标签:reverse sha sharp har char include log 结构 public
(Reverse Polish notation,RPN,或逆波兰记法),也叫后缀表达式(将运算符写在操作数之后)
(2)如果E是E1 op E2形式的表达式,这里op是如何二元操作符,则E的后缀式为E1‘E2‘ op,这里E1‘和E2‘分别为E1和E2的后缀式。
public static void ObjectPoland(String expression) { Stack<int> nums = new Stack<int>(); Stack<Oprator> ops = new Stack<Oprator>(); String[] expNums = expression.Split("+*".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); String[] expOps = expression.Split("0123456789".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); nums.Push(int.Parse(expNums[0])); for (int i = 0; i < expOps.Length; i++) { Oprator op = ParseToOp(expOps[i]); if (ops.Count == 0) { ops.Push(op); } else { while (ops.Peek().Prority > op.Prority) { Oprator top = ops.Pop(); int result = top.Compute(nums.Pop(), nums.Pop()); nums.Push(result); } ops.Push(op); } nums.Push(int.Parse(expNums[i + 1])); } while (ops.Count != 0) { Oprator top = ops.Pop(); int result = top.Compute(nums.Pop(), nums.Pop()); nums.Push(result); } Console.WriteLine("{0}={1}", expression, nums.Pop()); } public static Oprator ParseToOp(String op) { switch (op) { case "+": return new Oprator(OpType.Add, 1); case "-": return new Oprator(OpType.Minus, 2); case "*": return new Oprator(OpType.Muli, 4); case "/": return new Oprator(OpType.Div, 5); default: return null; } } enum OpType { Add, Minus, Muli, Div } class Oprator { OpType opType; int prority; public Oprator(OpType opType, int prority) { this.opType = opType; this.prority = prority; } public OpType OpType { get { return opType; } } public int Prority { get { return prority; } } public int Compute(int n1, int n2) { switch (OpType) { case OpType.Add: return n1 + n2; case OpType.Minus: return n1 - n2; case OpType.Muli: return n1 * n2; case OpType.Div: if (n2 == 0) { return 0; } return n1 / n2; default: return 0; } } }
C# 实际运用版
public static void Compute() //加减乘除四则运算 { Console.WriteLine("请输入您要算的式子:"); String expression = Console.ReadLine(); //Console.WriteLine(expression); // 拆分字符串得到 运算数 及运算符 String[] nums = expression.Split("+-*/".ToCharArray(),StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); String[] ops = expression.Split("0123456789".ToCharArray(),StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // 运算 for (int i = 0; i < ops.Length; i++) { // 先乘除 if (/*ops[i] != null &&*/ (ops[i] == "*" || ops[i] == "/")) { // 找两数 int num1 = int.Parse(nums[i]); int num2 = int.Parse(nums[i + 1]); // 计算结果 int result = ComputeByOp(num1, num2, ops[i]); nums[i] = result.ToString(); // 运算数和运算符数组向前移动 Move(nums, i + 1); Move(ops, i); i--; } } for (int i = 0; i < ops.Length; i++) { // 后加减 if (/*ops[i] != null &&*/ (ops[i] == "+" || ops[i] == "-")) { // 找两数 int num1 = int.Parse(nums[i]); int num2 = int.Parse(nums[i + 1]); // 计算结果 int result = ComputeByOp(num1, num2, ops[i]); nums[i] = result.ToString(); // 运算数和运算符数组向前移动 Move(nums, i + 1); Move(ops, i); i--; } } Console.WriteLine(nums[0]); } public static void Move(string[] arr, int start) { arr[start] = null; for (int i = start; i < arr.Length - 1; i++) { if (arr[i + 1] != null) { string temp = arr[i]; arr[i] = arr[i + 1]; arr[i + 1] = temp; } } } public static int ComputeByOp(int num1, int num2, String op) { switch (op) { case "+": return num1 + num2; case "-": return num1 - num2; case "*": return num1 * num2; case "/": return num1 / num2; default: return 0; } }
//#include<iostream> #include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stack> #include<math.h> #include<string.h> #define max 100 using namespace std; charex[max];/*存储后缀表达式*/ void trans() {/*将算术表达式转化为后缀表达式*/ charstr[max];/*存储原算术表达式*/ charstack[max];/*作为栈使用*/ charch; intsum,i,j,t,top=0; printf("*****************************************\n"); printf("*输入一个求值的表达式,以#结束。*\n"); printf("******************************************\n"); printf("算数表达式:"); i=0;/*获取用户输入的表达式*/ do{ i++; //cin>>str[i];/*此步我用的是C++C语言的话在后面之所以用这个有一点区别都*/ scanf("%c",&str[i]); }while(str[i]!=‘#‘&&i!=max); sum=i; t=1;i=1; ch=str[i];i++; // while(ch!=‘#‘) { switch(ch) { case‘(‘:/*判定为左括号*/ top++;stack[top]=ch; break; case‘)‘:/*判定为右括号*/ while(stack[top]!=‘(‘) { ex[t]=stack[top];top--;t++; } top--; break; case‘+‘:/*判定为加减号*/ case‘-‘: while(top!=0&&stack[top]!=‘(‘) { ex[t]=stack[top]; top--; t++; } top++; stack[top]=ch; break; case‘*‘:/*判定为乘除号*/ case‘/‘: while(stack[top]==‘*‘||stack[top]==‘/‘) { ex[t]=stack[top]; top--; t++; } top++; stack[top]=ch; break; case‘‘:break; default: while(ch>=‘0‘&&ch<=‘9‘) {/*判定为数字*/ ex[t]=ch;t++; ch=str[i];i++; } i--; ex[t]=‘‘;t++; } ch=str[i];i++; } while(top!=0) { ex[t]=stack[top]; t++;top--; } ex[t]=‘‘; printf("\n\t原来表达式:"); for(j=1;j<sum;j++) printf("%c",str[j]); printf("\n\t逆波兰式:",ex); for(j=1;j<t;j++) printf("%c",ex[j]); } void compvalue() {/*计算后缀表达式的值*/ floatstack[max],d;/*作为栈使用*/ charch; intt=1,top=0;/*t为ex下标,top为stack下标*/ ch=ex[t];t++; while(ch!=‘‘) { switch(ch) { case‘+‘: stack[top-1]=stack[top-1]+stack[top]; top--; break; case‘-‘: stack[top-1]=stack[top-1]-stack[top]; top--; break; case‘*‘: stack[top-1]=stack[top-1]*stack[top]; top--; break; case‘/‘: if(stack[top]!=0)stack[top-1]=stack[top-1]/stack[top]; else { printf("\n\t除零错误!\n"); exit(0);/*异常退出*/ } top--; break; default: d=0; while(ch>=‘0‘&&ch<=‘9‘) { d=10*d+ch-‘0‘;/*将数字字符转化为对应的数值*/ ch=ex[t];t++; } top++; stack[top]=d; } ch=ex[t]; t++; } printf("\n\t计算结果:%g\n",stack[top]); } int main() { trans(); compvalue(); system("pause"); return0; }
int precede(char op) { int x; switch(op) { case ‘*‘: x=2; break; case ‘/‘: x=2; break; case ‘+‘: x=1; break; case ‘-‘: x=1; break; default : x=0; } return x; } char *RPExpression(char *e) {/* 返回e的逆波兰式 */ char *c; c=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*20); //不能用char c[] Stack s1; InitStack(s1); int i=0,j=0; char ch; Push(s1,‘@‘); ch=e[i++]; while(ch!= 0) { if(ch==‘(‘) { Push(s1,ch); ch=e[i++]; } else if(ch==‘)‘) { while(Top(s1)!=‘(‘) { Pop(s1,c[j++]); } /* to[j++]=pop(&s1);*/ Pop(s1,ch); ch=e[i++]; } else if(ch==‘+‘||ch==‘-‘||ch==‘*‘||ch==‘/‘) { char w; w=Top(s1); while(precede(w)>=precede(ch)) { Pop(s1,c[j++]); w=Top(s1); } Push(s1,ch); ch=e[i++]; } else { //while((ch<=‘z‘&&ch>=‘a‘)||(ch<=‘Z‘ && ch>=‘A‘)){ c[j++]=ch; ch=e[i++]; //} //c[j++]=‘ ‘; } } Pop(s1,ch); while(ch!=‘@‘) { c[j++]=ch; Pop(s1,ch); } //c[j++]=; c[j++]=0; return c; }
由键盘输入一个算术表达式,求出它的逆波兰式,并输出数值。 例:((3+4)*3+15)/3 的逆波兰式为3 4 + 3 * 15 + 3 / 计算结果为12 const m=100; type stack=array[1..m] of integer; var s:stack; a:string; t,i,j,k,len:integer; procedure push(x:integer);{进栈} begin t:=t+1; s[t]:=x; end; function pop:integer;{出栈} begin pop:=s[t]; t:=t-1; end; begin readln(a); {读入后缀表达式} len:=length(a); i:=1; {后缀表达式字符指针初始化} t:=0; {栈初始化} while i<=len do {处理后缀表达式,直至结束} begin case a[i] of ‘0‘..‘9‘:begin k:=0; while a[i]<>’.’ do begin {从s中取出一个完整的操作数k} k:=10*k+ord(a[i])-48; i:=i+1; end; push(k);{把k压栈} end; ‘+‘:push(pop+pop); {从栈s中取出栈顶的两个数进行加法运算,然后将结果在压栈} ‘-‘:begin {从栈s中取出栈顶的两个数进行减法运算,然后将结果在压栈} j:=pop; push(pop-j); end; ‘*‘:push(pop*pop); {从栈s中取出栈顶的两个数进行乘法运算,然后将结果在压栈} ‘/‘:begin {从栈s中取出栈顶的两个数进行除法运算,然后将结果在压栈} j:=pop; push(pop div j); end; end;{case} i:=i+1; end;{while} writeln(pop); {取出栈顶元素,即时表达式的最后结果} end;
标签:reverse sha sharp har char include log 结构 public