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Question about pairing/bonding?

时间:2014-08-18 20:10:12      阅读:298      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:android   style   http   os   io   strong   for   ar   

Except that on android you can bypass the pairing dialog if you know the PIN in advance through a different channel.

On 06.02.2013, at 10:09, "András Kövi" <email@hidden> wrote:

Hi BPa,
actually if CoreBluetooth receives the request from the peripheral that it needs authentication, then it will take the control from your application and return only after the process has finished (succeeded or failed). Your app has nothing to do with pairing. This is a security concern and Apple decided to not allow any control for apps over it. The same approach was taken by other mobile platforms too so it‘s not an exceptional behavior.

2013/2/6 <email@hidden>
Thanks Etan.
So iOS CoreBluetooth Framework will do all the work w.r.t the process of pairing and bonding?
Not clear how this would work in practice. 

From: Etan Kissling <email@hidden>
To: "<email@hidden>" <email@hidden
Cc: BLE-Dev <email@hidden
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 3:38 AM
Subject: Re: Question about pairing/bonding?

you cannot initiate pairing from the iOS central side. Instead, you have to read/write a characteristic value,
and then let your peripheral respond with an "Insufficient Authentication" error.
iOS will then initiate pairing, will store the keys for later use (bonding) and encrypts the link. As far as I know,
it also caches discovery information, so that future connections can be set up faster.

On 30.01.2013, at 01:40, <email@hidden>

I have been using the TI sensortag as well as the keyfob etc. and extending the applications on iOS devices. 
However I have yet to figure out how to do pairing/bonding with peripherals.
The CoreBluetooth framework is not very clear in terms of the process of doing pairing/bonding.
Any thoughts appreciated.
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Question about pairing/bonding?,布布扣,bubuko.com

Question about pairing/bonding?

标签:android   style   http   os   io   strong   for   ar   


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