标签:rac 异常 package assert 查找 子类 super model 通过
public class Type implements PrimitiveType { /** The tag of this type. * * @see TypeTags */ public int tag; /** The defining class / interface / package / type variable */ public TypeSymbol tsym; // 只有ClassSymbol与PackageSymbol继承了TypeSymbol ... }
/** This class represents Java types. The class itself defines the behavior of the following types: * * 类本身可以表示的类型如下: * * base types (tags: BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, INT, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN), * type `void‘ (tag: VOID), * the bottom type (tag: BOT), * the missing type (tag: NONE). * * * * 使用静态内部子类来表示的一些类型如下: * The behavior of the following types is defined in subclasses, which are all static inner classes of this class: * * class types (tag: CLASS, class: ClassType), * array types (tag: ARRAY, class: ArrayType), * method types (tag: METHOD, class: MethodType), * package types (tag: PACKAGE, class: PackageType), * type variables (tag: TYPEVAR, class: TypeVar), * type arguments (tag: WILDCARD, class: WildcardType), * polymorphic types (tag: FORALL, class: ForAll), * the error type (tag: ERROR, class: ErrorType). * * */
public class A { int a; boolean b; Integer c; }
/** Constant type: no type at all. */ public static final JCNoType noType = new JCNoType(NONE); // tag值为NONE
/** Represents VOID or NONE. */ public class JCNoType extends Type implements NoType { // 实现NoType接口 public JCNoType(int tag) { super(tag, null); } @Override public TypeKind getKind() { // tag值为TypeTags.VOID或者TypeTags.NONE switch (tag) { case VOID: return TypeKind.VOID; case NONE: return TypeKind.NONE; default: throw new AssertionError("Unexpected tag: " + tag); } } ... }
public class BottomType extends Type implements NullType { // 实现NullType接口 public BottomType() { super(TypeTags.BOT, null); // tag值为TypeTags.BOT } @Override public TypeKind getKind() { return TypeKind.NULL; } ... }
public class A<T extends InputStream> { public void test(){ } }
public class PackageType extends Type implements NoType { public PackageType(TypeSymbol tsym) { super(PACKAGE, tsym); } ... }
public class ClassType extends Type implements DeclaredType { /** The enclosing type of this type. If this is the type of an inner * class, outer_field refers to the type of its enclosing instance class, * in all other cases it referes to noType. * */ protected Type outer_field; /** The type parameters of this type (to be set once class is loaded). * * (1) class Test01<T>{} TypeVar类型,bound为Object,lower为BottomType * (2) class Test01<T extends Number>{} TypeVar类型,bound为Number,lower为BottomType */ public List<Type> typarams_field; /** A cache variable for the type parameters of this type, * appended to all parameters of its enclosing class. * @see #allparams */ public List<Type> allparams_field; /** The supertype of this class (to be set once class is loaded). */ public Type supertype_field; /** The interfaces of this class (to be set once class is loaded). */ public List<Type> interfaces_field; /** All the interfaces of this class, including missing ones. */ public List<Type> all_interfaces_field; ... }
interface K{} class F implements K{} interface I{} public class A<X> { class B<T extends InputStream> extends F implements I { public void test() { } } }
// a clone of a ClassType that knows about the alternatives of a union type. public class UnionClassType extends ClassType implements UnionType { final List<? extends Type> alternatives_field; ... }
public void test() { try { int i = 2 / 0; // ArithmeticException Integer.parseInt("abc"); // NumberFormatException } catch (ArithmeticException | NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println(e); } }
public class ArrayType extends Type implements javax.lang.model.type.ArrayType { public Type elemtype; ... }
Integer[][] x = new Integer[2][];
public class MethodType extends Type implements ExecutableType { public List<Type> argtypes; // 形式参数类型 public Type restype; // 返回值类型 public List<Type> thrown; // 抛出的异常参数类型 ... }
public class B { public <T extends InputStream> T test(T a,Integer x) throws NullPointerException{ return a; } }
public abstract class DelegatedType extends Type { public Type qtype; ... }
public class ForAll extends DelegatedType implements ExecutableType { public List<Type> tvars; ... }
标签:rac 异常 package assert 查找 子类 super model 通过