标签:val 变量 if语句 字符串类型 test div not 而不是 and
#1. #A:if语句 Test = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] for value in Test: #注意:不能少 if 0 == value % 2 and 0 == value % 3: #注意:不能少 print("Type1", end = " ") elif 0 == value % 2 or 2 == value % 3: #注意:不能少 这里是 elif 而不是 else if print(‘Type2‘, end = " ") else: #注意:不能少 print("Type3", end = " ") #Type3 Type2 Type3 Type2 Type2 Type1 print("") #2. #A:not in Test = [2, 3, 4] Test1 = [1, 2, 3] for value in Test: if value not in Test1: print("not in: " + str(value), end = ‘ ‘) print("") #not in: 4 #3. #A:当变量是字符串类型且长度不为0,变量是列表(元组)类型且元素个数不为0时,充当if条件为True Test = [1, 2, 3] if Test: print("not Null") #not Null Test = (1, 2, 3) if Test: print("not Null") #not Null Test = "Str" if Test: print("not Null") #not Null
标签:val 变量 if语句 字符串类型 test div not 而不是 and