标签:val 学生 stdio.h 信息 const second proc 姓名 oat
#include<stdio.h> struct Student//声明结构体类型struct student {int num; char name[20]; float score; }; int main() {struct Student stu[5]={{10101,"Zhang",78},{10103,"Wang",98.5},{10106,"Li",86},{10108,"Ling",73.5},{10110,"Sun",100}};//定义结构体数组并初始化 struct Student temp;//定义结构体变量temp,用作交换时的临时变量 const int n=5;//定义常变量n int i,j,k; printf("The order is:\n"); for(i=0;i<n-1;i++) {k=i; for(j=i+1;j<n;j++) if(stu[j].score>stu[k].score)//进行成绩比较 k=j; temp=stu[k];stu[k]=stu[i];stu[i]=temp;//stu[k]和stu[i]元素互换 } for(i=0;i<n;i++) printf("%6d%8s%6.2f\n",stu[i].num,stu[i].name,stu[i].score); printf("\n"); return 0;}
The order is:
10110 Sun100.00
10103 Wang 98.50
10106 Li 86.00
10101 Zhang 78.00
10108 Ling 73.50
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标签:val 学生 stdio.h 信息 const second proc 姓名 oat