// // Wordsplit.cpp // // Target: Find all possible splitting of a sentence given a dictionary dict // Howto: refer to main // // Created by Rachel on 14-8-16. // Copyright (c) 2014年 ZJU. All rights reserved. // #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include "vector" #include <set> #include<unordered_set> using namespace std; class Wordsplit { private: vector<string> list; bool match(string s, string cur_ele){ int l = cur_ele.length(); if (s.substr(0,l)==cur_ele) { return true; } return false; } bool validate(string s, unordered_set<string> &dict){ //1. calculate all alphabets in the query set<char> alpha; for (int i=0; i<s.length(); i++) { alpha.insert(s[i]); } //2. calculate all alphabets in the dictionary set<char> beta; unordered_set<string>::iterator dict_it; for (dict_it = dict.begin(); dict_it!=dict.end(); dict_it++) { for (int i=0; i<(*dict_it).length(); i++) { beta.insert((*dict_it)[i]); } } set<char>::iterator it; for (it = alpha.begin(); it!=alpha.end(); it++) { if (beta.find(*it)==beta.end()) { return false; } } return true; } public: string split(string s, unordered_set<string> &dict, string cur_str){ if (s.length()==0) { list.push_back(cur_str.substr(0,cur_str.length()-1)); return s; } //cout<<s<<endl; unordered_set<string>::iterator it; for (it=dict.begin(); it!=dict.end(); it++) { if (match(s, (*it))) { string tmp_str = cur_str; string latter = s.substr(it->length(), s.length()-it->length()); cur_str += (*it) + " "; // add current word to cur_str cur_str += split(latter, dict, cur_str); // split remaining words cur_str = tmp_str; //back to last status } } return "no result"; } vector<string> main(string s, unordered_set<string> &dict) { if (!validate(s, dict)) { return list; } split(s, dict, ""); return list; } }; int main() { Wordsplit s; unordered_set<string> L={"程序员","公务员","员","我","喜","做","程序","一","欢","喜欢","做一个","一个"}; vector<string> V = s.main("我喜欢做一个程序员", L); vector<string>::iterator it; for (it=V.begin(); it!=V.end(); it++) { cout<<(*it)<<endl; } }
我 喜欢 做一个 程序 员
我 喜欢 做一个 程序员
我 喜欢 做 一个 程序 员
我 喜欢 做 一个 程序员
我 喜 欢 做一个 程序 员
我 喜 欢 做一个 程序员
我 喜 欢 做 一个 程序 员
我 喜 欢 做 一个 程序员