aptitude install puppet puppetmaster
puppet是通过ssl方式进行安全通信的,在正常同步前,需要进行证书的获取和认证 puppet运行机制大概是这样:
客户端向服务端发送facts信息,请求返回catalog, 服务端检查类文件等的关于客户端的信息打包catalog返回给客户端, 客户端按照catalog进行一系列检查同步操作。
3.1 资源
e1. puppet resource file {‘/root/‘: ensure => ‘directory‘, group => ‘0‘, owner => ‘0‘, mode => ‘700‘, }
资源type为file,title为/root/, 其余是属性部分,一个资源的所有属性和帮助可以通过puppet describe RESOURCE_TYPE来查看,常见的资源类型有user,group,file,package,service,cron,exec,notify等。
3.2 资源类型详细书写
3.2.1 用户资源user
user {‘liuliancao‘: ensure => present, # 是否允许uid重复 allowdupe => true, uid => ‘503‘, # 指定过期时间 expiry => ‘2016-8-13‘, # 用户家目录 managehome => true, home => ‘/home/liuliancao‘, shell => ‘/bin/bash‘, }
group {‘system‘: ensure => present, name => ‘system‘, allowdupe => false, gid => ‘15‘, members => [‘liuliancao‘,‘luqixue‘], }
3.2.3 包资源package
# 这里是一个判断与选择 $ssl = $operatingsystem ? { solaris => SMCossl, default => openssl, } package {$ssl: ensure => installed, # 别名功能,引用的时候可以Package[‘openssl‘] alias => openssl, provider => apt-get, }
3.2.4 文件资源file
file {‘/tmp/llc_test.txt‘: ensure => file, owner => liuliancao, group => system, # 文件权限 mode => ‘644‘, # 文件内容 content => ‘This is a puppet test.‘, } file {‘/tmp/llc_test2.txt‘: ensure => file, owner => liuliancao, group => system, # 指定文件来源位置 source => ‘puppet://$fileserver/modules/test/test.txt‘ }
3.2.5 服务管理service
service {‘sshd‘: # true也可以的 ensure => running, # 是否加入开机启动 enable => true, subscribe => File[‘/etc/sshd/ssh_config‘], hasrestart => true, # sshd检查重启的时候,使用restart的参数(如果有),否则检查是否hasrestart为true,如果为true则尝试restart,否则就尝试start/stop操作 restart => ‘/etc/init.d sshd restart‘, }
3.2.6 定时脚本cron
cron {‘ntpdate‘: command => "/usr/sbin/ntpdate ntpserver.domain.com", user => root, # 23点到次日7点每2个小时执行一次,8点也执行一次 hour => ‘23-7/2,8‘‘, minute => 0, }
3.2.7 命令执行exec
exec {‘tar xf /tmp/nginx-1.3.8.tar.gz‘: # 工作目录 cwd => ‘/tmp‘, # 仅当该文件不存的时候才执行这个exec creates => ‘/tmp/myfile‘, # 定义环境变量 path => [‘/usr/bin‘, ‘/usr/sbin‘, ‘/bin‘], } file {‘/etc/aliases‘: source => ‘puppet://server/module/aliases‘ } exec {‘newaliases‘: path => [‘/usr/sbin‘,‘/usr/bin‘,‘/bin‘], subscribe => File[‘/etc/aliases‘], # refreshonly指仅当依赖的对象被改变才会触发,需要和subscribe和notify结合使用才有意义 refreshonly => True, }
3.3 资源依赖与触发关系
file {‘/etc/sshd/ssh_config‘: ensure => file, require => Package[‘sshd‘], }
require:此时表示该文件的资源实现需要先满足sshd这个package资源,这里首字母要大写。 package {‘sshd‘: ensure => installed, before => File[‘/etc/sshd/ssh_config], }
before:表示pack befores file只需要写一个就可以确定先后顺序,符合自己的逻辑习惯即可
file {‘/etc/sshd/ssh_config‘: ensure => file, require => Package[‘sshd‘], notify => Service[‘sshd‘], } service {‘sshd‘: ensure => running, subscribe => File[‘/etc/sshd/ssh_config‘], }
->符号表示require依赖关系 ~>符号表示notify触发动作
Package[‘sshd‘] -> File[‘/etc/sshd/ssh_config‘] ~> Service[‘sshd‘]
3.4 package,file,service
# ssh service为例package {‘openssh-server‘: ensure => present, before => File[‘/etc/ssh/sshd_config‘], } file {‘/etc/ssh/ssh_config‘: ensure => file, source => ‘puppet://modules/ssh/sshd_config‘, }service {‘sshd‘: ensure => running, enable => true, subscribe => File[‘/etc/ssh/sshd_config‘], }
4.1 条件判断
if $operatingsystem in [‘Ubuntu‘,‘debian‘] { notify(‘Ubuntu system detected!‘) } elsif $operatingsystem in [‘Centos‘,‘Redhat‘,‘Fedora‘,‘SuSE‘] { notify(‘Centos type system detected!‘) } else { notify(‘Some other system detected!‘) } case $operatingsystem { ‘Solaris‘: { include role::solaris } ‘RedHat‘,‘Centos‘: { include role::redhat }, /^(debian|Ubuntu)$/: { include role::debian }, default: { include role::generic } } $rootgroup = $osfamily ? { ‘Solaris‘ => ‘wheel‘, /(Darwin|FreeBSD)/ => ‘wheel‘, default => ‘root‘, }
4.2 变量和作用域
# Class: ntp# # This class installs/configures/manages NTP. It can optionaly disable NTP# on virtual machines. Only supported on Debian-derived and Red Hat-derivedOSes.## Parameters:# - $servers: An array of NTP servers, with or without +iburst+ and +dynamic+ statements appended. Defaults to the OS‘s defaults.# - $enable Whether to start the NTP service on boot. Defaults to true. Valid values: true and false.# - $ensure Whether to run the NTP service. Defaults to running. Valid values: ruuning and stopped.## Requires:# Nothing.## Sample Usage:# class {‘ntp‘:# servers => [‘ntp1.puppetlabs.lan dynamic",# ‘ntp2.puppetlabs.lan dynamic",],# }# class {‘ntp‘:# enable => false,# ensure => stopped,# }class ntp ($servers = undef, $enable = true, $ensure = running) { case $operatingsystem { centos, redhat: { $service_name = ‘ntpd‘ $conf_template = ‘ntp.conf.e1.erb‘ $default_servers= [ "0.centos.pool.ntp.org", "1.centos.pool.ntp.org", "2.centos.pool.ntp.org", ] } debian, ubuntu: { $service_name = ‘ntp‘ $conf_template = ‘ntp.conf.debian.erb‘ $default_servers= [ "0.debian.pool.ntp.org", "1.debian.pool.ntp.org", "2.debian.pool.ntp.org", ] } } if $servers == undef { $servers_real = $default_servers } else { $servers_real = $servers } package { ‘ntp‘: ensure => installed, } service { ‘ntp‘: name => $service_name, ensure => $ensure, enable => $enable, subscribe => File[‘ntp.conf‘], } file { ‘ntp.conf‘: path => ‘/etc/ntp.conf‘, ensure => file, require => Package[‘ntp‘], content => template("ntp/${conf_template}"), } }
1 常规变量
<%= @operatingsystem %> 是对其的值引用,@不用也可以,用了可以防止变量名冲突
<%= scope.lookupvar(‘apache::user‘) %>
2 判断
<% if @myvar %> my var has <%= @myvar %> value<% end %>
3 数组迭代
如$arr = [‘1‘,‘2‘,‘a‘,‘b‘] <% arr.each do | val | -%> array has value <%= val %> <% end -%>
这里<% -%>表示不解释后面跟着的换行,否则会多出两个换行
4 模板整合 pp文件中template(a,b)就行了
5 语法检查 erb文件可以通过如下方式检查语法规则
root@debian:/etc/puppet/modules# cat test/templates/test.erb%First hostname <%= fqdn %> %Second<% if @operatingsystem %> the system is <%= @operatingsystem %> <% end %> %Third$arr = [‘1‘,‘2‘,‘3‘] <% arr.each do |val| -%> arr has value <%= val %>! <% end -%> root@debian:/etc/puppet/modules# erb -P -x -T ‘-‘ test/templates/test.erb | ruby -cSyntax OK# -P:忽略%开头的行 -x:打印出ruby script -T 指定trim mode,指定是否输出换行的模式
当manifest里面的pp文件中夹杂了太多判断,这个时候就需要通过定义变量的方式来自定义我们的配置文件,puppet的hiera机制实现最常用的几次匹配过滤,比如根据域名,比如根据操作系统,比如根据调用的模块等等。 这样,一个典型的catalog查询就开始比较复杂,具体过程如下: 建立连接后,puppet的一个agent开始向服务端请求自己的catalog,master开始做查询。首先检查对应的manifests的nodes节点下面的pp文件,按次序解释返回。当有hiera参与时,会首先在/etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp中加入hiera_include(‘classes‘)类似信息,来表示这个时候加入的类。 如果没有hiera,在nodes文件夹下对应的pp文件也可能是包含相应的模块和类,这都是一个追加的过程。在/etc/puppet/hiera.yaml文件中定义了几个过滤模块,具体可以参考官方文档的hiera部分,这里面其实是定义了过滤器和文件的对应关系。过滤器是并集,满足1的会执行,满足2的也会执行,是classes相加。最终这些文件yaml或json格式的内容会被读取,这些文件和nodes文件夹下的pp文件最终效果一样。大部分是对已有模块的参数说明。
本文出自 “启学的学习之路” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://qixue.blog.51cto.com/7213178/1906783