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AdminLTE-2.2.0 学习

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标签:use   line   tooltip   opp   官方   bootstrap   padding   text   slow   

这货基于Bootstrap 3(提供了统一的样式,覆盖了默认的),所以官方建议先搞懂Bootstrap 3再说。


# 布局 Layout


  • Wrapper (.wrapper)。一个div,用来包裹整个站点。
  • Main Header (.main-header)。包含logo和导航条。
  • Sidebar (.sidebar-wrapper)。包含用户面板和sidebar菜单。
  • Content (.content-wrapper)。包含页面头部和内容。


布局选项 Layout Options

AdminLTE 2.0 为这些layout提供了一些选项。下面每个class都可以添加到<body />上面,以获取需要的结果。

  • Fixed(固定的):使用class (.fixed) 来得到一个固定的header和sidebar。
  • Collapsed Sidebar(收敛的侧边栏):使用class (.sidebar-collapse)来在加载时得到一个收敛的侧边栏(就是加载后默认侧边栏缩起来)。
  • Boxed Layout(盒型布局):使用class (.layout-boxed) 来得到一个盒型布局 -- 仅会伸展到1250px。
  • Top Navigation(顶部导航):使用class (.layout-top-nav)来移除侧边栏,并在顶部导航条显示连接。


<body class="skin-blue sidebar-mini">...</body>


皮肤 Skins

位于 dist/css/skins 文件夹下面。将相应的class添加到<body /> 就会改变模板的显示。


skin-black-light, skin-black-light.min, skin-black, skin-black.min, skin-blue-light, skin-blue-light.min, skin-blue, skin-blue.min, skin-green-light, skin-green-light.min, skin-green, skin-green.min, skin-purple-light, skin-purple-light.min, skin-purple, skin-purple.min, skin-red-light, skin-red-light.min, skin-red, skin-red.min, skin-yellow-light, skin-yellow-light.min, skin-yellow, skin-yellow.min
<body class="skin-blue sidebar-mini">...</body>


# AdminLTE Javascript Options

可以通过以下途径来修改 AdminLTE 的 app.js:

编辑 app.js

在js文件中,修改 $.AdminLTE.options 对象。

定义 AdminLTEOptions

定义一个全局选项变量,名字是 AdminLTEOptions,然后在加载 app.js 之前初始化它。


  var AdminLTEOptions = {
    //Enable sidebar expand on hover effect for sidebar mini
    //This option is forced to true if both the fixed layout and sidebar mini
    //are used together
    sidebarExpandOnHover: true,
    //BoxRefresh Plugin
    enableBoxRefresh: true,
    //Bootstrap.js tooltip
    enableBSToppltip: true
<script src=‘dist/js/app.js‘ type=‘text/javascript‘></script>

可用的 AdminLTE 选项

  //Add slimscroll to navbar menus
  //This requires you to load the slimscroll plugin
  //in every page before app.js
  navbarMenuSlimscroll: true,
  navbarMenuSlimscrollWidth: "3px", //The width of the scroll bar
  navbarMenuHeight: "200px", //The height of the inner menu
  //General animation speed for JS animated elements such as box collapse/expand and 
  //sidebar treeview slide up/down. This options accepts an integer as milliseconds,
  //‘fast‘, ‘normal‘, or ‘slow‘
  animationSpeed: 500,
  //Sidebar push menu toggle button selector
  sidebarToggleSelector: "[data-toggle=‘offcanvas‘]",
  //Activate sidebar push menu
  sidebarPushMenu: true,
  //Activate sidebar slimscroll if the fixed layout is set (requires SlimScroll Plugin)
  sidebarSlimScroll: true,
  //Enable sidebar expand on hover effect for sidebar mini
  //This option is forced to true if both the fixed layout and sidebar mini
  //are used together
  sidebarExpandOnHover: false,
  //BoxRefresh Plugin
  enableBoxRefresh: true,
  //Bootstrap.js tooltip
  enableBSToppltip: true,
  BSTooltipSelector: "[data-toggle=‘tooltip‘]",
  //Enable Fast Click. Fastclick.js creates a more
  //native touch experience with touch devices. If you
  //choose to enable the plugin, make sure you load the script
  //before AdminLTE‘s app.js
  enableFastclick: true,
  //Control Sidebar Options
  enableControlSidebar: true,
  controlSidebarOptions: {
    //Which button should trigger the open/close event
    toggleBtnSelector: "[data-toggle=‘control-sidebar‘]",
    //The sidebar selector
    selector: ".control-sidebar",
    //Enable slide over content
    slide: true
  //Box Widget Plugin. Enable this plugin
  //to allow boxes to be collapsed and/or removed
  enableBoxWidget: true,
  //Box Widget plugin options
  boxWidgetOptions: {
    boxWidgetIcons: {
      //Collapse icon
      collapse: ‘fa-minus‘,
      //Open icon
      open: ‘fa-plus‘,
      //Remove icon
      remove: ‘fa-times‘
    boxWidgetSelectors: {
      //Remove button selector
      remove: ‘[data-widget="remove"]‘,
      //Collapse button selector
      collapse: ‘[data-widget="collapse"]‘
  //Direct Chat plugin options
  directChat: {
    //Enable direct chat by default
    enable: true,
    //The button to open and close the chat contacts pane
    contactToggleSelector: ‘[data-widget="chat-pane-toggle"]‘
  //Define the set of colors to use globally around the website
  colors: {
    lightBlue: "#3c8dbc",
    red: "#f56954",
    green: "#00a65a",
    aqua: "#00c0ef",
    yellow: "#f39c12",
    blue: "#0073b7",
    navy: "#001F3F",
    teal: "#39CCCC",
    olive: "#3D9970",
    lime: "#01FF70",
    orange: "#FF851B",
    fuchsia: "#F012BE",
    purple: "#8E24AA",
    maroon: "#D81B60",
    black: "#222222",
    gray: "#d2d6de"
  //The standard screen sizes that bootstrap uses.
  //If you change these in the variables.less file, change
  //them here too.
  screenSizes: {
    xs: 480,
    sm: 768,
    md: 992,
    lg: 1200


# 组件 Components

AdminLTE-2.2.0 学习

标签:use   line   tooltip   opp   官方   bootstrap   padding   text   slow   


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