标签:nap json check ati bsp rac settings source get
1 web_url("GetRequestData", 2 "URL=https://eit200-i.svcs.hp.com/requestmanagement/RequestTracking/GetRequestData?status=ApprovalPending&_search=false&nd=1370243480589&rows=10&page=1&sidx=OrderID&sord=desc", 3 "Resource=0", 4 "RecContentType=application/json", 5 "Referer=https://eit200-i.svcs.hp.com/requestmanagement/RequestTracking/RequestTracking?orderStatus=ApprovalPending", 6 "Snapshot=t160.inf", 7 LAST);
里面的resource 参数解释 0 -就是永远都会下载 1-只有你在runtime setting里面开启‘Download non-HTML resources ’才会下载
If Resource is set to 0, the URL is always downloaded during replay.
If Resource is set to 1, the URL is downloaded only if the Download non-HTML resources option is checked (see Runtime Settings > Browser Emulation tab).
标签:nap json check ati bsp rac settings source get