标签:follow dex cat different input clu string 数量级 finally
Vasiliy likes to rest after a hard work, so you may often meet him in some bar nearby. As all programmers do, he loves the famous drink "Beecola", which can be bought in n different shops in the city. It‘s known that the price of one bottle in the shop i is equal to xi coins.
Vasiliy plans to buy his favorite drink for q consecutive days. He knows, that on the i-th day he will be able to spent mi coins. Now, for each of the days he want to know in how many different shops he can buy a bottle of "Beecola".
The first line of the input contains a single integer n (1?≤?n?≤?100?000) — the number of shops in the city that sell Vasiliy‘s favourite drink.
The second line contains n integers xi (1?≤?xi?≤?100?000) — prices of the bottles of the drink in the i-th shop.
The third line contains a single integer q (1?≤?q?≤?100?000) — the number of days Vasiliy plans to buy the drink.
Then follow q lines each containing one integer mi (1?≤?mi?≤?109) — the number of coins Vasiliy can spent on the i-th day.
Print q integers. The i-th of them should be equal to the number of shops where Vasiliy will be able to buy a bottle of the drink on the i-th day.
3 10 8 6 11
On the first day, Vasiliy won‘t be able to buy a drink in any of the shops.
On the second day, Vasiliy can buy a drink in the shops 1, 2, 3 and 4.
On the third day, Vasiliy can buy a drink only in the shop number 1.
Finally, on the last day Vasiliy can buy a drink in any shop.
1 #include<stdio.h> 2 #include<string.h> 3 #include<algorithm> 4 using namespace std; 5 int a[100000+10]; 6 int main() 7 { 8 int n,i,j,k,num,m; 9 while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF) 10 { 11 for(i=1;i<=n;i++) 12 scanf("%d",&a[i]); 13 sort(a+1,a+n+1); 14 scanf("%d",&m); 15 while(m--) 16 { 17 scanf("%d",&num); 18 if(num<a[1]) 19 printf("0\n"); 20 else if(num>=a[n]) 21 printf("%d\n",n); 22 else 23 { 24 int left=1; 25 int right=n; 26 int mid; 27 int ans; 28 while(left<=right) 29 { 30 mid=(left+right)/2; 31 if(a[mid]<=num) 32 { 33 ans=mid; 34 left=mid+1; 35 } 36 else 37 { 38 right=mid-1; 39 } 40 } 41 printf("%d\n",ans); 42 } 43 } 44 } 45 return 0; 46 }
CodeForces - 706B Interesting drink(二分查找)
标签:follow dex cat different input clu string 数量级 finally