标签:emma eclemma rar core uila stat 指示 rest triangle
1.install junit and eclemma
在网上搜素并下载junit-4.12.jar 和 hamcrest-core-1.3.jar 两个jar包,在项目里创建一个lib文件夹将jar包放进去,再右键选择这两个jar包,选择Build Path->add to build path 即可。
点击eclipse的help,选择eclipse marketplace, 在find框里搜索eclemma并按照指示安装即可。
2.lab code
package test1; import java.util.Arrays; public class triangle { private static String result = ""; private static int[] length = new int[3]; public void clearArray(){ for(int i=0;i<3;i++){ length[i] = 0; } } public static void getIntegers(int a,int b,int c){ length[0] = a; length[1] = b; length[2] = c; Arrays.sort(length); } public static void judgeIllegal(){ if(length[0] + length[1] <= length[2]){ result = "illegal"; } } public static void judgeEquilateral(){ if(length[0] == length[1] && length[1] == length[2]){ result = "equilateral"; } } public static void judgeIossceles(){ if(length[0] == length[1] || length[1] == length[2]){ result = "isosceles"; } } public static void judgeScalene(){ if(length[0] != length[1] && length[1] != length[2]){ result = "scalene"; } } public static String getResult(){ return result; } }
package test1; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.Test; public class triangleTest { @Test public void testJudgeIllegal() { triangle.getIntegers(3, 3, 7); triangle.judgeIllegal(); assertEquals("illegal", triangle.getResult()); } @Test public void testJudgeEquilateral() { triangle.getIntegers(3, 3, 3); triangle.judgeEquilateral(); assertEquals("equilateral", triangle.getResult()); } @Test public void testJudgeIossceles() { triangle.getIntegers(3, 3, 4); triangle.judgeIossceles(); assertEquals("isosceles", triangle.getResult()); } @Test public void testJudgeScalene() { triangle.getIntegers(3, 4, 5); triangle.judgeScalene(); assertEquals("scalene", triangle.getResult()); } }
标签:emma eclemma rar core uila stat 指示 rest triangle