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6.3 Segment-Level Protection 段级保护


All five aspects of protection apply to segment translation:


  1. Type checking 类型检验
  2. Limit checking 限长检验
  3. Restriction of addressable domain 可寻址域的限定
  4. Restriction of procedure entry points 程序入口点的限定
  5. Restriction of instruction set 指令集的限定

The segment is the unit of protection, and segment descriptors store protection parameters. Protection checks are performed automatically by the CPU when the selector of a segment descriptor is loaded into a segment register and with every segment access. Segment registers hold the protection parameters of the currently addressable segments.



6.3.1 Descriptors Store Protection Parameters


Figure 6-1 highlights the protection-related fields of segment descriptors.


The protection parameters are placed in the descriptor by systems software at the time a descriptor is created. In general, applications programmers do not need to be concerned about protection parameters.


When a program loads a selector into a segment register, the processor loads not only the base address of the segment but also protection information. Each segment register has bits in the invisible portion for storing base, limit, type, and privilege level; therefore, subsequent protection checks on the same segment do not consume additional clock cycles.


 技术分享 Type Checking 类型检验

The TYPE field of a descriptor has two functions:


  1. It distinguishes among different descriptor formats.


  1. It specifies the intended usage of a segment.


Besides the descriptors for data and executable segments commonly used by applications programs, the 80386 has descriptors for special segments used by the operating system and for gates. Table 6-1 lists all the types defined for system segments and gates. Note that not all descriptors define segments; gate descriptors have a different purpose that is discussed later in this chapter.


The type fields of data and executable segment descriptors include bits which further define the purpose of the segment (refer to Figure 6-1 ):


  • The writable bit in a data-segment descriptor specifies whether instructions can write into the segment.


  • The readable bit in an executable-segment descriptor specifies whether instructions are allowed to read from the segment (for example, to access constants that are stored with instructions). A readable, executable segment may be read in two ways:


  1. Via the CS register, by using a CS override prefix.


  1. By loading a selector of the descriptor into a data-segment register (DS, ES, FS,or GS).


Type checking can be used to detect programming errors that would attempt to use segments in ways not intended by the programmer. The processor examines type information on two kinds of occasions:


  1. When a selector of a descriptor is loaded into a segment register. Certain segment registers can contain only certain descriptor types; for example:


  • The CS register can be loaded only with a selector of an executable segment.


  • Selectors of executable segments that are not readable cannot be loaded into data-segment registers.


  • Only selectors of writable data segments can be loaded into SS.


  1. When an instruction refers (implicitly or explicitly) to a segment register. Certain segments can be used by instructions only in certain predefined ways; for example: 当指令引用(隐含或明确的)一个段寄存器时。某些寄存器只能以某种预定义的方式被指令使用;如:
  • No instruction may write into an executable segment.


  • No instruction may write into a data segment if the writable bit is not set.


  • No instruction may read an executable segment unless the readable bit is set.



Table 6-1. System and Gate Descriptor Types 系统和门描述符类型


Code      Type of Segment or Gate


0       -reserved

1       Available 286 TSS

2       LDT

3       Busy 286 TSS

4       Call Gate

5       Task Gate

6       286 Interrupt Gate

7       286 Trap Gate

8       -reserved

9       Available 386 TSS

A       -reserved

B       Busy 386 TSS

C       386 Call Gate

D       -reserved

E       386 Interrupt Gate

F       386 Trap Gate Limit Checking 限长检验

The limit field of a segment descriptor is used by the processor to prevent programs from addressing outside the segment. The processor‘s interpretation of the limit depends on the setting of the G (granularity) bit. For data segments, the processor‘s interpretation of the limit depends also on the E-bit (expansion-direction bit) and the B-bit (big bit) (refer to Table 6-2).

段描述符的限长段被处理器用来阻止程序寻址超出段范围。处理器对限长的解释依赖于粒度位(G)。对于数据段,处理器对限长的解释也依赖于扩展方向位(E)和big 位(B)(参见表6-2)。

When G=0, the actual limit is the value of the 20-bit limit field as it appears in the descriptor. In this case, the limit may range from 0 to 0FFFFFH (2^(20) - 1 or 1 megabyte). When G=1, the processor appends 12 low-order one-bits to the value in the limit field. In this case the actual limit may range from 0FFFH (2^(12) - 1 or 4 kilobytes) to 0FFFFFFFFH(2^(32) - 1 or 4 gigabytes).

G等于0时,实际限长是描述符中20位限长字段的值。在这种情况下,限长从0到0FFFFFH(2^20 - 1 或1M)。当G等于1时,处理器用1将限长字段值的低12位扩展。在这种情况下,限长是0FFFH(2^12 -1 或4K)到0FFFFFFFFH(2^32 - 1 或4G)。

For all types of segments except expand-down data segments, the value of the limit is one less than the size (expressed in bytes) of the segment. The processor causes a general-protection exception in any of these cases:


  • Attempt to access a memory byte at an address > limit.


  • Attempt to access a memory word at an address >= limit.


  • Attempt to access a memory doubleword at an address >= (limit-2).


For expand-down data segments, the limit has the same function but is interpreted differently. In these cases the range of valid addresses is from limit + 1 to either 64K or 2^(32) - 1 (4 Gbytes) depending on the B-bit. An expand-down segment has maximum size when the limit is zero. (Turning on the expand-down bit swaps which bytes are accessible and which are not.)

对于向下扩展的数据段,限长具有相同功能,但解释方式不同。在这种情况下,有效地址的范围是从限长加1到64K还是4G(2^32 -1),依赖于B位设置。当限长是0时,向下扩展段有最大的范围。(打开向下扩展位可以切换哪些字节可以访问,哪些不能。)

The expand-down feature makes it possible to expand the size of a stack by copying it to a larger segment without needing also to update intrastack pointers.


The limit field of descriptors for descriptor tables is used by the processor to prevent programs from selecting a table entry outside the descriptor table. The limit of a descriptor table identifies the last valid byte of the last descriptor in the table. Since each descriptor is eight bytes long, the limit value is N * 8 - 1 for a table that can contain up to N descriptors.

描述符表的描述符的限长可以被处理器用来阻止程序选择一个描述符表外的表入口。描述符表的限长标识表中最后一个描述符的最大有效字节。既然每个描述符都是8个字节长,限长值就是N*8 - 1,对于一个表来说最多可以包含N个描述符。

Limit checking catches programming errors such as runaway subscripts and invalid pointer calculations. Such errors are detected when they occur, so that identification of the cause is easier. Without limit checking, such errors could corrupt other modules; the existence of such errors would not be discovered until later, when the corrupted module behaves incorrectly, and when identification of the cause is difficult.


Table 6-2. Useful Combinations of E, G, and B Bits



Case:                    1            2            3            4 

Expansion Direction      U            U            D            D

G-bit                    0            1            0            1

B-bit                    X            X            0            1 

Lower bound is:          0            0         LIMIT+1  shl(LIMIT,12,1)+1 

Upper bound is:        LIMIT  shl(LIMIT,12,1)    64K-1         4G-1 

Max seg size is:        64K           4G         64K-1        4G-4K

                      0-FFFF      0-FFFFFFFF     !(0-0)      !(0-FFF) 

Min seg size is:         1            4K           0            0

                        0-0         0-FFF      !(0-FFFF)  !(0-FFFFFFFF)


shl (X, 12, 1) = shift X left by 12 bits inserting one-bits on the right Privilege Levels 特权级别

The concept of privilege is implemented by assigning a value from zero to three to key objects recognized by the processor. This value is called the privilege level. The value zero represents the greatest privilege, the value three represents the least privilege. The following processor-recognized objects contain privilege levels:


  • Descriptors contain a field called the descriptor privilege level (DPL).


  • Selectors contain a field called the requestor‘s privilege level (RPL). The RPL is intended to represent the privilege level of the procedure that originates a selector.


  • An internal processor register records the current privilege level (CPL). Normally the CPL is equal to the DPL of the segment that the processor is currently executing. CPL changes as control is transferred to segments with differing DPLs.


The processor automatically evaluates the right of a procedure to access another segment by comparing the CPL to one or more other privilege levels. The evaluation is performed at the time the selector of a descriptor is loaded into a segment register. The criteria used for evaluating access to data differs from that for evaluating transfers of control to executable segments; therefore, the two types of access are considered separately in the following sections.


Figure 6-2 shows how these levels of privilege can be interpreted as rings of protection. The center is for the segments containing the most critical software, usually the kernel of the operating system. Outer rings are for the segments of less critical software.


It is not necessary to use all four privilege levels. Existing software that was designed to use only one or two levels of privilege can simply ignore the other levels offered by the 80386. A one-level system should use privilege level zero; a two-level system should use privilege levels zero and three.




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