标签:color use span and art bin blocks 错误 ima
Note I:子程序的基本应用1
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w 2 3 use 5.018; 4 5 sub total 6 { 7 my $res; 8 foreach (@_) 9 { 10 $res += $_; 11 } 12 $res; 13 } 14 15 my @list; 16 my $cur; 17 while ($cur = <STDIN>) 18 { 19 chomp $cur; 20 push @list, $cur; 21 } 22 my $sum; 23 $sum = &total (@list); 24 say "The sum is $sum";
Note II:子程序的基本应用2
print "@list";一句使用了数组的双引号内插,这样打印出的元素之间会用空格分开。如果去掉双引号,那么数组中的所有元素都会挤在一起。
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w 2 3 use 5.018; 4 5 sub above_average 6 { 7 my $aver; 8 foreach (@_) 9 { 10 $aver += $_; 11 } 12 $aver /= @_; 13 my @res; 14 foreach (@_) 15 { 16 if ($_ > $aver) 17 { 18 push @res, $_; 19 } 20 } 21 @res; 22 } 23 24 my @list = &above_average (200, 1..100); 25 print "@list";
Note III:子程序的基本应用3
这里我起初犯了个错误:把my ($cur) = @_; 写成了my $cur = $_; 。参数会默认存放在@_数组中,即使参数只有一个。
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w 2 3 use 5.018; 4 5 sub greet 6 { 7 state @list; 8 my ($cur) = @_; 9 print "Hi $cur! I‘ve seen: @list\n"; 10 push @list, $cur; 11 } 12 13 my $cur; 14 while ($cur = <STDIN>) 15 { 16 chomp $cur; 17 &greet ($cur); 18 }
Note IV:简单的输入输出1
1 #!/usr/bin/perl 2 3 use 5.018; 4 5 print "1234567890" x 5 . "\n"; 6 while (<STDIN>) 7 { 8 chomp $_; 9 printf "%20s", $_; 10 }
Note V:简单的输入输出2
1 #!/usr/bin/perl 2 3 use 5.018; 4 5 chomp (my $width = <STDIN>); 6 foreach (1..$width) 7 { 8 print $_ % 10; 9 } 10 print "\n"; 11 12 #while(<STDIN>) 13 #{ 14 # chomp $_; 15 # printf "%${width}s\n",$_; 16 #} 17 while (chomp (my $line = <STDIN>) ) 18 { 19 printf "%${width}s\n", $line; 20 } 21 #These two ways are both OK.
Note VI:哈希的应用1,each遍历整个哈希
另外,while (chomp (my $line = <STDIN>) )一句,结束输入时$line为undef,这时用chomp处理的话Perl会提出警告,不过目前来看并无大碍(但愿吧)
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w 2 3 use 5.018; 4 5 my % hash; 6 while (chomp (my $line = <STDIN>) ) #warning 7 { 8 my ($first, $last) = split /\s+/, $line; 9 $hash{$first} = $last; 10 } 11 printf "%20s%20s\n", "First Name", "Last Name"; 12 while (my ($first, $last) = each % hash) 13 { 14 printf "%20s%20s\n", $first, $last; 15 }
Note VII:哈希的应用2
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w 2 3 use 5.018; 4 5 my %cnt; 6 while (my $line = <STDIN>) 7 { 8 chomp $line; 9 ++$cnt{$line}; 10 } 11 while (my ($word, $n) = each % cnt) 12 { 13 print "$word => $n\n"; 14 }
To be continued...
标签:color use span and art bin blocks 错误 ima