标签:student 4.0 seconds lin 6.2 char ddr [] string
#include<stdio.h> struct Student { long int num; char name[30]; char sex; char addr[100]; }; int main() { struct Student a={10101,"LiLin",‘M‘,"123 bei jing road"}; printf("num:%d\nname:%s\nsex:%c\naddr:%s\n",a.num,a.name,a.sex,a.addr); }
1 结果: num:10101 name:LiLin sex:M addr:123 bei jing road -------------------------------- Process exited after 0.4208 seconds with return value 50 请按任意键继续. . .
#include<stdio.h> struct stu { int num; char name[30]; float score; }; int main() { struct stu student1,student2; scanf("%d%s%f",&student1.num,student1.name,&student1.score); scanf("%d%s%f",&student2.num,student2.name,&student2.score); if(student1.score>student2.score) printf("%d %s %6.2f",student1.num,student1.name,student1.score); else if(student1.score<student2.score) printf("%d %s %6.2f",student2.num,student2.name,student2.score); else { printf("%d %s %6.2f",student1.num,student1.name,student1.score); printf("%d %s %6.2f",student2.num,student2.name,student2.score); } }
001 ke 77 002 fe 99 2 fe 99.00 -------------------------------- Process exited after 36.61 seconds with return value 12 请按任意键继续. . .
#include<string.h> #include<stdio.h> struct people { char name[20]; int count; }; int main() { struct people a[3]={{"zhao",0},{"li",0},{"sun",0}}; int i,j; char b[40]; for(i=0;i<=10;i++) {scanf("%s",b); for(j=0;j<3;j++) if(strcmp(b,a[j].name)==0) a[j].count++; } for(i=0;i<3;i++) {printf("%s,%d\n",a[i].name,a[i].count);} return 0; }
zhao li li zhao sun sun zhao li li zhao zhao zhao,5 li,4 sun,2
-------------------------------- Process exited after 88.47 seconds with return value 0 请按任意键继续. . .
#include<stdio.h> struct student { int num; char name[20]; float score; }; int main() { struct student Stu[5]={{10101,"Zhang",78}, {10103,"Wang",98.5}, {10106,"Li",86}, {10108,"Ling",73.5}, {10110,"Sun",100}}; struct student temp; const int n=5; int i,j,k; printf("The order is:\n"); for(i=0;i<n-1;i++) { k=i; for(j=i+1;j<n;j++) if(Stu[j].score>Stu[k].score) k=j; temp=Stu[k];Stu[k]=Stu[i];Stu[i]=temp; } for(i=0;i<n;i++) printf("%6d %8s %6.2f\n",Stu[i].num,Stu[i].name,Stu[i].score); printf("\n"); return 0; }
The order is: 10110 Sun 100.00 10103 Wang 98.50 10106 Li 86.00 10101 Zhang 78.00 10108 Ling 73.50
-------------------------------- Process exited after 0.04819 seconds with return value 0 请按任意键继续. . .
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> struct Student { long num; char name[20]; char sex; float score; }; int main() { struct Student stu_1; struct Student *p; p=&stu_1; stu_1.num=10101; strcpy(stu_1.name,"Li Lin"); stu_1.sex=‘M‘; stu_1.score=89.5; printf("NO:%ld\nname:%s\nsex:%c\nscore:%5.1f\n", stu_1.num,stu_1.name,stu_1.sex,stu_1.score); printf("\nNO:%ld\nname:%s\nsex:%c\nscore:%5.1f\n", (*p).num,(*p).name,(*p).sex,(*p).score); return 0; }
NO:10101 name:Li Lin sex:M score: 89.5
NO:10101 name:Li Lin sex:M score: 89.5
-------------------------------- Process exited after 0.2318 seconds with return value 0 请按任意键继续. . .
#include<stdio.h> struct student { int num; char name[20]; char sex; int age; }; struct student stu[3]={{10101,"LiLin",‘M‘,10}, {10102,"ZhangFang",‘M‘,19}, {10104,"Wang Min",‘F‘,20}}; int main() { struct student *p; printf("No Name sex age\n"); for(p=stu;p<stu+3;p++) printf("%5d %-20s %2c %4d\n",p->num,p->name,p->sex,p->age); return 0; }
结果 :
No Name sex age LiLin M 10 ZhangFang M 19 Wang Min F 20
-------------------------------- Process exited after 0.2395 seconds with return value 0 请按任意键继续. . .
#include<stdio.h> #define N 3 struct Student { int num; char name[20]; float score[3]; float aver; }; void input(struct Student stu[]) { int i; printf("请输入各学生信息、学号、姓名三门课成绩:\n"); for(i=0;i<N;i++) {scanf("%d %s %f %f %f",&stu[i].num,stu[i].name, &stu[i].score[0],&stu[i].score[1],&stu[i].score[2]); stu[i].aver=(stu[i].score[0]+stu[i].score[1]+stu[i].score[2])/3.0; } } struct Student max(struct Student stu[]) { int i,m=0; for(i=0;i<N;i++) if(stu[i].aver>stu[m].aver) m=i; return stu[m]; } void print(struct Student stud) { printf("\n学生的最高成绩是:\n"); printf("学号:%d\n姓名:%s\n三门课成绩:%5.1f,%5.1f,%5.1f\n平均成绩:%6.2f\n", stud.num,stud.name,stud.score[0],stud.score[1],stud.score[2],stud.aver); } int main() { struct Student stu[N],*p=stu; input(p); print(max(p)); return 0; }
请输入各学生信息、学号、姓名三门课成绩: 10101 linkang 85 72 63 10102 dert 62 74 83 10103 qwer 74 76 80
学生的最高成绩是: 学号:10103 姓名:qwer 三门课成绩: 74.0, 76.0, 80.0 平均成绩: 76.67
-------------------------------- Process exited after 71.00 seconds with return value 0 请按任意键继续. . .
标签:student 4.0 seconds lin 6.2 char ddr [] string