标签:组合 color == turn append logs [] else not
1 class Solution(object): 2 def fourSum(self, nums, target): 3 nums.sort() 4 ress = [] 5 self.find(nums,target,4,[],ress) 6 return ress 7 8 def find(self,nums,target,n,res,ress): 9 if n == 2: 10 l,r = 0,len(nums)-1 11 while l<r: 12 if nums[l]+nums[r]==target: 13 ress.append(res+[nums[l],nums[r]]) 14 l += 1 15 r -= 1 16 while l<r and nums[l] == nums[l-1]: 17 l += 1 18 while l<r and nums[r] == nums[r+1]: 19 r -= 1 20 elif nums[l]+nums[r] <target: 21 l += 1 22 else: 23 r -= 1 24 else: 25 for i in range(len(nums)-n+1): 26 if target < nums[i]*n or target > nums[-1]*n: 27 break 28 if not i or nums[i]!=nums[i-1]: 29 self.find(nums[i+1:],target-nums[i],n-1,res+[nums[i]],ress) 30 return 31 32 33 34
标签:组合 color == turn append logs [] else not