标签:加密工具 姜雪伟 char isp style 比较 missing option des
// 读取文件标示 char identifier[] = { ‘C‘, ‘3‘, ‘B‘, ‘\0‘}; char sig[4]; if (_binaryReader.read(sig, 1, 4) != 4 || memcmp(sig, identifier, 4) != 0) { clear(); CCLOG("warning: Invalid identifier: %s", path.c_str()); return false; }
#ifndef FBXCONVCOMMAND_H #define FBXCONVCOMMAND_H //#define ALLOW_INPUT_TYPE #include "Settings.h" #include <string> #include "log/log.h" namespace fbxconv { struct FbxConvCommand { constint argc; constchar **argv; int error; bool help; Settings *settings; log::Log *log; FbxConvCommand(log::Log *log, constint&argc, constchar** argv, Settings *settings) : log(log), argc(argc), argv(argv), settings(settings), error(log::iNoError) { help = (argc <= 1); settings->flipV = false; settings->packColors = false; settings->verbose = false; settings->maxNodePartBonesCount = 40; settings->maxVertexBonesCount = 4; settings->forceMaxVertexBoneCount = true; settings->maxVertexCount = (1<<15)-1; settings->maxIndexCount = (1<<15)-1; settings->outType = FILETYPE_C3B; settings->inType = FILETYPE_AUTO; settings->needReusableMesh = true; settings->normalizeVertexNormal = false; settings->exportPart = EXPORT_PART_ALL; settings->normalMap = false; settings->compressLevel = COMPRESS_LEVEL_DEFAULT; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { constchar *arg = argv[i]; constint len = (int)strlen(arg); if (len >1&& arg[0] == ‘-‘) { if (arg[1] == ‘?‘) help = true; elseif (arg[1] == ‘f‘) settings->flipV = true; elseif (arg[1] == ‘v‘) settings->verbose = true; elseif (arg[1] == ‘g‘) settings->needReusableMesh = false; elseif (arg[1] == ‘r‘) settings->normalizeVertexNormal = true; elseif ((arg[1] == ‘n‘) && (i + 1< argc)) settings->maxNodePartBonesCount = atoi(argv[++i]); elseif ((arg[1] == ‘m‘) && (i + 1< argc)) settings->maxVertexCount = settings->maxIndexCount = atoi(argv[++i]); elseif((arg[1] == ‘c‘) && (i + 1< argc)) settings->compressLevel = (COMPRESS_LEVEL)atoi(argv[++i]); elseif(arg[1] == ‘b‘) settings->outType = FILETYPE_C3B; elseif(arg[1] == ‘t‘) settings->outType = FILETYPE_C3T; elseif(arg[1] == ‘a‘) settings->outType = FILETYPE_ALL; elseif(arg[1] == ‘l‘) settings->exportPart = EXPORT_PART_MODEL; elseif(arg[1] == ‘j‘) settings->exportPart = EXPORT_PART_ANIMATION; elseif(arg[1] == ‘p‘) settings->normalMap = true; else log->error(error = log::eCommandLineUnknownOption, arg); } elseif (settings->inFile.length() <1) settings->inFile = arg; elseif (settings->outFile.length() <1) settings->outFile = arg; else log->error(error = log::eCommandLineUnknownArgument, arg); if (error != log::iNoError) break; } if (!help&&error == log::iNoError) validate(); } void printCommand() const { for (int i = 1; i <argc; i++) { if (i >1) printf(" "); printf(argv[i]); } printf("\n"); } void printHelp() const { printf("\nUsage: fbx-conv [options] <input>\n"); printf("\nExample: fbx-conv -a xx.fbx \n"); printf("\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf("-? : Display this help information.\n"); printf("-f : Flip the V texture coordinates.\n"); printf("-p : Export tagent binormal data.\n"); printf("-m <size>: The maximum amount of vertices or indices a mesh may contain (default: 32k)\n"); printf("-n <size>: The maximum amount of bones a nodepart can contain (default: 40)\n"); printf("-v : Verbose: print additional progress information\n"); printf("-g : Merge the mesh which have same vertex attribute\n"); printf("-a : Export l3b(binary) and c3t(text)\n"); printf("-b : Export l3b(binary)\n"); printf("-t : Export c3t(text)\n"); printf("-c <size>: The compression level: 0 , 1 (default: 0)\n"); printf("-l : Export model data only.\n"); printf("-j : Export animation data only.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("<input> : The filename of the file to convert.\n"); } private: void validate() { if (settings->inFile.empty()) { log->error(error = log::eCommandLineMissingInputFile); return; } #ifdef ALLOW_INPUT_TYPE if (inType == FILETYPE_AUTO) inType = guessType(inFile, FILETYPE_IN_DEFAULT); #else settings->inType = FILETYPE_IN_DEFAULT; #endif if (settings->outFile.empty()) setExtension( settings->outFile = settings->inFile, settings->outType = (settings->outType == FILETYPE_AUTO ? FILETYPE_OUT_DEFAULT : settings->outType)); elseif (settings->outType == FILETYPE_AUTO) settings->outType = guessType(settings->outFile); if (settings->maxVertexBonesCount<0 || settings->maxVertexBonesCount>8) { log->error(error = log::eCommandLineInvalidVertexWeight); return; } if (settings->maxNodePartBonesCount<settings->maxVertexBonesCount) { log->error(error = log::eCommandLineInvalidBoneCount); return; } if (settings->maxVertexCount<0 || settings->maxVertexCount> (1<<15)-1) { log->error(error = log::eCommandLineInvalidVertexCount); return; } if (settings->compressLevel<COMPRESS_LEVEL_DEFAULT || settings->compressLevel>= COMPRESS_LEVEL_NUM) { log->error(error = log::eCommandLineUnknownCompressLevel, (COMPRESS_LEVEL_NUM - 1)); return; } } int parseType(constchar* arg, constint&def = -1) { if (stricmp(arg, "fbx")==0) returnFILETYPE_FBX; elseif (stricmp(arg, "g3db")==0) returnFILETYPE_G3DB; elseif (stricmp(arg, "g3dj")==0) returnFILETYPE_G3DJ; elseif (stricmp(arg, "c3b")==0) returnFILETYPE_G3DB; elseif (stricmp(arg, "c3t")==0) returnFILETYPE_G3DJ; if (def <0) log->error(error = log::eCommandLineUnknownFiletype, arg); return def; } int guessType(conststd::string&fn, constint&def = -1) { int o = (int)fn.find_last_of(‘.‘); if (o == std::string::npos) return def; std::string ext = fn.substr(++o, fn.length() - o); returnparseType(ext.c_str(), def); } void setExtension(std::string&fn, conststd::string&ext) const { int o = (int)fn.find_last_of(‘.‘); if (o == std::string::npos) fn += "." + ext; else fn = fn.substr(0, ++o) + ext; } void setExtension(std::string&fn, constint&type) const { switch(type) { caseFILETYPE_FBX: returnsetExtension(fn, "fbx"); caseFILETYPE_G3DB: returnsetExtension(fn, "c3b"); caseFILETYPE_G3DJ: returnsetExtension(fn, "c3t"); default: returnsetExtension(fn, ""); } } }; }
#ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma once #endif //_MSC_VER #ifndef FBXCONV_FBXCONV_H #define FBXCONV_FBXCONV_H #ifndef BUILD_NUMBER #define BUILD_NUMBER "0000" #endif #ifndef BUILD_ID #ifdef DEBUG #define BUILD_ID "debug version, cocos2d-x-3.4-beta0 or later version can use" #else #define BUILD_ID "release version, cocos2d-x-3.4-beta0 or later version can use" #endif #endif #define BIT_COUNT (sizeof(void*)*8) #include "log/messages.h" #include "modeldata/Model.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "readers/Reader.h" #include "FbxConvCommand.h" #include "json/JSONWriter.h" #include "json/UBJSONWriter.h" #include "readers/FbxConverter.h" #include "modeldata/C3BFile.h" namespace fbxconv { void simpleTextureCallback(std::map<std::string, readers::TextureFileInfo>&textures) { for (std::map<std::string, readers::TextureFileInfo>::iterator it = textures.begin(); it != textures.end(); ++it) { it->second.path = it->first.substr(it->first.find_last_of("/\\")+1); } } class FbxConv { public: fbxconv::log::Log *log; FbxConv(fbxconv::log::Log *log) : log(log) { log->info(log::iNameAndVersion, modeldata::VERSION_HI, modeldata::VERSION_LO, /*BUILD_NUMBER,*/BIT_COUNT, BUILD_ID); } constchar *getVersionString() { returnlog->format(log::iVersion, modeldata::VERSION_HI, modeldata::VERSION_LO, BUILD_NUMBER, BIT_COUNT, BUILD_ID); } constchar *getNameAndVersionString() { returnlog->format(log::iNameAndVersion, modeldata::VERSION_HI, modeldata::VERSION_LO, /*BUILD_NUMBER,*/BIT_COUNT, BUILD_ID); } bool execute(intconst&argc, constchar** const&argv) { Settings settings; FbxConvCommand command(log, argc, argv, &settings); #ifdef DEBUG log->filter |= log::Log::LOG_DEBUG; #else log->filter &= ~log::Log::LOG_DEBUG; #endif if (settings.verbose) log->filter |= log::Log::LOG_VERBOSE; else log->filter&= ~log::Log::LOG_VERBOSE; if (command.error != log::iNoError) command.printCommand(); elseif (!command.help) returnexecute(&settings); command.printHelp(); returnfalse; } bool execute(Settings * const&settings) { bool result = false; modeldata::Model *model = newmodeldata::Model(); if (load(settings, model)) { if (settings->verbose) info(model); if (save(settings, model)) result = true; } delete model; return result; } readers::Reader *createReader(constSettings * const&settings) { returncreateReader(settings->inType); } readers::Reader *createReader(constint&type) { switch(type) { caseFILETYPE_FBX: returnnewreaders::FbxConverter(log, simpleTextureCallback); caseFILETYPE_G3DB: caseFILETYPE_G3DJ: default: log->error(log::eSourceLoadFiletypeUnknown); return0; } } bool load(Settings * const&settings, modeldata::Model *model) { log->status(log::sSourceLoad); readers::Reader *reader = createReader(settings); if (!reader) returnfalse; bool result = reader->load(settings); if (!result) log->error(log::eSourceLoadGeneral, settings->inFile.c_str()); else { result = reader->convert(settings, model); log->status(log::sSourceConvert); } log->status(log::sSourceClose); delete reader; return result; } bool save(Settings * const&settings, modeldata::Model *model) { bool result = false; json::BaseJSONWriter *jsonWriter = 0; model->exportPart = settings->exportPart; if(settings->outType == FILETYPE_ALL || settings->outType == FILETYPE_C3T) { std::stringout = settings->outFile; int o = out.find_last_of("."); out = out.substr(0, o+1) + "c3t"; std::ofstream myfile; myfile.open (out.c_str(), std::ios::binary); log->status(log::sExportToG3DJ, out.c_str()); jsonWriter = newjson::JSONWriter(myfile); (*jsonWriter) << model; delete jsonWriter; result = true; myfile.close(); } if(settings->outType == FILETYPE_ALL || settings->outType == FILETYPE_C3B) { std::stringout = settings->outFile; int o = out.find_last_of("."); out = out.substr(0, o+1) + "c3b"; C3BFile file; file.AddModel(model); file.saveBinary(out); log->status(log::sExportToG3DB, out.c_str()); } log->status(log::sExportClose); return result; } void info(modeldata::Model *model) { if (!model) log->verbose(log::iModelInfoNull); else { log->verbose(log::iModelInfoStart); log->verbose(log::iModelInfoID, model->id.c_str()); log->verbose(log::iModelInfoVersion, model->version[0], model->version[1]); log->verbose(log::iModelInfoMeshesSummary, model->meshes.size(), model->getTotalVertexCount(), model->getMeshpartCount(), model->getTotalIndexCount()); log->verbose(log::iModelInfoNodesSummary, model->nodes.size(), model->getTotalNodeCount(), model->getTotalNodePartCount()); log->verbose(log::iModelInfoMaterialsSummary, model->materials.size(), model->getTotalTextureCount()); } } }; }
FBX的SDK支持window系统,mac系统,linux系统并且为这些操作系统都提供了相应版本。因为fbx-conv工具需要加载FBX模型,需要下载到fbx sdk代码。下面开始将FBX转化后的c3b二进制文件,也就是写入类的创建,将二进制文件写入流的头文件完整代码如下所示:
#ifndef FILEIO_H_ #define FILEIO_H_ #include <cstdio> #include <list> #include <vector> #include <stdio.h> #include <string> namespace fbxconv { /** * 写二进制数据到指定的数据流. */ void write(unsignedchar value, FILE* file); void write(char value, FILE* file); void write(constchar* str, FILE* file); void write(unsignedint value, FILE* file); void write(unsignedshort value, FILE* file); void write(bool value, FILE* file); void write(float value, FILE* file); void write(constfloat* values, int length, FILE* file); /** *把字符串和字符串的长度写入到二进制文件流 */ void write(conststd::string& str, FILE* file); void writeZero(FILE* file); void skipString(FILE* file); void skipUint(FILE* file); } #endif 对应的完整源文件实现如下所示: #include "FileIO.h" #include <cassert> namespace fbxconv { void write(unsignedchar value, FILE* file) { size_t r = fwrite(&value, sizeof(unsignedchar), 1, file); assert(r == 1); } void write(char value, FILE* file) { size_t r = fwrite(&value, sizeof(char), 1, file); assert(r == 1); } void write(constchar* str, FILE* file) { size_t length = strlen(str); size_t r = fwrite(str, 1, length, file); assert(r == length); } void write(unsignedint value, FILE* file) { size_t r = fwrite(&value, sizeof(unsignedint), 1, file); assert(r == 1); } void write(unsignedshort value, FILE* file) { size_t r = fwrite(&value, sizeof(unsignedshort), 1, file); assert(r == 1); } void write(bool value, FILE* file) { // 把布尔值写成一个无符号字符 unsignedchar b = value; write(b, file); } void write(float value, FILE* file) { fwrite(&value, sizeof(float), 1, file); } void write(constfloat* values, int length, FILE* file) { fwrite(values, sizeof(float), length, file); } void write(conststd::string& str, FILE* file) { // 写字符串长度 write((unsignedint)str.size(), file); if (str.size() >0) { write(str.c_str(), file); } } void writeZero(FILE* file) { write((unsignedint)0, file); } void skipString(FILE* file) { // 获取字符数组大小 unsignedint length = 0; fread(&length, sizeof(unsignedint), 1, file); if (length >0) { //跳过字符数组 long seek = (long)(length * sizeof(char)); fseek(file, seek, SEEK_CUR); } } void skipUint(FILE* file) { fseek(file, sizeof(unsignedint), SEEK_CUR); } }
标签:加密工具 姜雪伟 char isp style 比较 missing option des