标签:login info a long bucket error igp .sh find live
#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- #5188179 class Role(object): def __init__(self,Name,Weapon,LifeValue): self.name = Name self.weapon = Weapon self.LifeValue = LifeValue def BuyWeapon(self,weapon): print("%s buy %s " %(self.name,weapon)) self.weapon = weapon p1 = Role("ckl","B11",99) t1 = Role("zld","B12",100) print(p1.weapon) print(t1.weapon) p1.BuyWeapon("B44") t1.BuyWeapon("B51") print(p1.weapon) print(t1.weapon)
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 4 5 读取xml文件,通过段落标识符 6 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET 7 8 tree = ET.parse("test.xml") 9 root = tree.getroot() 10 print(root.tag) 11 12 for child in root: 13 print(child.tag,child.attrib) 14 for i in child: 15 print(i.tag,i.text) 16 17 for node in root.iter(‘year‘): 18 print(node.tag,node.text) 19 20 21 22 修改xml,给year字段加1 23 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET 24 tree = ET.parse("test.xml") 25 root = tree.getroot() 26 27 for node in root.iter(‘year‘): 28 new_year = int(node.text) + 1 29 node.text = str(new_year) 30 node.set("updated","yes") 31 32 tree.write("test.xml") 33 34 35 36 删除country字段中rank值大于50的 37 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET 38 tree = ET.parse("test.xml") 39 root = tree.getroot() 40 41 for country in root.findall(‘country‘): 42 rank = int(country.find(‘rank‘).text) 43 if rank > 50: 44 root.remove(country) 45 46 tree.write(‘test.xml‘) 47 48 49 50 创建xml 51 52 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET 53 new_xml = ET.Element("NameList") 54 name = ET.SubElement(new_xml,"name",attrib={"enrolled":"yes"}) 55 age = ET.SubElement(name,"age",attrib={"checked":"no"}) 56 sex = ET.SubElement(name,"sex") 57 sex.text = ‘33‘ 58 name2 = ET.SubElement(new_xml,"name",attrib={"enrolled":"no"}) 59 age = ET.SubElement(name2,"age") 60 age.text = ‘19‘ 61 62 et = ET.ElementTree(new_xml) 63 et.write(‘test.xml‘,encoding="utf-8",xml_declaration=True) 64 ET.dump(new_xml)
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 #http://www.cnblogs.com/alex3714/articles/5161349.html 4 #4963027 5 6 import shelve 7 d = shelve.open(‘ShelveTest‘) 8 9 class Test(object): 10 def __init__(self,n): 11 self.n = n 12 13 t = Test(123) 14 t2 = Test(112233) 15 16 name = [‘ckl‘,‘zld‘,‘love‘] 17 d["test"] = name 18 d["t1"] = t 19 d["t2"] = t2 20 d.close() 21 22 23 24 #json 模块 25 data = {‘ckl‘:123,‘kaka‘:456} 26 import json 27 j_str = json.dumps(data) 28 print(j_str) 29 30 with open(‘ckl.json‘,‘w‘) as fp: 31 json.dump(data,fp) 32 33 34 #shelve 35 36 import shelve 37 s = shelve.open(‘test_shelve.db‘) 38 try: 39 s[‘key1‘] = {‘int‘:10,‘float‘:9.5,‘string‘:‘Sample data‘} 40 finally: 41 s.close() 42 43 44 import shelve 45 s = shelve.open(‘test_shelve.db‘,flag=‘r‘) 46 try: 47 existing = s[‘key1‘] 48 finally: 49 s.close() 50 print(existing) 51 52 53 54 import shelve 55 s = shelve.open(‘test_shelve.db‘,writeback=True) 56 try: 57 print(s[‘key1‘]) 58 s[‘key1‘][‘new_value‘] = ‘this was not here before‘ 59 finally: 60 s.close() 61 62 s = shelve.open(‘test_shelve.db‘,writeback=True) 63 try: 64 print(s[‘key1‘]) 65 finally: 66 s.close() 67 68 69 import shelve 70 db = shelve.open("database","c") 71 db["one"] = 1 72 db["two"] = 2 73 db["three"] = 3 74 db.close() 75 76 db = shelve.open("database","r") 77 for key in db.keys(): 78 print(repr(key),repr(db[key])) 79 #print(key) 80 db.close()
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 4 import logging 5 6 记录特别级别以上的日志 7 logging.warning("user [ckl] you are the best!") 8 logging.critical("server is down") 9 10 11 12 记录日志到文件中 13 logging.basicConfig(filename=‘ckl06.log‘,level=logging.INFO) 14 logging.debug(‘this is a debug message!‘) 15 logging.info(‘this is a info message!‘) 16 logging.warning(‘this is a warn mesg!!‘) 17 18 19 20 记录时间到日志 21 logging.basicConfig(format=‘%(asctime)s %(message)s‘,datefmt=‘%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S‘,filename=‘ckl06.log‘,level=logging.INFO) 22 logging.warning(‘is this time to login?‘) 23 24 25 logger = logging.getLogger(‘ckl-log‘) 26 logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) 27 28 ch = logging.StreamHandler() 29 ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) 30 31 fh = logging.FileHandler("access.log") 32 fh.setLevel(logging.WARNING) 33 34 formatter = logging.Formatter(‘%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s‘) 35 36 ch.setFormatter(formatter) 37 fh.setFormatter(formatter) 38 39 logger.addHandler(ch) 40 logger.addHandler(fh) 41 42 logger.debug(‘debug message‘) 43 logger.info(‘info message‘) 44 logger.warn(‘warn message‘) 45 logger.error(‘error message‘) 46 logger.critical(‘critical message‘)
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 4 """ 5 learn hashlib module 6 """ 7 """ 8 import hashlib 9 m = hashlib.md5() 10 m.update(b"Hello") 11 m.update(b"It‘s me") 12 print(m.digest()) 13 m.update(b"It‘s been a long time since last time we....") 14 print(m.digest()) 15 print(len(m.hexdigest())) 16 """ 17 18 import hashlib 19 hash = hashlib.md5() 20 hash.update(b‘admin‘) 21 print(hash.hexdigest()) 22 23 hash = hashlib.sha1() 24 hash.update(b‘admin‘) 25 print(hash.hexdigest()) 26 27 hash = hashlib.sha256() 28 hash.update(b‘admin‘) 29 print(hash.hexdigest()) 30 31 hash = hashlib.sha384() 32 hash.update(b‘admin‘) 33 print(hash.hexdigest()) 34 35 hash = hashlib.sha512() 36 hash.update(b‘admin‘) 37 print(hash.hexdigest()) 38 39 import hmac 40 h = hmac.new(b‘ckl‘) 41 h.update(b‘hellochen‘) 42 print(h.name) 43 print(h.hexdigest())
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 4 import configparser 5 config = configparser.ConfigParser() 6 7 config["DEFAULT"] = { 8 ‘ServerAliveInterval‘:‘45‘, 9 ‘Compression‘:‘yes‘, 10 ‘CompressionLevel‘:‘9‘ 11 } 12 13 config[‘bitbucket.org‘] = {} 14 config[‘bitbucket.org‘][‘user‘] = ‘hg‘ 15 config[‘topsecret.server.com‘] = {} 16 topsecret = config[‘topsecret.server.com‘] 17 topsecret[‘Host port‘] = ‘50022‘ 18 topsecret[‘ForwardX11‘] = ‘no‘ 19 config[‘DEFAULT‘][‘ForwardX11‘] = ‘yes‘ 20 with open(‘ckl.ini‘,‘w‘) as configfile: 21 config.write(configfile)
标签:login info a long bucket error igp .sh find live