标签:http 使用 os io ar html amp line
version 2.8.8 or later, from http://www.cmake.org/cmake/resources/software.html.
Make sure to grab the Binary distribution (cmake-ver-Darwin[64]-universal.dmg).
Apple‘s Xcode,
available from your Mac App Store.
Xcode‘s Command-Line Tools.
To get these, first install Xcode. Then launch Xcode and click in the menu: Xcode ? Preferences ? Downloads. Select "Command Line Tools" and press ‘Install‘.
Download url:
Get the source
First thing is to get the source code.
To get a copy of the source, see
A good video tutorial :
Generate and building your own project files
1. cd firebreath-dev
2. git submodule update --init --recursive
3. ./fbgen.py
4. mv projects/ ..
5. cd ..
6. cd projects/
7. cd huobanPlugin(your plugin name)/
8. git init .
9. git add *
10. git commit -m "Initial commit of new plugin"
11. cd ..
12. cd ..
13. ./firebreath-dev/prepmac.sh projects/ build/
14. open build/FireBreath.xcodeproj/ 编译工程
Installing your plugin
1. cd build/
2. cd projects/
3. cd huobanPlugin/
4. cd Debug/
5. cd ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins
6. ln -s /Users/huoban/ningxia/build/projects/huobanPlugin/Debug/huoban\ Plugin_x86_64.plugin
7. cd
8. cd ..
9. cd gen/
10. open FBControl.htm
That‘s the end.
标签:http 使用 os io ar html amp line