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最近在学习Linux的几个非常强大的命令awk, sed, grep. 之前对这些命令只是有非常皮毛的了解.
@1: 正则匹配某个字符串.
@2: grep具备递归搜索文件/目录功能.
#!/bin/bash #File: grepDemo.sh #Author: lxw #Time: 2014-08-21 #Usage: Demonstration for grep. main(){ #The following 2 lines are identical. grep "seven" test.txt|wc -l grep "seven" test.txt -c #-c: count the number of lines(not words) that contain "seven") #Match everything. grep ".*" test.txt --color #-w: word.Match the word. grep -w "seven" test.txt --color #\<seven: words begin with "seven" grep "\<seven" test.txt --color grep "seven\>" test.txt --color #^seven: lines(not words) begin with "seven" grep "^seven" test.txt --color grep "seven$" test.txt --color #-C num: print num lines around the matched line. grep -C 1 "twentyseven" test.txt --color #-A num: print num lines after the matched line. grep -A 1 "twentyseven" test.txt --color #-B num: print num lines before the matched line. grep -B 1 "twentyseven" test.txt --color #-E: extended-regexp. -E is essential here. The 2nd method is better. grep -E "[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}" /etc/resolv.conf --color grep -E "\b[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}\b" /etc/resolv.conf --color #-v: invert-match. Print the non-matching lines. grep -E "\b[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}\b" /etc/resolv.conf | grep -v "#" --color #-o: only-matching. Print only the matched parts, with each part on a single line. grep -oE "\b[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}\b" /etc/resolv.conf --color #|: or. vmstat|grep -E "procs|swpd" --color #[:upper:] upper alphabets. [:digit:] numbers 0-9. grep "[[:upper:]]" test.txt --color grep "[[:digit:]]" test.txt --color #Find the lines that contains six/seven/eight more than once. #NOTE:parenthesis is essential here. Otherwise, what do you think of "\1"? grep -E "(six|seven|eight).*\1" test.txt --color #-r:recursive -i:ignore-case -n:line number grep -rin "lxw" /home/lxw/Documents/ShellScript --color } main
one two three seven eight one eight three thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen seven sixteen seventeen eighteen twenty seven one 504 one one 503 one one 504 one one 504 one #comment UP twentyseven #comment down twenty1 twenty3 twenty5 twenty7
标签:style blog http color io strong 文件 for