标签:mat pil abi from rac scala imp option veh
A trait provides code reusability in Scala by encapsulating method and state and then offing possibility of mixing them into classes thus allowing code reuse.
#define Trait Gliding scala> trait Gliding{ | def gliding(){ println("gliding")} | } defined trait Gliding
Gliding does not declare a superclass, so like a class, it has the default superclass of AnyRef. It defines one concrete method.
1. Using Traits as Mixins
You can create a trait that inherits from a Class, as well as a Class that extends a trait. Once a trait is defined, it can be mixed in to a class using either the extends or with keywords.
# Mixin by extending the trait scala> class Glider extends Gliding{ | override def toString = "glider" | } defined class Glider scala> val glider = new Glider glider: Glider = glider scala> glider.gliding gliding
A trait also defines a type.
scala> val g: Gliding = glider g: Gliding = glider scala> g.gliding gliding # override the trait‘s method scala> class Glider extends Gliding{ | override def toString = "glider" | override def gliding(){ | println("race for now "+ toString) | } | } defined class Glider scala> val glider = new Glider glider: Glider = glider scala> glider.gliding race for now glider # declaring methods in a trait scala> trait TraitA{ | def methodA | def methodAWithParam(param: String) | def methodWithReturnType: String | } defined trait TraitA # trait extending another trait scala> trait TraitB extends TraitA{ | def methodB | } defined trait TraitB
When a class extends a trait, it use the extends and with keywords based on whether the class extends one trait or several traits.
# extending one trait scala> class ClassA extends TraitA{} # extending multiple traits class ClassA extends TraitA with TraitB{} # extending class and traits class ClassA extends ClassB with TraitA with TraitB{}
A class extending the trait must implement all the abstract methods of trait, unless the class extending a trait is itself abstract.
# concrete class must implement all abstract methods of trait scala> class ClassA extends TraitA{ | def methodA {} | def methodWithParam(param: String){} | def methodWithReturnType: String{} | }
Note that a trait can be comprised of both abstract and concrete methods. If a class extends a trait but does not implement the abstract methods defined in the trait, the class extending the trait must be declared abstract.
# extending class not implementing abstract methods of trait must be abstract scala> abstract class ClassA extends TraitA{ | def methodA {} | def methodWithParam(param: String){} | } defined class ClassA # trait with implementation scala> trait Vehicle{ | def drive{println("Driving")} | def race | } defined trait Vehicle # subclass does not override the trait‘s drive method scala> class car extends Vehicle{ | def race {("Racing the car")} | } defined class car # subclass overrides the trait drive method scala> class boat extends Vehicle{ | override def drive{("float")} | def race{("Racing boat")} | } defined class boat
Although Scala has abstract classes, it‘s recommended to use traits instead of abstract classes to implement base behavior because a class can extend only one abstract class, but it can implement multiple traits. If you want the base behavior to be inherited in Java code, use an abstract class.
# trait with abstract and concrete fields scala> trait CarTrait{ | var door: Int | var seat = 4 | } defined trait CarTrait # override keyword not necessary for var field scala> class Car extends CarTrait{ | var door = 4 | seat = 5 | } defined class Car
You need to use the override keyword in a subclass of a trait to override a val field.
# override keyword necessary for val field scala> trait CarTrait{ | val door: Int | } defined trait CarTrait scala> class Car extends CarTrait{ | override val door = 5 | } defined class Car
A class definition can have the parameters passed to the primary constructor of a class but a trait definition cannot have such parameters.
2. Trait and Class Hierarchies
Traits also can have rules about what kind of classes and other traits they can be mixed into. Further, you can declare method parameters that are a consolidation of types.
# only instances of classes that extends Baz, Blarg, and FruitBat may be passed into this method
def foo(bar: Baz with Blarg with FruitBat)
# modelling living things abstract class LivingThing abstract class Plant extends LivingThing abstract class Animal extends LivingThing # trait HasLegs trait HasLegs extends Animal{ def walk(){println("Walking")} }
A trait extending a class means that the compiler will only let you mix HasLegs into something that subclasses from Animals.
# trait HasWings trait HasWings extends Animal{ def flap(){println("Flap Flap")} }
We define the rules of the self type with "this: HasWings =>". The compiler flags an error if this trait is not mixed into a class that also extends HasWings.
trait Flies{ this: HasWings => def fly(){println("I‘m flying")} } abstract class Bird extends Animal with HasWings with HasLegs # concrete Birds class Robin extends Bird with Flies class Ostrich extends Bird # mammal behavior abstract class Mammal extends Animal{ def bodyTemperature: Double } # KnowsName Trait trait KnowsName extends Animal{ def name: String } # Dog has legs knows its name class Dog(val name: String) extends Mammal with HasLegs with KnowsName{ def bodyTemperature: Double = 99.3 } # Ignores Names Trait trait IgnoresName{ this: KnowsName => def ignoreName(when: String): Boolean def currentName(when: String): Option[String] = if (ignoreName(when)) None else Some(name) } # Cat Ignores Name except at dinner time class Cat(val name: String) extends Mammal with HasLegs with KnowsName with IgnoresName{ def ignoreName(when: String) = when match{ case "Dinner" => false case _ => true } def bodyTemperature: Double = 99.5 } trait Athlete extends Animal # Runner Trait trait Runner{ this: Athlete with HasLegs => def run(){println("I‘m running")} } # Person is mammal with legs and knows its name class Person(val name: String) extends Mammal with HasLegs with KnowsName{ def bodyTemperature: Double = 98.6 } # Biker Trait trait Biker extends Person{ this: Athlete => def ride(){println("I‘m riding my bike")} } # define Gender trait Gender trait Male extends Gender trait Female extends Gender # the compiler enforced our rule about Bikers needing to be Persons. scala> val bikerDog = new Dog("biker") with Athlete wit Biker <console>:14: error: value wit is not a member of Dog with Athlete val bikerDog = new Dog("biker") with Athlete wit Biker ^
Please note that we can combine different traits as part of the object creation.
scala> val archer = new Dog("archer") with Athlete with Runner with Male archer: Dog with Athlete with Runner with Male = $anon$1@6106258e scala> val dpp = new Person("David") with Athlete with Biker with Male dpp: Person with Athlete with Biker with Male = $anon$1@6a0147e1 scala> val john = new Person("John") with Athlete with Runner with Male john: Person with Athlete with Runner with Male = $anon$1@5c97a513 scala> val annette = new Person("Annette") with Athlete with Runner with Female annette: Person with Athlete with Runner with Female = $anon$1@3c42eee3 scala> def goBiking(b: Biker) = println(b.name + " is biking") goBiking: (b: Biker)Unit scala> goBiking(dpp) David is biking # The method requires a Biker, and Annette is not a Biker. scala> goBiking(annette) <console>:21: error: type mismatch; found : Person with Athlete with Runner with Female required: Biker goBiking(annette) ^
However, just as we can compose a class out of traits, we can require that a class implement more than one trait in order to be the parameter to a method:
scala> def charityRun(r: Person with Runner) = r.run() charityRun: (r: Person with Runner)Unit scala> charityRun(john) I‘m running scala> charityRun(archer) <console>:21: error: type mismatch; found : archer.type (with underlying type Dog with Athlete with Runner with Male) required: Person with Runner charityRun(archer) ^ # only be called with a parameter that‘s both a Runner and a Female: scala> def womensRun(r: Runner with Female) = r.run() womensRun: (r: Runner with Female)Unit scala> womensRun(annette) I‘m running scala> val madeline = new Cat("Madeline") with Athlete with Runner with Female madeline: Cat with Athlete with Runner with Female = $anon$1@38d5857c scala> womensRun(madeline) I‘m running
Scala‘s compositional rules are very powerful tools for defining complex class hierarchies and for specifying the rules for composing classes as well as the rules for passing parameters into methods.
Beginning Scala study note(7) Trait
标签:mat pil abi from rac scala imp option veh