标签:difficult color sel ati where strong ted time ast
A journey of one thousand miles begins with one step.
No matter how slowly you walk, as long as you walk forwards, you will be better than what you were yesterday, and you will be closer to your destination.
The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas.
Both your knowledge and your abilities are somewhat limited, thus sometimes you may feel helpless in the face of some difficult problems, whereas some problems you deemed difficult may be very easy for others.
So, don‘t always count on yourself, only yourself, to finish a project, try to get help, at least advice, from others in your team.
With their help or suggestion, even if the project is not difficult for you, you still can shorten the time it needs and make the outcome a little better.
December 27th 2016 Week 53rd Tuesday
标签:difficult color sel ati where strong ted time ast