标签:div 标志位 include .cpp ini struct isp efi sig
// kaifangliaobiao.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 //使用平方探测解决冲突问题时,散列表至少空一半时,总能插入一个新的元素 #include "stdafx.h" #include<iostream> using namespace std; #ifndef HashQuad typedef unsigned int Index; typedef Index Position; struct HashTbl; typedef struct HashTbl *HashTable; HashTable InitializeTable(int TableSize); void DestroyTable(HashTable H); Position Find(int key, HashTable H); void Insert(int key, HashTable H); int Retrieve(Position P, HashTable H); HashTable Rehash(HashTable H); #endif // !HashQuad #define MinTableSize 10 enum KindOfEntry{Legitimate,Empty,Delete}; struct HashEntry { int key; enum KindOfEntry Info; }; typedef struct HashEntry Cell; struct HashTbl { int TableSize; Cell *TheCell; }; int Hash(int key, int tableSize) { return key%tableSize; } int NextPrime(int n) { if (n % 2 == 0) n++; //1.排除掉偶数 for (;; n += 2) { bool isPrime = 1; //2.标志位 for (int i = 3; i*i <= n; i += 2) if (n%i == 0) { isPrime = 0; break; } if (isPrime) return n; } } HashTable InitializeTable(int TableSize) //初始化函数 { HashTable H; int i; if (TableSize < MinTableSize) { cout << "Table is too small"; return NULL; } H = (HashTable)malloc(sizeof(HashTbl)); //1.初始化散列表地址 if (H == NULL) cout << "out of space"; H->TableSize = NextPrime(TableSize); //2.用素数初始化散列表大小 H->TheCell = (Cell *)malloc(sizeof(Cell)*H->TableSize); //3.申请一个表头 if (H->TheCell == NULL) cout << "out of space"; for (i = 0; i < H->TableSize; i++) H->TheCell[i].Info = Empty; //4.为每一个表项赋状态空 return H; } Position Find(int key, HashTable H) //用平方探测散列法查找 { Position CurrentPos; //1.要返回的地址 int CollisionNum; //2.偏移的位置量 CollisionNum = 0; CurrentPos = Hash(key, H->TableSize); while (H->TheCell[CurrentPos].Info!=Empty&&H->TheCell[CurrentPos].key!=key) //3.检测表项状态 { CurrentPos += 2 * ++CollisionNum - 1; //4.偏移 if (CurrentPos >= H->TableSize) //5.满则折返 CurrentPos -= H->TableSize; } return CurrentPos; } void Insert(int key, HashTable H) { Position Pos; Pos = Find(key, H); if (H->TheCell[Pos].Info != Legitimate) { H->TheCell[Pos].Info = Legitimate; H->TheCell->key = key; } } HashTable Rehash(HashTable H) //再散列 { int i, oldSize; Cell *OldCells; OldCells = H->TheCell; //1.记录旧散列表的信息 oldSize = H->TableSize; H = InitializeTable(2 * oldSize); //2.创建两倍大小的新散列表 for (i = 0; i < oldSize; i++) { //3.循环复制信息 if (OldCells[i].Info == Legitimate) Insert(OldCells[i].key, H); } free(OldCells); return H; } int main() { return 0; }
标签:div 标志位 include .cpp ini struct isp efi sig