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January 19 2017 Week 3 Thursday

时间:2017-03-25 18:55:13      阅读:133      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:nothing   app   exec   color   first   str   lan   time   power   

What a man needs most is appreciated.


Being appreciated by others is very important, and that may be the power to motivate us.

Some people say that you must be yourself, no matter what others think you are, however, to many people, such opinions are just an execuse for failing to be appreciated by others.

If you can‘t get enough appreciations from others, what should you do?

Then the self-appreciation and self-motivation may be the two that can make you holding on when facing difficulties.


Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.


Plant the seeds first, then you can harvest the fruits.

Sometimes you may have nothing even if you had planted some much seeds and carefully irrigated them.

No hope and all is in vain.

If thinking in this way, you will be just in their tricks.

January 19 2017 Week 3 Thursday

标签:nothing   app   exec   color   first   str   lan   time   power   


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