标签:als war bit support val when pat i++ label
之前在 http://blog.csdn.net/fengbingchun/article/details/50987185 中仿照Caffe中的examples实现对手写数字进行识别,这里详细介绍下其执行流程并精简了实现代码,使用Caffe对MNIST数据集进行train的文章可以参考 http://blog.csdn.net/fengbingchun/article/details/68065338 :
1. 先注册所有层,执行layer_factory.hpp中类LayerRegisterer的构造函数,类LayerRegistry的AddCreator和Registry静态函数;关于Caffe中Layer的注册可以参考: http://blog.csdn.net/fengbingchun/article/details/54310956
2. 指定执行mode是采用CPU还是GPU;
3. 指定需要的.prototxt和.caffemodel文件:注意此处的.prototxt文件(lenet_train_test_.prototxt)与train时.prototxt文件(lenet_train_test.prototxt)在内容上的差异。.caffemodel文件即是train后最终生成的二进制文件lenet_iter_10000.caffemodel,里面存放着所有层的权值和偏置。lenet_train_test_.prototxt文件内容如下:
name: "LeNet" # net名 layer { # memory required: (784+1)*4=3140 name: "data" # layer名字 type: "MemoryData" # layer类型,Data enters Caffe through data layers,read data directly from memory top: "data" # top名字, shape: 1 1 28 28 (784) top: "label" # top名字, shape: 1 (1) #感觉并无实质作用,仅用于增加一个top blob,不可去掉 memory_data_param { # 内存数据参数 batch_size: 1 # 指定待识别图像一次的数量 channels: 1 # 指定待识别图像的通道数 height: 28 # 指定待识别图像的高度 width: 28 # 指定待识别图像的宽度 } transform_param { # 图像预处理参数 scale: 0.00390625 # 对图像像素值进行scale操作,范围[0, 1) } } layer { # memory required: 11520*4=46080 name: "conv1" # layer名字 type: "Convolution" # layer类型,卷积层 bottom: "data" # bottom名字 top: "conv1" # top名字, shape: 1 20 24 24 (11520) param { # Specifies training parameters lr_mult: 1 # The multiplier on the global learning rate } param { # Specifies training parameters lr_mult: 2 # The multiplier on the global learning rate } convolution_param { # 卷积参数 num_output: 20 # 输出特征图(feature map)数量 kernel_size: 5 # 卷积核大小(卷积核其实就是权值) stride: 1 # 滑动步长 weight_filler { # The filler for the weight type: "xavier" # 权值使用xavier滤波 } bias_filler { # The filler for the bias type: "constant" # 偏置使用常量滤波 } } } layer { # memory required: 2880*4=11520 name: "pool1" # layer名字 type: "Pooling" # layer类型,Pooling层 bottom: "conv1" # bottom名字 top: "pool1" # top名字, shape: 1 20 12 12 (2880) pooling_param { # pooling parameter,pooling层参数 pool: MAX # pooling方法:最大值采样 kernel_size: 2 # 滤波器大小 stride: 2 # 滑动步长 } } layer { # memory required: 3200*4=12800 name: "conv2" # layer名字 type: "Convolution" # layer类型,卷积层 bottom: "pool1" # bottom名字 top: "conv2" # top名字, shape: 1 50 8 8 (3200) param { # Specifies training parameters lr_mult: 1 # The multiplier on the global learning rate } param { # Specifies training parameters lr_mult: 2 # The multiplier on the global learning rate } convolution_param { # 卷积参数 num_output: 50 # 输出特征图(feature map)数量 kernel_size: 5 # 卷积核大小(卷积核其实就是权值) stride: 1 # 滑动步长 weight_filler { # The filler for the weight type: "xavier" # 权值使用xavier滤波 } bias_filler { # The filler for the bias type: "constant" # 偏置使用常量滤波 } } } layer { # memory required: 800*4=3200 name: "pool2" # layer名字 type: "Pooling" # layer类型,Pooling层 bottom: "conv2" # bottom名字 top: "pool2" # top名字, shape: 1 50 4 4 (800) pooling_param { # pooling parameter,pooling层参数 pool: MAX # pooling方法:最大值采样 kernel_size: 2 # 滤波器大小 stride: 2 # 滑动步长 } } layer { # memory required: 500*4=2000 name: "ip1" # layer名字 type: "InnerProduct" # layer类型,全连接层 bottom: "pool2" # bottom名字 top: "ip1" # top名字, shape: 1 500 (500) param { # Specifies training parameters lr_mult: 1 # The multiplier on the global learning rate } param { # Specifies training parameters lr_mult: 2 # The multiplier on the global learning rate } inner_product_param { # 全连接层参数 num_output: 500 # 输出特征图(feature map)数量 weight_filler { # The filler for the weight type: "xavier" # 权值使用xavier滤波 } bias_filler { # The filler for the bias type: "constant" # 偏置使用常量滤波 } } } # ReLU: Given an input value x, The ReLU layer computes the output as x if x > 0 and # negative_slope * x if x <= 0. When the negative slope parameter is not set, # it is equivalent to the standard ReLU function of taking max(x, 0). # It also supports in-place computation, meaning that the bottom and # the top blob could be the same to preserve memory consumption layer { # memory required: 500*4=2000 name: "relu1" # layer名字 type: "ReLU" # layer类型 bottom: "ip1" # bottom名字 top: "ip1" # top名字 (in-place), shape: 1 500 (500) } layer { # memory required: 10*4=40 name: "ip2" # layer名字 type: "InnerProduct" # layer类型,全连接层 bottom: "ip1" # bottom名字 top: "ip2" # top名字, shape: 1 10 (10) param { # Specifies training parameters lr_mult: 1 # The multiplier on the global learning rate } param { # Specifies training parameters lr_mult: 2 # The multiplier on the global learning rate } inner_product_param { num_output: 10 # 输出特征图(feature map)数量 weight_filler { # The filler for the weight type: "xavier" # 权值使用xavier滤波 } bias_filler { # The filler for the bias type: "constant" # 偏置使用常量滤波 } } } layer { # memory required: 10*4=40 name: "prob" # layer名字 type: "Softmax" # layer类型 bottom: "ip2" # bottom名字 top: "prob" # top名字, shape: 1 10 (10) } # 占用总内存大小为:3140+46080+11520+12800+3200+2000+2000+40+40=80820lenet_train_test_.prototxt可视化结果( http://ethereon.github.io/netscope/quickstart.html )如下图:
4. 创建Net对象并初始化,有两种方法:一个是通过传入string类型(.prototxt文件)参数创建,一个是通过传入NetParameter参数;
5. 调用Net的CopyTrainedLayersFrom函数加载在train时生成的二进制文件.caffemodel即lenet_iter_10000.caffemodel,有两种方法,一个是通过传入string类型(.caffemodel文件)参数,一个是通过传入NetParameter参数;
6. 获取Net相关参数在后面识别时需要用到:
7. 开始进行手写数字识别:
(3)、因为MNIST train时,图像为前景为白色,背景为黑色,而现在输入图像为前景为黑色,背景为白色,因此需要对图像进行取反操作;
8. 通过lenet_train_test_.prototxt文件分析各层的权值、偏置和神经元数量,共9层:
(2)、conv1卷积层:卷积窗大小为5*5,输出特征图数量为20,卷积窗种类为20,输出特征图大小为24*24,可训练参数(权值+阈值(偏置))为 20*1*5*5+20=520,神经元数量为1*20*24*24=11520;
int mnist_predict() { caffe::Caffe::set_mode(caffe::Caffe::CPU); const std::string param_file{ "E:/GitCode/Caffe_Test/test_data/model/mnist/lenet_train_test_.prototxt" }; const std::string trained_filename{ "E:/GitCode/Caffe_Test/test_data/model/mnist/lenet_iter_10000.caffemodel" }; const std::string image_path{ "E:/GitCode/Caffe_Test/test_data/images/" }; // 有两种方法可以实例化net // 1. 通过传入参数类型为std::string caffe::Net<float> caffe_net(param_file, caffe::TEST); caffe_net.CopyTrainedLayersFrom(trained_filename); // 2. 通过传入参数类型为caffe::NetParameter //caffe::NetParameter net_param1, net_param2; //caffe::ReadNetParamsFromTextFileOrDie(param_file, &net_param1); //net_param1.mutable_state()->set_phase(caffe::TEST); //caffe::Net<float> caffe_net(net_param1); //caffe::ReadNetParamsFromBinaryFileOrDie(trained_filename, &net_param2); //caffe_net.CopyTrainedLayersFrom(net_param2); int num_inputs = caffe_net.input_blobs().size(); // 0 ?? const boost::shared_ptr<caffe::Blob<float> > blob_by_name = caffe_net.blob_by_name("data"); int image_channel = blob_by_name->channels(); int image_height = blob_by_name->height(); int image_width = blob_by_name->width(); int num_outputs = caffe_net.num_outputs(); const std::vector<caffe::Blob<float>*> output_blobs = caffe_net.output_blobs(); int require_blob_index{ -1 }; const int digit_category_num{ 10 }; for (int i = 0; i < output_blobs.size(); ++i) { if (output_blobs[i]->count() == digit_category_num) require_blob_index = i; } if (require_blob_index == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "ouput blob don‘t match\n"); return -1; } std::vector<int> target{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; std::vector<int> result; for (auto num : target) { std::string str = std::to_string(num); str += ".png"; str = image_path + str; cv::Mat mat = cv::imread(str.c_str(), 1); if (!mat.data) { fprintf(stderr, "load image error: %s\n", str.c_str()); return -1; } if (image_channel == 1) cv::cvtColor(mat, mat, CV_BGR2GRAY); else if (image_channel == 4) cv::cvtColor(mat, mat, CV_BGR2BGRA); cv::resize(mat, mat, cv::Size(image_width, image_height)); cv::bitwise_not(mat, mat); // 将图像数据载入Net网络,有2种方法 boost::shared_ptr<caffe::MemoryDataLayer<float> > memory_data_layer = boost::static_pointer_cast<caffe::MemoryDataLayer<float>>(caffe_net.layer_by_name("data")); // 1. 通过MemoryDataLayer类的Reset函数 mat.convertTo(mat, CV_32FC1, 0.00390625); float dummy_label[1] {0}; memory_data_layer->Reset((float*)(mat.data), dummy_label, 1); // 2. 通过MemoryDataLayer类的AddMatVector函数 //std::vector<cv::Mat> patches{mat}; // set the patch for testing //std::vector<int> labels(patches.size()); //memory_data_layer->AddMatVector(patches, labels); // push vector<Mat> to data layer float loss{ 0.0 }; const std::vector<caffe::Blob<float>*>& results = caffe_net.ForwardPrefilled(&loss); // Net forward const float* output = results[require_blob_index]->cpu_data(); float tmp{ -1 }; int pos{ -1 }; fprintf(stderr, "actual digit is: %d\n", target[num]); for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { printf("Probability to be Number %d is: %.3f\n", j, output[j]); if (tmp < output[j]) { pos = j; tmp = output[j]; } } result.push_back(pos); } for (auto i = 0; i < 10; i++) fprintf(stderr, "actual digit is: %d, result digit is: %d\n", target[i], result[i]); fprintf(stderr, "predict finish\n"); return 0; }测试结果如下:
标签:als war bit support val when pat i++ label