## bonding.sh #!/bin/bash # function printful(){ echo -e "\033[1;32m$1\033[0m" } function printful_file(){ FILE=$1 cat $FILE | while read line;do printful "$line" done } function debian_bonding(){ sudo apt-get install ipcalc -y &> /dev/null && printful "installed ipcalc"|| printful "cannot install ipcalc netmask will be none" IN_IP=$(host `hostname -f`|awk ‘{print $NF}‘) #IP_PREFIX=$(hostname -I|awk -F ‘.‘ ‘{print $1"."$2"."$3}‘) printful "now bonding....." sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S`.bak eths=(eth0 eth1 eth2 eth3 eth4 eth5 eth6) eths_10000=() eths_1000=() for nic in ${eths[@]};do sudo /sbin/ethtool $nic 2> /dev/null | grep 10000base &> /dev/null && eths_10000=(${eths_10000[@]} $nic) sudo /sbin/ethtool $nic 2> /dev/null | grep 1000base &> /dev/null && eths_1000=(${eths_1000[@]} $nic) done printful "10000 bonding ${eths_10000[*]}...." # change the original interfaces file. printful "eths_10000:${eths_10000[*]}\neths_1000: ${eths_1000[*]}" AA=‘‘ used_eths=$(/sbin/ip a|grep $IN_IP|awk ‘{print $NF}‘) [ ${#eths_1000[@]} -ge 2 -a ${#eths_1000[@]} -lt 2 ] && { AA=(${eths_1000[0]} ${eths_1000[1]});printful "1000 bonding ${eths_1000[*]}...."; } [ ${#eths_10000[@]} -ge 2 ] && { AA=(${eths_10000[0]} ${eths_10000[1]});printful "10000 bonding ${eths_10000[*]}...."; } [ "$used_eths" == ‘‘ ] && printful ‘cannot get used eth nic...‘ && exit 2 NETMASK=$(ipcalc `/sbin/ip addr show ${AA[0]} | awk ‘NR==3{print $2}‘`|grep Netmask|awk ‘{print $2}‘) [ $? != 0 ] && printful ‘bad netmask! please check...‘ &&exit 1 [ -z "$NETMASK" ] && NETMASK=$(ipcalc `/sbin/ip addr show ${AA[1]} | awk ‘NR==3{print $2}‘` | awk ‘/Netmask/{print $2}‘) [ -z $NETMASK ] && exit 1 IP_PREFIX=$(ipcalc `/sbin/ip addr show ${used_eths} | awk ‘NR==3{print $2}‘`|grep HostMin|awk ‘{print $2}‘) cat << EOF |sudo tee /etc/network/interfaces auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto bond0 iface bond0 inet static bond_slaves ${AA[0]} ${AA[1]} bond_mode 802.3ad bond_xmit_hash_policy layer2+3 bond_miimon 100 bond_updelay 200 bond_downdelay 200 address $IN_IP netmask $NETMASK gateway $IP_PREFIX up ip route add via $IP_PREFIX down ip route delete via $IP_PREFIX up ip route add via $IP_PREFIX down ip route delete via $IP_PREFIX EOF printful "the interface file is now" printful_file "/etc/network/interfaces" } function rhel_bonding() { sudo systemctl disable NetworkManager command -v ipcalc || sudo yum install ipcalc -y &> /dev/null && printful "installed ipcalc"|| printful "cannot install ipcalc netmask will be none" IN_IP=$(host `hostname -f`|awk ‘{print $NF}‘) #IP_PREFIX=$(hostname -I|awk -F ‘.‘ ‘{print $1"."$2"."$3}‘) [ $? != 0 ] && printful ‘cannot get internal ip‘ && exit 1 printful "now bonding....." eths=(eth0 eth1 eth2 eth3 eth4 eth5 eth6) eths_10000=() eths_1000=() for nic in ${eths[@]};do sudo /sbin/ethtool $nic 2> /dev/null | grep 10000base &> /dev/null && eths_10000=(${eths_10000[@]} $nic) sudo /sbin/ethtool $nic 2> /dev/null | grep 1000base &> /dev/null && eths_1000=(${eths_1000[@]} $nic) done printful "10000 bonding ${eths_10000[*]}...." # change the original interfaces file. printful "eths_10000:${eths_10000[*]}\neths_1000: ${eths_1000[*]}" AA=‘‘ used_eths=$(/sbin/ip a|grep $IN_IP|awk ‘{print $NF}‘) [ ${#eths_1000[@]} -ge 2 -a ${#eths_1000[@]} -lt 2 ] && { AA=(${eths_1000[0]} ${eths_1000[1]});printful "1000 bonding ${eths_1000[*]}...."; } [ ${#eths_10000[@]} -ge 2 ] && { AA=(${eths_10000[0]} ${eths_10000[1]});printful "10000 bonding ${eths_10000[*]}...."; } [ "$used_eths" == ‘‘ ] && printful ‘cannot get used eth nic...‘ && exit 2 NETMASK=$(ipcalc `/sbin/ip addr show $used_eths | awk ‘NR==3{print $2}‘` --netmask | awk -F ‘=‘ ‘{print $2}‘ ) [ $? != 0 ] && printful ‘bad netmask! please check...‘ &&exit 1 [ -z "$NETMASK" -o "$NETMASK" = "" ] && NETMASK=$(ipcalc `/sbin/ip addr show ${AA[1]} | awk ‘NR==3{print $2}‘` | awk ‘/Netmask/{print $2}‘) [ -z $NETMASK ] && exit 1 IP_PREFIX=$(ipcalc $IN_IP $NETMASK --network | sed -r ‘s/NETWORK=(.*)\.0$/\1.1/‘) # back_up for nic in ${AA[@]};do mv /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$nic /tmp &> /dev/null cat << EOF | sudo tee /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$nic DEVICE=$nic ONBOOT=yes BOOTPROTO=none USERCTL=no MASTER=bond0 SLAVE=yes EOF done # add bonding file cat << EOF |sudo tee /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0 DEVICE=bond0 ONBOOT=yes TYPE=Ethernet BOOTPROTO=none USERCTL=no BONDING_OPTS="mode=802.3ad xmit_hash_policy=layer2+3 miimon=100 updelay=200 downdelay=200" IPADDR=$IN_IP NETMASK=$NETMASK GATEWAY=$IP_PREFIX EOF } function get_os() { operating_system=$(facter|grep ‘operatingsystem ‘|awk ‘{print $NF}‘) [ $? -ne 0 ] && printful ‘cannot get operating system by facter!‘ && exit 2 echo $operating_system } function main(){ os=$(get_os) echo $os if [ "$os" == ‘RedHat‘ ];then rhel_bonding else if [ "$os" == ‘Debian‘ ];then debian_bonding fi fi } main ### check_ping.sh #!/bin/bash # [ -f $1 ] || "echo usage:$0 host.txt" while read line;do ping -c 2 $line -W 1 &> /dev/null [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo -e "\e[1;32m$line: ping ok\e[0m"|| echo -e "\e[1;31m$line: ping not ready\e[0m" done < $1 ### check_ssh.sh #!/bin/bash # function check_ssh(){ ssh -o ConnectTimeout=3 $1 ‘ls‘ &> /dev/null [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo $1‘ ssh ok‘|| echo $1‘ ssh not ready‘ } [ -f $1 ] || { echo "$1 not a file.usage: bash $0 host.txt"; } for hosts in `grep -v "#" $1`;do [ -z $hosts ] || check_ssh $hosts done < $1
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