标签:closed line static write namespace logs gif list and
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace 集合简单练习 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { } private static void Test3() { //奇偶分拣,奇数在前偶数在后 List<int> result = new List<int>() { 12, 564, 32, 87, 15, 35, 54, 798, 153, 54 }; List<int> oddList = new List<int>(); List<int> evenList = new List<int>(); foreach (var item in result) { if (item % 2 == 0) { evenList.Add(item); } else { oddList.Add(item); } } oddList.AddRange(evenList); ShowList(oddList); } private static void Test2() { //随机生成10个1---100之间的数放入到list中.1:不能重复.2:都是偶数 int count = 0; List<int> result = new List<int>(); while (count < 10) { Random rom = new Random(); int item = rom.Next(1, 101); if (!result.Contains(item) && item % 2 == 0) { result.Add(item); count++; } } ShowList(result); Console.ReadLine(); } private static void Test1() { //把两个集合去掉重复后合并成一个集合号 List<string> lista = new List<string> { "a", "b", "c", "d" }; List<string> listb = new List<string> { "c", "d", "e", "f", "g" }; foreach (string item in listb) { if (!lista.Contains(item)) { lista.Add(item); } } ShowList(lista); Console.ReadLine(); } //展示集合 private static void ShowList(List<int> lista) { foreach (var item in lista) { Console.WriteLine(item); } Console.ReadLine(); } private static void ShowList(List<string> lista) { foreach (var item in lista) { Console.WriteLine(item); } Console.ReadLine(); } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace DictoryTest { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //统计单词出现次数 string word = "hello,world.my name is DictoryTest"; Dictionary<char, int> dt = new Dictionary<char, int>(); foreach (var item in word) { if (!dt.Keys.Contains(item)) { dt.Add(item, 1); } else { dt[item] = dt[item]+1; } } foreach (KeyValuePair<char, int> kv in dt) { Console.WriteLine(kv.Key +"一共出现了"+kv.Value+"次"); } Console.Read(); } } }
标签:closed line static write namespace logs gif list and