标签:blog color ati field his each promise out back
When working with collections of things in GraphQL, we‘ll always reach out for the GraphQLList
Type. In this video, we‘ll learn how to use GraphQLList from the graphql
package in combination with a GraphQLObject
Type to create a field that returns a collection in our Schema.
We can use GraphQLList to fetch list objects:
const queryType = new GraphQLObjectType({ name: ‘QueryType‘, description: ‘The root query type‘, fields :{ videos: { type: new GraphQLList(videoType), resolve: getVideos }, video: { type: videoType, args: { id: { type : new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLID), description: ‘The id of the video‘ } }, resolve: (_, args) => getVideoById(args.id) } } });
const videoA = { id: ‘a‘, title: ‘Create a GraphQL Schema‘, duration: 120, watched: true, }; const videoB = { id: ‘b‘, title: ‘Ember.js CLI‘, duration: 240, watched: false, }; const videos = [videoA, videoB]; const getVideoById = (id) => new Promise((resolve) => { const [video] = videos.filter((video) => { return video.id === id; }); resolve(video); }); const getVideos = () => new Promise((resolve) => resolve(videos)); exports.getVideoById = getVideoById; exports.getVideos = getVideos;
[GraphQL] Use GraphQLList with GraphQLObject Types
标签:blog color ati field his each promise out back