一、CentOs 7.3安装图形界面。
1、用yum grouplist查看GNOME名称,然后用yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop" 命令进行安装,下面是我电脑上面已经安装好了。如果没有安装的情况下GNOME Desktop应该显示在Available Environment Groups下面。安装过程会比较慢,因为软件比较多,安装结束后会有complete显示。
一定要注意 名称必须对应 不同版本的centOS的软件名可能不同 其他Linux系统类似[lee@bogon ~]$ yum grouplist Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: mirrors.cqu.edu.cn * extras: mirrors.aliyun.com * updates: mirrors.aliyun.com Installed Environment Groups: GNOME Desktop Available Environment Groups: Minimal Install Compute Node Infrastructure Server File and Print Server Basic Web Server Virtualization Host Server with GUI KDE Plasma Workspaces Development and Creative Workstation Available Groups: Compatibility Libraries Console Internet Tools Development Tools Graphical Administration Tools Legacy UNIX Compatibility Scientific Support Security Tools Smart Card Support System Administration Tools System Management Done [lee@bogon ~]$ |
2、安装完成后我们可以通过命令 startx 进入图形界面,第一次进入会比较慢,请耐心等待。(可能需要重启,命令为reboot)
ctrl+alt+F2: 切换至命令行界面