线程同步一大部分与原子访问(atomic access)有关, 所谓原子访问, 指的是一个线程在访问某个资源的同时能够保证没有其他线程会在同一时刻访问同一资源.
MOV EAX, [g_x] ; Move the value in g_x into a register
INC EAX ; Increment the value in the register
MOV [g_x] , EAX; Store the new value back in g_x
两个线程不太可能在完全相同的时刻执行上面的代码. 但如果是下面这样呢?
MOV EAX, [g_x] ; thread1: move 0 into a register
INC EAX ; thread1: Increment the register to 1
MOV EAX, [g_x] ; thread2: Move 0 into a register
INC EAX ; thread2: Increment the register to 1
MOV [g_x], EAX ; thread2: Store 1 back in g_x
MOV [g_x] , EAX ; thread 1 : Store 1 back in g_x.