标签:功能 生成 pen utf-8 管道流 python div 管道 urlopen
apple 10 3
tesla 100000 1
mac 3000 2
lenovo 30000 3
chicken 10 3
实现功能:cat a.txt |grep apple
#追加的代码 with open(‘a.txt‘,‘a+‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: while True: dl = input(‘请输入你的内容(q退出):‘) if dl.lower() ==‘q‘: break else: f.write(dl+‘\n‘)
文件是atxt import time ########动态查看添加文件的内容 cat def get(acth): with open(acth,‘a+‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: f.seek(0,2) while True: line = f.readline() if not line: time.sleep(.3) # print(‘-------->‘) continue else: yield line.strip() g = get(‘a.txt‘) # print(next(g)) for line in g: print(line) ########动态查看文件追加过滤出来的内容 grup def get(acth): with open(acth,‘a+‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: f.seek(0,2) while True: line = f.readline() if not line: time.sleep(.3) # print(‘-------->‘) continue elif ‘apple‘ in line: yield line g = get(‘a.txt‘) # print(next(g)) # for line in g: # print(line) while True: try: ne = next(g) print(ne.strip()) except StopIteration: break ###########管道流..... #定义阶段 def get(acth): with open(acth,‘a+‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: f.seek(0,2) while True: line = f.readline() if not line: time.sleep(.3) continue else: yield line.strip() def grup(pattern,lines): for line in lines: if pattern in line: yield line #调用阶段 g = get(‘a.txt‘) g1 = grup(‘apple‘,g) #next触发执行g1生成器函数 for i in g1: print(i)
from urllib.request import urlopen def get(): print(‘strat‘) while True: url = yield print(urlopen(‘%s‘%url).read()) g = get() g.__next__() g.send(‘http://www.baidu.com‘) g.send(‘http://www.taobao.com‘)
标签:功能 生成 pen utf-8 管道流 python div 管道 urlopen