标签:delay work and server try board inpu oca png
// Document Functions: /** * Window onload handler, sets up the page. */ function load() { uber.onContentFrameLoaded(); FocusOutlineManager.forDocument(document); var searchField = $(‘search-field‘); historyModel = new HistoryModel(); historyView = new HistoryView(historyModel); pageState = new PageState(historyModel, historyView); // Create default view. var hashData = pageState.getHashData(); var page = parseInt(hashData.page, 10) || historyView.getPage(); var range = /** @type {HistoryModel.Range} */(parseInt(hashData.range, 10)) || historyView.getRangeInDays(); var offset = parseInt(hashData.offset, 10) || historyView.getOffset(); historyView.setPageState(hashData.q, page, range, offset); if ($(‘overlay‘)) { cr.ui.overlay.setupOverlay($(‘overlay‘)); cr.ui.overlay.globalInitialization(); } HistoryFocusManager.getInstance().initialize(); var doSearch = function(e) { recordUmaAction(‘HistoryPage_Search‘); historyView.setSearch(searchField.value); if (isMobileVersion()) searchField.blur(); // Dismiss the keyboard. }; //yana add 161011 var searchAllHistory = function(e){ historyView.setPageState(‘‘, 0, HistoryModel.Range.ALL_TIME, 0); } var removeMenu = getRequiredElement(‘remove-visit‘); // Decorate remove-visit before disabling/hiding because the values are // overwritten when decorating a MenuItem that has a Command. cr.ui.decorate(removeMenu, MenuItem); removeMenu.disabled = !loadTimeData.getBoolean(‘allowDeletingHistory‘); removeMenu.hidden = loadTimeData.getBoolean(‘hideDeleteVisitUI‘); document.addEventListener(‘command‘, handleCommand); $(‘all-history‘).addEventListener(‘click‘, searchAllHistory);//yana add 161011 //console.log("$(‘all-history‘)="+$(‘all-history‘)); searchField.addEventListener(‘search‘, doSearch); $(‘search-button‘).addEventListener(‘click‘, doSearch); $(‘more-from-site‘).addEventListener(‘activate‘, function(e) { activeVisit.showMoreFromSite_(); activeVisit = null; }); // Only show the controls if the command line switch is activated or the user // is supervised. if (loadTimeData.getBoolean(‘groupByDomain‘)) { $(‘history-page‘).classList.add(‘big-topbar-page‘); $(‘filter-controls‘).hidden = false; } // Hide the top container which has the "Clear browsing data" and "Remove // selected entries" buttons if deleting history is not allowed. if (!loadTimeData.getBoolean(‘allowDeletingHistory‘)) $(‘top-container‘).hidden = true; uber.setTitle(loadTimeData.getString(‘title‘)); // Adjust the position of the notification bar when the window size changes. window.addEventListener(‘resize‘, historyView.positionNotificationBar.bind(historyView)); if (isMobileVersion()) { // Move the search box out of the header. var resultsDisplay = $(‘results-display‘); resultsDisplay.parentNode.insertBefore($(‘search-field‘), resultsDisplay); window.addEventListener( ‘resize‘, historyView.updateClearBrowsingDataButton_); <if expr="is_ios"> // Trigger window resize event when search field is focused to force update // of the clear browsing button, which should disappear when search field // is active. The window is not resized when the virtual keyboard is shown // on iOS. searchField.addEventListener(‘focus‘, function() { cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(window, ‘resize‘); }); </if> /* is_ios */ // When the search field loses focus, add a delay before updating the // visibility, otherwise the button will flash on the screen before the // keyboard animates away. searchField.addEventListener(‘blur‘, function() { setTimeout(historyView.updateClearBrowsingDataButton_, 250); }); // Move the button to the bottom of the page. $(‘history-page‘).appendChild($(‘clear-browsing-data‘)); } else { window.addEventListener(‘message‘, function(e) { e = /** @type {!MessageEvent<!{method: string}>} */(e); if (e.data.method == ‘frameSelected‘) searchField.focus(); }); searchField.focus(); } historyModel.queryDateList_();//yana add 160909 <if expr="is_ios"> function checkKeyboardVisibility() { // Figure out the real height based on the orientation, becauase // screen.width and screen.height don‘t update after rotation. var screenHeight = window.orientation % 180 ? screen.width : screen.height; // Assume that the keyboard is visible if more than 30% of the screen is // taken up by window chrome. var isKeyboardVisible = (window.innerHeight / screenHeight) < 0.7; document.body.classList.toggle(‘ios-keyboard-visible‘, isKeyboardVisible); } window.addEventListener(‘orientationchange‘, checkKeyboardVisibility); window.addEventListener(‘resize‘, checkKeyboardVisibility); </if> /* is_ios */ }
/** * Sets all the parameters for the history page and then reloads the view to * update the results. * @param {string} searchText The search string to set. * @param {number} page The page to be viewed. * @param {HistoryModel.Range} range The range to view or search over. * @param {number} offset Set the begining of the query to the specific offset. */ HistoryView.prototype.setPageState = function(searchText, page, range, offset) { this.clear_(); this.model_.searchText_ = searchText; this.pageIndex_ = page; this.model_.requestedPage_ = page; this.model_.rangeInDays_ = range; this.model_.groupByDomain_ = false; if (range != HistoryModel.Range.ALL_TIME&&range != HistoryModel.Range.DAY)//yana add 160908 this.model_.groupByDomain_ = true; this.model_.offset_ = offset; this.reload(); pageState.setUIState(this.model_.getSearchText(), this.pageIndex_, this.getRangeInDays(), this.getOffset()); };
/** * Reload our model with the current parameters. */ HistoryModel.prototype.reload = function() { // Save user-visible state, clear the model, and restore the state. var search = this.searchText_; var page = this.requestedPage_; var range = this.rangeInDays_; var offset = this.offset_; var groupByDomain = this.groupByDomain_; this.clearModel_(); this.searchText_ = search; this.requestedPage_ = page; this.rangeInDays_ = range; this.offset_ = offset; this.groupByDomain_ = groupByDomain; this.queryHistory_(); };
4.在上层js中通过chrome.send()来向底层发送事件请求和相关参数,其中 ‘queryHistory‘为信号名称,[this.searchText_, this.offset_, this.rangeInDays_, endTime, maxResults]为向底层传递的参数:
/** * Query for history, either for a search or time-based browsing. * @private */ HistoryModel.prototype.queryHistory_ = function() { var maxResults = (this.rangeInDays_ == HistoryModel.Range.ALL_TIME) ? RESULTS_PER_PAGE : 0; // If there are already some visits, pick up the previous query where it // left off. var lastVisit = this.visits_.slice(-1)[0]; var endTime = lastVisit ? lastVisit.date.getTime() : 0; $(‘loading-spinner‘).hidden = false; this.inFlight_ = true; //yana add 20161128 if (typeof this.timer_ != ‘undefined‘ && this.timer_) { clearInterval(this.timer_); } // TODO(glen): Replace this with a bound method so we don‘t need // public model and view. this.timer_ = window.setInterval(function() { if($(‘loading-spinner‘).hidden==false){ chrome.send(‘queryHistory‘, [this.searchText_, this.offset_, this.rangeInDays_, endTime, maxResults]); } }.bind(this), 50); };
void BrowsingHistoryHandler::RegisterMessages() {
void BrowsingHistoryHandler::WebHistoryQueryComplete( const base::string16& search_text, const history::QueryOptions& options, base::TimeTicks start_time, history::WebHistoryService::Request* request, const base::DictionaryValue* results_value) { base::TimeDelta delta = base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time; UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("WebHistory.ResponseTime", delta); // If the response came in too late, do nothing. // TODO(dubroy): Maybe show a banner, and prompt the user to reload? if (!web_history_timer_.IsRunning()) return; web_history_timer_.Stop(); UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION( "WebHistory.QueryCompletion", results_value ? WEB_HISTORY_QUERY_SUCCEEDED : WEB_HISTORY_QUERY_FAILED, NUM_WEB_HISTORY_QUERY_BUCKETS); DCHECK_EQ(0U, web_history_query_results_.size()); const base::ListValue* events = NULL; if (results_value && results_value->GetList("event", &events)) { web_history_query_results_.reserve(events->GetSize()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < events->GetSize(); ++i) { const base::DictionaryValue* event = NULL; const base::DictionaryValue* result = NULL; const base::ListValue* results = NULL; const base::ListValue* ids = NULL; base::string16 url; base::string16 title; base::Time visit_time; if (!(events->GetDictionary(i, &event) && event->GetList("result", &results) && results->GetDictionary(0, &result) && result->GetString("url", &url) && result->GetList("id", &ids) && ids->GetSize() > 0)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Improperly formed JSON response from history server."; continue; } // Ignore any URLs that should not be shown in the history page. GURL gurl(url); if (!CanAddURLToHistory(gurl)) continue; // Title is optional, so the return value is ignored here. result->GetString("title", &title); // Extract the timestamps of all the visits to this URL. // They are referred to as "IDs" by the server. for (int j = 0; j < static_cast<int>(ids->GetSize()); ++j) { const base::DictionaryValue* id = NULL; std::string timestamp_string; int64_t timestamp_usec = 0; if (!ids->GetDictionary(j, &id) || !id->GetString("timestamp_usec", ×tamp_string) || !base::StringToInt64(timestamp_string, ×tamp_usec)) { NOTREACHED() << "Unable to extract timestamp."; continue; } // The timestamp on the server is a Unix time. base::Time time = base::Time::UnixEpoch() + base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(timestamp_usec); // Get the ID of the client that this visit came from. std::string client_id; id->GetString("client_id", &client_id); web_history_query_results_.push_back( HistoryEntry( HistoryEntry::REMOTE_ENTRY, gurl, title, time, client_id, !search_text.empty(), base::string16(), /* blocked_visit */ false)); } } } has_synced_results_ = results_value != nullptr; results_info_value_.SetBoolean("hasSyncedResults", has_synced_results_); if (!query_task_tracker_.HasTrackedTasks()) ReturnResultsToFrontEnd(); }
void BrowsingHistoryHandler::ReturnResultsToFrontEnd() { Profile* profile = Profile::FromWebUI(web_ui()); BookmarkModel* bookmark_model = BookmarkModelFactory::GetForBrowserContext(profile); SupervisedUserService* supervised_user_service = NULL; #if defined(ENABLE_SUPERVISED_USERS) if (profile->IsSupervised()) supervised_user_service = SupervisedUserServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile); #endif browser_sync::ProfileSyncService* sync_service = ProfileSyncServiceFactory::GetInstance()->GetForProfile(profile); // Combine the local and remote results into |query_results_|, and remove // any duplicates. if (!web_history_query_results_.empty()) { int local_result_count = query_results_.size(); query_results_.insert(query_results_.end(), web_history_query_results_.begin(), web_history_query_results_.end()); MergeDuplicateResults(&query_results_); if (local_result_count) { // In the best case, we expect that all local results are duplicated on // the server. Keep track of how many are missing. int missing_count = std::count_if( query_results_.begin(), query_results_.end(), IsLocalOnlyResult); UMA_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE("WebHistory.LocalResultMissingOnServer", missing_count * 100.0 / local_result_count); } } bool is_md = false; #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) is_md = MdHistoryUI::IsEnabled(profile); #endif // Convert the result vector into a ListValue. base::ListValue results_value; for (std::vector<BrowsingHistoryHandler::HistoryEntry>::iterator it = query_results_.begin(); it != query_results_.end(); ++it) { std::unique_ptr<base::Value> value(it->ToValue( bookmark_model, supervised_user_service, sync_service, is_md)); results_value.Append(std::move(value)); } web_ui()->CallJavascriptFunctionUnsafe("historyResult", results_info_value_, results_value);// here is the two parameters to send to front end. web_ui()->CallJavascriptFunctionUnsafe( "showNotification", base::FundamentalValue(has_synced_results_), base::FundamentalValue(has_other_forms_of_browsing_history_)); results_info_value_.Clear(); query_results_.clear(); web_history_query_results_.clear(); }
// The info value that is returned to the front end with the query results. base::DictionaryValue results_info_value_; // The list of query results received from the history service. std::vector<HistoryEntry> query_results_; // The list of query results received from the history server. std::vector<HistoryEntry> web_history_query_results_;
class BASE_EXPORT Value { public: enum Type { TYPE_NULL = 0, TYPE_BOOLEAN, TYPE_INTEGER, TYPE_DOUBLE, TYPE_STRING, TYPE_BINARY, TYPE_DICTIONARY, TYPE_LIST // Note: Do not add more types. See the file-level comment above for why. };
…… }
* Our history system calls this function with results from searches.
* @param {HistoryQuery} info An object containing information about the query.
* @param {Array<HistoryEntry>} results A list of results.
function historyResult(info, results) {
historyModel.addResults(info, results);
// Visit: /** * Class to hold all the information about an entry in our model. * @param {HistoryEntry} result An object containing the visit‘s data. * @param {boolean} continued Whether this visit is on the same day as the * visit before it. * @param {HistoryModel} model The model object this entry belongs to. * @constructor */ function Visit(result, continued, model) { this.model_ = model; this.title_ = result.title; this.url_ = result.url; this.domain_ = result.domain; this.starred_ = result.starred; this.fallbackFaviconText_ = result.fallbackFaviconText; // These identify the name and type of the device on which this visit // occurred. They will be empty if the visit occurred on the current device. this.deviceName = result.deviceName; this.deviceType = result.deviceType; // The ID will be set according to when the visit was displayed, not // received. Set to -1 to show that it has not been set yet. this.id_ = -1; this.isRendered = false; // Has the visit already been rendered on the page? // All the date information is public so that owners can compare properties of // two items easily. this.date = new Date(result.time); // See comment in BrowsingHistoryHandler::QueryComplete - we won‘t always // get all of these. this.dateRelativeDay = result.dateRelativeDay; this.dateShort = result.dateShort; //this.dateTimeOfDay = result.dateTimeOfDay; //yana modify 160925 var dayFlag = result.dateTimeOfDay.substr(0,2); if(dayFlag == "上午"){ var h= result.dateTimeOfDay.substr(2).split(":")[0]; if(h==12) h = parseInt(h)-12; this.dateTimeOfDay = h+ ":" +result.dateTimeOfDay.substr(2).split(":")[1]; }else{ var h= result.dateTimeOfDay.substr(2).split(":")[0]; if(h!=12) h = parseInt(h)+12; this.dateTimeOfDay = h+ ":" +result.dateTimeOfDay.substr(2).split(":")[1]; } // Shows the filtering behavior for that host (only used for supervised // users). // A value of |SupervisedUserFilteringBehavior.ALLOW| is not displayed so it // is used as the default value. this.hostFilteringBehavior = SupervisedUserFilteringBehavior.ALLOW; if (result.hostFilteringBehavior) this.hostFilteringBehavior = result.hostFilteringBehavior; this.blockedVisit = result.blockedVisit; // Whether this is the continuation of a previous day. this.continued = continued; this.allTimestamps = result.allTimestamps; }
// HistoryModel: /** * Global container for history data. Future optimizations might include * allowing the creation of a HistoryModel for each search string, allowing * quick flips back and forth between results. * * The history model is based around pages, and only fetching the data to * fill the currently requested page. This is somewhat dependent on the view, * and so future work may wish to change history model to operate on * timeframe (day or week) based containers. * * @constructor */ function HistoryModel() { this.clearModel_(); }
// HistoryView: /** * Functions and state for populating the page with HTML. This should one-day * contain the view and use event handlers, rather than pushing HTML out and * getting called externally. * @param {HistoryModel} model The model backing this view. * @constructor */ function HistoryView(model) { this.editButtonTd_ = $(‘edit-button‘); this.editingControlsDiv_ = $(‘editing-controls‘); this.resultDiv_ = $(‘results-display‘); this.focusGrid_ = new cr.ui.FocusGrid(); this.pageDiv_ = $(‘results-pagination‘); this.model_ = model; this.pageIndex_ = 0; this.lastDisplayed_ = []; this.hasRenderedResults_ = false; this.model_.setView(this); this.currentVisits_ = []; // If there is no search button, use the search button label as placeholder // text in the search field. if ($(‘search-button‘).offsetWidth == 0) $(‘search-field‘).placeholder = $(‘search-button‘).value; var self = this; $(‘clear-browsing-data‘).addEventListener(‘click‘, openClearBrowsingData); $(‘remove-selected‘).addEventListener(‘click‘, removeItems); // Add handlers for the page navigation buttons at the bottom. $(‘newest-button‘).addEventListener(‘click‘, function() { recordUmaAction(‘HistoryPage_NewestHistoryClick‘); self.setPage(0); }); $(‘newer-button‘).addEventListener(‘click‘, function() { recordUmaAction(‘HistoryPage_NewerHistoryClick‘); self.setPage(self.pageIndex_ - 1); }); $(‘older-button‘).addEventListener(‘click‘, function() { recordUmaAction(‘HistoryPage_OlderHistoryClick‘); self.setPage(self.pageIndex_ + 1); }); $(‘timeframe-controls‘).onchange = function(e) { var value = parseInt(e.target.value, 10); self.setRangeInDays(/** @type {HistoryModel.Range<number>} */(value)); }; $(‘range-previous‘).addEventListener(‘click‘, function(e) { if (self.getRangeInDays() == HistoryModel.Range.ALL_TIME) self.setPage(self.pageIndex_ + 1); else self.setOffset(self.getOffset() + 1); }); $(‘range-next‘).addEventListener(‘click‘, function(e) { if (self.getRangeInDays() == HistoryModel.Range.ALL_TIME) self.setPage(self.pageIndex_ - 1); else self.setOffset(self.getOffset() - 1); }); $(‘range-today‘).addEventListener(‘click‘, function(e) { if (self.getRangeInDays() == HistoryModel.Range.ALL_TIME) self.setPage(0); else self.setOffset(0); }); }
/** * Adds the results for a certain day. This includes a title with the day of * the results and the results themselves, grouped or not. * @param {Array} visits Visits returned by the query. * @param {Node} parentNode Node to which to add the results to. * @private */ HistoryView.prototype.addDayResults_ = function(visits, parentNode) { if (visits.length == 0) return; var firstVisit = visits[0]; var day = parentNode.appendChild(createElementWithClassName(‘h3‘, ‘day‘)); day.appendChild(document.createTextNode(firstVisit.dateRelativeDay)); if (firstVisit.continued) { day.appendChild(document.createTextNode(‘ ‘ + loadTimeData.getString(‘cont‘))); } var dayResults = /** @type {HTMLElement} */(parentNode.appendChild( createElementWithClassName(‘ol‘, ‘day-results‘))); // Don‘t add checkboxes if entries can not be edited. if (!this.model_.editingEntriesAllowed) dayResults.classList.add(‘no-checkboxes‘); if (this.model_.getGroupByDomain()) { this.groupVisitsByDomain_(visits, dayResults); } else { var lastTime; for (var i = 0, visit; visit = visits[i]; i++) { // If enough time has passed between visits, indicate a gap in browsing. var thisTime = visit.date.getTime(); //delete the gap yana 160926 /*if (lastTime && lastTime - thisTime > BROWSING_GAP_TIME) dayResults.appendChild(createElementWithClassName(‘li‘, ‘gap‘));*/ // Insert the visit into the DOM. dayResults.appendChild(visit.getResultDOM({ addTitleFavicon: true })); this.setVisitRendered_(visit); lastTime = thisTime; } } };
/** * Returns a dom structure for a browse page result or a search page result. * @param {Object} propertyBag A bag of configuration properties, false by * default: * - isSearchResult: Whether or not the result is a search result. * - addTitleFavicon: Whether or not the favicon should be added. * - useMonthDate: Whether or not the full date should be inserted (used for * monthly view). * @return {Node} A DOM node to represent the history entry or search result. */ Visit.prototype.getResultDOM = function(propertyBag) { var isSearchResult = propertyBag.isSearchResult || false; var addTitleFavicon = propertyBag.addTitleFavicon || false; var useMonthDate = propertyBag.useMonthDate || false; var focusless = propertyBag.focusless || false; var node = createElementWithClassName(‘li‘, ‘entry‘); var time = createElementWithClassName(‘span‘, ‘time‘); var entryBox = createElementWithClassName(‘div‘, ‘entry-box‘); var domain = createElementWithClassName(‘div‘, ‘domain‘); this.id_ = this.model_.getNextVisitId(); var self = this; // Only create the checkbox if it can be used to delete an entry. if (this.model_.editingEntriesAllowed) { var checkbox = document.createElement(‘input‘); checkbox.type = ‘checkbox‘; checkbox.id = ‘checkbox-‘ + this.id_; checkbox.time = this.date.getTime(); checkbox.setAttribute(‘aria-label‘, loadTimeData.getStringF( ‘entrySummary‘, this.dateTimeOfDay, this.starred_ ? loadTimeData.getString(‘bookmarked‘) : ‘‘, this.title_, this.domain_)); checkbox.addEventListener(‘click‘, checkboxClicked); entryBox.appendChild(checkbox); if (focusless) checkbox.tabIndex = -1; if (!isMobileVersion()) { // Clicking anywhere in the entryBox will check/uncheck the checkbox. entryBox.setAttribute(‘for‘, checkbox.id); entryBox.addEventListener(‘mousedown‘, this.handleMousedown_.bind(this)); entryBox.addEventListener(‘click‘, entryBoxClick); entryBox.addEventListener(‘keydown‘, this.handleKeydown_.bind(this)); } } // Keep track of the drop down that triggered the menu, so we know // which element to apply the command to. // TODO(dubroy): Ideally we‘d use ‘activate‘, but MenuButton swallows it. var setActiveVisit = function(e) { activeVisit = self; var menu = $(‘action-menu‘); menu.dataset.devicename = self.deviceName; menu.dataset.devicetype = self.deviceType; }; domain.textContent = this.domain_; entryBox.appendChild(time); var bookmarkSection = createElementWithClassName( ‘button‘, ‘bookmark-section custom-appearance‘); /*yana add 161020*/ if (this.starred_) { bookmarkSection.title = loadTimeData.getString(‘removeBookmark‘); bookmarkSection.classList.add(‘starred‘); }else{ bookmarkSection.title = loadTimeData.getString(‘addBookmark‘); } bookmarkSection.addEventListener(‘click‘, function f(e) { recordUmaAction(‘HistoryPage_BookmarkStarClicked‘); var hasClassStarred = bookmarkSection.getAttribute("class").indexOf("starred"); if(hasClassStarred>0){ bookmarkSection.title = loadTimeData.getString(‘addBookmark‘); bookmarkSection.classList.remove(‘starred‘); chrome.send(‘removeBookmark‘, [self.url_]); //this.model_.getView().onBeforeUnstarred(this); //this.model_.getView().onAfterUnstarred(this); //bookmarkSection.removeEventListener(‘click‘, f); }else{ bookmarkSection.title = loadTimeData.getString(‘removeBookmark‘); bookmarkSection.classList.add(‘starred‘); chrome.send(‘addBookmark‘, [self.url_, self.title_]); } e.preventDefault(); }.bind(this)); if (focusless) bookmarkSection.tabIndex = -1; entryBox.appendChild(bookmarkSection); if (addTitleFavicon || this.blockedVisit) { var faviconSection = createElementWithClassName(‘div‘, ‘favicon‘); if (this.blockedVisit) faviconSection.classList.add(‘blocked-icon‘); else this.loadFavicon_(faviconSection); entryBox.appendChild(faviconSection); } var visitEntryWrapper = /** @type {HTMLElement} */( entryBox.appendChild(document.createElement(‘div‘))); if (addTitleFavicon || this.blockedVisit) visitEntryWrapper.classList.add(‘visit-entry‘); if (this.blockedVisit) { visitEntryWrapper.classList.add(‘blocked-indicator‘); visitEntryWrapper.appendChild(this.getVisitAttemptDOM_()); } else { var title = visitEntryWrapper.appendChild( this.getTitleDOM_(isSearchResult)); if (focusless) title.querySelector(‘a‘).tabIndex = -1; visitEntryWrapper.appendChild(domain); } if (isMobileVersion()) { if (this.model_.editingEntriesAllowed) { var removeButton = createElementWithClassName(‘button‘, ‘remove-entry‘); removeButton.setAttribute(‘aria-label‘, loadTimeData.getString(‘removeFromHistory‘)); removeButton.classList.add(‘custom-appearance‘); removeButton.addEventListener( ‘click‘, this.removeEntryFromHistory_.bind(this)); entryBox.appendChild(removeButton); // Support clicking anywhere inside the entry box. entryBox.addEventListener(‘click‘, function(e) { if (!e.defaultPrevented) { self.titleLink.focus(); self.titleLink.click(); } }); } } else { /*yana mask 160824*/ /* var dropDown = createElementWithClassName(‘button‘, ‘drop-down‘); dropDown.value = ‘Open action menu‘; dropDown.title = loadTimeData.getString(‘actionMenuDescription‘); dropDown.setAttribute(‘menu‘, ‘#action-menu‘); dropDown.setAttribute(‘aria-haspopup‘, ‘true‘); if (focusless) dropDown.tabIndex = -1; cr.ui.decorate(dropDown, cr.ui.MenuButton); dropDown.respondToArrowKeys = false; dropDown.addEventListener(‘mousedown‘, setActiveVisit); dropDown.addEventListener(‘focus‘, setActiveVisit); // Prevent clicks on the drop down from affecting the checkbox. We need to // call blur() explicitly because preventDefault() cancels any focus // handling. dropDown.addEventListener(‘click‘, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); document.activeElement.blur(); }); entryBox.appendChild(dropDown);*/ /*yana add 160825 begin*/ var removeVisit = createElementWithClassName(‘button‘, ‘remove-visit‘); removeVisit.value = ‘remove from history‘; //removeVisit.id = ‘remove-visit‘; removeVisit.title = loadTimeData.getString(‘removeFromVisit‘); if (focusless) removeVisit.tabIndex = -1; cr.ui.decorate(removeVisit, cr.ui.MenuButton); //removeVisit.respondToArrowKeys = false; removeVisit.addEventListener(‘mousedown‘, setActiveVisit); removeVisit.addEventListener(‘focus‘, setActiveVisit); // Prevent clicks on the drop down from affecting the checkbox. We need to // call blur() explicitly because preventDefault() cancels any focus // handling. removeVisit.addEventListener(‘click‘, function(e) { assert(!$(‘remove-visit‘).disabled); activeVisit.removeEntryFromHistory_(e); e.preventDefault(); document.activeElement.blur(); }); entryBox.appendChild(removeVisit); var moreFromSite = createElementWithClassName(‘button‘, ‘more-from-site‘); moreFromSite.value = ‘more from site‘; //moreFromSite.id = ‘more-from-site‘; moreFromSite.title = loadTimeData.getString(‘searchMoreAboutThisSite‘); if (focusless) moreFromSite.tabIndex = -1; cr.ui.decorate(moreFromSite, cr.ui.MenuButton); //removeVisit.respondToArrowKeys = false; moreFromSite.addEventListener(‘mousedown‘, setActiveVisit); moreFromSite.addEventListener(‘focus‘, setActiveVisit); // Prevent clicks on the drop down from affecting the checkbox. We need to // call blur() explicitly because preventDefault() cancels any focus // handling. moreFromSite.addEventListener(‘click‘, function(e) { activeVisit.showMoreFromSite_(); activeVisit = null; e.preventDefault(); document.activeElement.blur(); }); entryBox.appendChild(moreFromSite); /*yana add 160825 end*/ } // Let the entryBox be styled appropriately when it contains keyboard focus. entryBox.addEventListener(‘focus‘, function() { this.classList.add(‘contains-focus‘); }, true); entryBox.addEventListener(‘blur‘, function() { this.classList.remove(‘contains-focus‘); }, true); var entryBoxContainer = createElementWithClassName(‘div‘, ‘entry-box-container‘); node.appendChild(entryBoxContainer); entryBoxContainer.appendChild(entryBox); //yana add 161216 /*entryBoxContainer.oncontextmenu = function(){ return false; }*/ entryBoxContainer.addEventListener(‘contextmenu‘, function(event) { var selectionText = window.getSelection().toString(); event.preventDefault(); var e = event||window.event; recordUmaAction(‘HistoryPage_EntryLinkRightClick‘); chrome.send("addContextMenu",[self.url_, self.title_, e.clientX, e.clientY, selectionText]); }); if (isSearchResult || useMonthDate) { // Show the day instead of the time. time.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.dateShort)); } else { time.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.dateTimeOfDay)); } this.domNode_ = node; node.visit = this; return node; };
标签:delay work and server try board inpu oca png