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Software Overview里面说明了ISE包含的软件及其功能,还有一些介绍,其实没有什么好看的。
Documentation Overview对xilinx官方的各种关于ISE软件的文档分类,并做了简要介绍,找文档可以到这里找。
Understanding the ISE Design Flow是ISE设计流程,值得一看,但是实际上很多文档里面都有,反正迟早都会看到。
Working with ISE Projects和Using the ISE Viewing Environment介绍的软件的操作,不看的话基本也会。什么功能不会可以到这里翻翻。
后面除了CPLD Design实际上是Design Flow中的具体步骤的实现方法指南,都很有价值。
这份文档可以改跟名字,叫做“手把手教你如何使用ISE”,图文并茂,细致入微。这里并不是按照ISE Design Flow走的,而是介绍如何通过两种方式(我发现我不会用schematic……)设计,之后完全按照Design里的步骤来进行的。
Edit-Language Templates有很多代码的参考,并且可以直接插入到自己编写的代码中去。
During translation, the NGDBuild program performs the following functions:
? Converts input design netlists and writes results to a single merged NGD netlist. The merged netlist describes the logic in the design as well as any location and timing constraints.
? Performs timing specification and logical design rule checks.
? Adds constraints from the User Constraints File (UCF) to the merged netlist.
I/O location
The design is mapped into CLBs and IOBs. Map performs the following functions:
? Allocates CLB and IOB resources for all basic logic elements in the design.
? Processes all location and timing constraints, performs target device optimizations,
and runs a design rule check on the resulting mapped netlist.
Timing Analysis
Estimating Timing Goals with the 50/50 Rule
For a preliminary indication of how realistic your timing goals are, evaluate the design after the map stage. A rough guideline (known as the “50/50 rule”) specifies that the block delays in any single path make up approximately 50% of the total path delay after the design is routed. For example, a path with 10 ns of block delay should meet a 20 ns timing constraint after it is placed and routed.
Map展开后可以点击 Analyze Post-Map Static Timing对其进行分析。
Placing and Routing
After the mapped design is evaluated, the design can be placed and routed. One of two place-and-route algorithms is performed during the Place and Route (PAR) process:
? Timing-Driven PAR
PAR is run with the timing constraints specified in the input netlist, the constraints file, or both.
? Non-Timing-Driven PAR
PAR is run, ignoring all timing constraints.
Post—Layout Timing
标签:des style blog http color 使用 os io