标签:logs har glob 构建 initial splay tar 键盘事件 存在
#!/usr/bin/env python import vtk import math from vtk.util.colors import * filenames = ["link-1.stl","link-2.stl","link-3.stl"] dt = 1.0 # degree step in rotation renWin = vtk.vtkRenderWindow() actor = list() # the list of links joint1 = vtk.vtkAssembly() joint2 = vtk.vtkAssembly() joint3 = vtk.vtkAssembly() # Customize vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera class MyInteractor(vtk.vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera): def __init__(self,parent=None): self.AddObserver("CharEvent",self.OnCharEvent) self.AddObserver("KeyPressEvent",self.OnKeyPressEvent) def OnCharEvent(self,obj,event): pass def OnKeyPressEvent(self,obj,event): global angle # Get the compound key strokes for the event key = self.GetInteractor().GetKeySym()
# Handle an arrow key if(key == "Left"): joint1.RotateY(-dt) if(key == "Right"): joint1.RotateY(dt) if(key == "Up"): joint2.RotateY(-dt) if(key == "Down"): joint2.RotateY(dt) if(key == "a"): joint3.RotateY(-dt) if(key == "d"): joint3.RotateY(dt) # Ask each renderer owned by this RenderWindow to render its image and synchronize this process renWin.Render() return def LoadSTL(filename): reader = vtk.vtkSTLReader() reader.SetFileName(filename) mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() mapper.SetInputConnection(reader.GetOutputPort()) actor = vtk.vtkLODActor() actor.SetMapper(mapper) return actor def CreateScene(): # Create a rendering window and renderer ren = vtk.vtkRenderer() renWin.AddRenderer(ren) # Create a renderwindowinteractor iren = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor() iren.SetRenderWindow(renWin) style = MyInteractor() style.SetDefaultRenderer(ren) iren.SetInteractorStyle(style) for id, file in enumerate(filenames): actor.append(LoadSTL(file)) r = vtk.vtkMath.Random(.4, 1.0) g = vtk.vtkMath.Random(.4, 1.0) b = vtk.vtkMath.Random(.4, 1.0) actor[id].GetProperty().SetDiffuseColor(r, g, b) actor[id].GetProperty().SetDiffuse(.8) actor[id].GetProperty().SetSpecular(.5) actor[id].GetProperty().SetSpecularColor(1.0,1.0,1.0) actor[id].GetProperty().SetSpecularPower(30.0) joint1.AddPart(actor[0]) joint1.AddPart(joint2) joint2.AddPart(actor[1]) joint2.AddPart(joint3) joint3.AddPart(actor[2]) joint2.SetOrigin(100, 0, 0) # initial elbow joint position joint3.SetOrigin(200, 0, 0) # initial wrist joint position ren.AddActor(joint1)
# Set background color ren.GradientBackgroundOn() ren.SetBackground(.1, .1, .1) ren.SetBackground2(0.8,0.8,0.8) # Set window size renWin.SetSize(600, 600) # Enable user interface interactor iren.Initialize() iren.Start() if __name__ == "__main__": CreateScene()
运行结果如下图所示。按键盘上的← →键可以控制连杆1,按↑ ↓键可以控制连杆2,按a、d键可以控制连杆3。在添加装配体后能保证旋转单个关节时其后面的子装配体也能跟着一起旋转。
标签:logs har glob 构建 initial splay tar 键盘事件 存在