(v[a[i]]);
13  end;
14 procedure main;
15  begin
16    fillchar(f,sizeof(f),0);
17    fillchar(g,sizeof(g),0);
18    for i:=1 to 100000 do
19     if v[i]=0 then begin f[i]:=f[i-1];g[i]:=g[i-1];end
20     else
21      begin
22        f[i]:=max(f[i-2],g[i-1])+i*v[i];
23        g[i]:=max(g[i-1],f[i-1]);
24      end;
25    writeln(max(f[100000],g[100000]));
26  end;
28 begin
29   init;
30   if n=1 then writeln(a[1]) else main;
31 end.                      
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D. A Lot of Games




定义0节点为初始节点,它的后继有 ab。。z然后分情况讨论:


ii)如果0的后继中只有必胜状态,那么赢家依次是 first,second,first,second。。。最后赢家由k的就来决定



 1 const maxn=50000+100;
 2 var s:ansistring;
 3     f:array[0..maxn,0..30] of longint;
 4     sg,flag:array[0..30*maxn] of boolean;
 5     i,n,tot,k:longint;
 6     can1,can2:boolean;
 7 procedure insert;
 8  var x,y,i:longint;
 9  begin
10    readln(s);x:=0;
11    for i:=1 to length(s) do
12     begin
13      y:=ord(s[i])-ord(a)+1;
14      if f[x,y]=0 then
15       begin
16         inc(tot);
17         f[x,y]:=tot;
18       end;
19      x:=f[x,y];
20     end;
21    flag[x]:=true;
22  end;
23 procedure init;
24  begin
25    readln(n,k);tot:=0;
26    for i:=1 to n do insert;
27  end;
28 procedure dfs(x:longint);
29  var can:boolean;i:longint;
30  begin
31    if flag[x] then begin sg[x]:=true;exit;end;
32    can:=false;
33    for i:=1 to 26 do
34     if f[x,i]<>0 then
35      begin
36        dfs(f[x,i]);
37        if not(sg[f[x,i]]) then can:=true;
38      end;
39    sg[x]:=can;
40  end;
41 function check:string;
42  begin
43    dfs(0);
44    can1:=false;can2:=false;
45    for i:=1 to 26 do
46     if f[0,i]<>0 then
47      if sg[f[0,i]] then can1:=true else can2:=true;
48    if can1 and can2 then exit(First);
49    if can1 and not(can2) then
50      begin
51        if  odd(k) then exit(First) else exit(Second);
52      end;
53    if can2 and not(can1) then exit(Second);
54  end;
55 begin
56  init;
57  writeln(check);
58 end.                       
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Codeforces Round #260 (Div. 2),布布扣,bubuko.com

Codeforces Round #260 (Div. 2)

标签:style   blog   http   color   使用   os   io   for   


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