标签:des style blog http color os io for 数据
对于100%的数据, n ≤ 100000,m≤200000 ,data[i]非负且小于10^9
1 var i,n,x,y,k,t,temp,m:longint; 2 s,fa,a:array[0..200100] of int64; 3 function find(x:longint):longint; 4 begin 5 if fa[x]<>x then fa[x]:=find(fa[x]); 6 exit(fa[x]); 7 end; 8 function lowbit(x:longint):longint; 9 begin 10 exit(x and (-x)); 11 end; 12 procedure add(x,y:int64); 13 begin 14 while x<=n do 15 begin 16 inc(s[x],y); 17 inc(x,lowbit(x)); 18 end; 19 end; 20 function sum(x:int64):int64; 21 begin 22 sum:=0; 23 while x>0 do 24 begin 25 inc(sum,s[x]); 26 dec(x,lowbit(x)); 27 end; 28 exit(sum); 29 end; 30 procedure update(x,y:longint); 31 var i:longint; 32 begin 33 i:=find(x); 34 while i<=y do 35 begin 36 temp:=trunc(sqrt(a[i])); 37 add(i,temp-a[i]); 38 a[i]:=temp; 39 if a[i]=1 then fa[i]:=i+1; 40 i:=find(i+1); 41 end; 42 end; 43 procedure init; 44 begin 45 readln(n); 46 for i:=1 to n do begin read(a[i]);fa[i]:=i;add(i,a[i]);end; 47 fa[n+1]:=n+1; 48 end; 49 procedure main; 50 begin 51 readln(m); 52 for i:=1 to m do 53 begin 54 readln(k,x,y); 55 if x>y then begin t:=x;x:=y;y:=t;end; 56 case k of 57 2:update(x,y); 58 1:writeln(sum(y)-sum(x-1)); 59 end; 60 end; 61 end; 62 begin 63 init; 64 main; 65 end.
标签:des style blog http color os io for 数据