标签:release python import 用户 wrong
#!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf-8 ‘‘‘ Program: User login, three chances after the wrong There have some manages for user logon History: 2017.03.29 liuting First release ‘‘‘ import getpass import os from datetime import datetime f=open("login_time.txt","r") login_time = f.read() dic = {"student":"student","root":"westos","lt":"zq"} dic_time = {"username":"login_time"} username = raw_input("Please input the username:") login_time_now = datetime.now() a = datetime.strptime(str(login_time_now),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") b = datetime.strptime(str(login_time),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") x = (a-b).seconds if dic.has_key(username) == False: print "The user not exist!" elif x <= 14400: print "You already logged in at:%s\n" %(login_time) else: for i in range(0,3): password = getpass.getpass("Please input the password:") if password == dic.get(username): print "Login success!" print "Last login time: %s" %(str(login_time)) f=open("login_time.txt","w") f.write(datetime.now()) f.close() break elif i == 2: print "Sorry,Please login again." else: print "Password error,try again." print "%d time(s) for input" %(2-i) while username == "root": operation = raw_input(" D(delete user)\n S(show usermessage)\n A(add user)\n L(list existing user)\n q(quit)\n What operation do you want:\n") if operation == "D": name = raw_input("Please input the username youwant to delete:") if dic.has_key(name) == True: dic.pop(name) print "Delete success!" else: print "The user not exist!" elif operation == "S": name = raw_input("Please input the username you want to see:") print "password:%s\n login_time:%s\n **************************" %(dic.get(name,"The user not exist"),dic_time.get(name)) elif operation == "A": name = raw_input("Please input the username you want to add:") for i in range(0,3): passwd_first = getpass.getpass("Please input a password:") passwd_second = getpass.getpass("Please input the password again:") if passwd_first == passwd_second: dic[name] = passwd_first print "Useradd success!\n **************************" break elif i == 2: print "Please useradd again.\n \n" else: print "Password input different,try again!\n %d times for you!\n \n" %(2 - i) elif operation == "L": print "Existing user:\n %s\n **************************" %(dic.keys()) elif operation == "q": break else: print "Unknown operation!\n \n"
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标签:release python import 用户 wrong