标签:inpu ant any erro count 方便 type tin for
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> //malloc typedef struct Node{ int data; struct Node *next; }Node; void print(Node *head)//打印 { Node *p; if (!head) return; p = head; while(p){ printf("%d ",p->data); p = p->next; } printf("\n"); } Node *add_tail(Node *head)//尾插 { Node *p; int num = 0; if (!head) return NULL; p = head; while (p->next) { p = p->next; } printf("\nhow many Node do you want to add?(tail_insert):"); scanf("%d", &num); while (num-- > 0) { Node *new = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); printf("input your data for new Node:"); scanf("%d", &new->data); p->next = new; new->next=NULL; p = new; } return head; } Node *add_head(Node *head)//头插 { int num = 0; if (!head) return NULL; printf("\nhow many Node do you want to add?(head_insert):"); scanf("%d", &num); while (num-- > 0) { Node *new = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); printf("input your data for new Node:"); scanf("%d", &new->data); new->next = head; head = new; } return head; } Node *del_pos(Node *head)//根据位置删除对应结点 { Node *p, *del; int count = 1; int pos = 0; if (!head) return NULL; printf("\ninput your delete‘s position:"); scanf("%d", &pos); p = head; if (pos == 1) {//pos 为 1 时 先把下一个结点作为头结点 并free掉原来的头结点 返回新头 head = p->next; free(p); return head; } while(p && (count++) != (pos - 1)) { p = p->next; } if (count == pos) { del = p->next; p->next = del->next; free(del); } else { printf("out of rang!\n");} return head; } Node *del_data(Node *head)//根据元素删除对应结点 { Node *tmp, *p, *n; int data = 0; int count = 0;//统计结点受影响数 if (!head) return NULL; printf("\ninput your delete‘s data:"); scanf("%d", &data); p = head; n = head->next; while (n) { if (n->data == data) { p->next = n->next; free(n); n = p->next; count++; continue; } p = p->next; n = p->next; } if (head->data == data) {//头结点需要另外处理 tmp = head; head = tmp->next; free(tmp); count++; } printf("%d rows effected!\n", count); return head; } Node *insert(Node *head)//插入结点 { Node *p, *new; int count = 1; int pos = 0; if (!head) return NULL; printf("\ninput your insert‘s pos:"); scanf("%d", &pos); p = head; new = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); if (pos == 1) {//pos 为 1 时 进行头插 printf("input your data for new Node:"); scanf("%d", &new->data); new->next = head; head = new; return head; } while(p && (count++) != (pos - 1)) { p = p->next; } if (count == pos) { printf("input your data for new Node:"); scanf("%d", &new->data); new->next = p->next; p->next = new; } else { printf("out of rang!\n");} return head; } int clean(Node *head)//释放资源 { Node *p; if (!head) return 0; p = head; while(p) { free(p); p = p->next; } return 1; } int main() { Node *n = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); //定义一个头结点 Node *tmp;//临时结点 int count = 3; n->data = 2; n->next = NULL; print(add_tail(n)); tmp = add_head(n); print(tmp); while (count-- > 0) {//根据位置删除 tmp = del_pos(tmp); print(tmp); } count = 3; while (count-- > 0) {//插入 tmp = insert(tmp); print(tmp); } count = 3; while (count-- > 0) {//根据结点数据删除 tmp = del_data(tmp); print(tmp); } if (clean(tmp)) printf("clean up\n"); else printf("it‘s empty! clean error!\n"); }
标签:inpu ant any erro count 方便 type tin for