标签:行数据 style and 语句 top 范围 bsp car page
select top 2 sid,sname,sex,email,tel,intime,s.cid,cname
--关联student s,classes c两张表
from student s,classes c
where s.cid=c.cid and sid
--不在select top 2 sid from student该范围内
not in(select top 2 sid from student)
select top "+rows+" sid,sname,sex,birth,tel,intime,idcard,saddr,s.cid,c.cname
from student s,classes c
where s.cid=c.cid and sid
not in(select top "+(page-1)*rows+" sid from student )and s.cid=?
标签:行数据 style and 语句 top 范围 bsp car page