标签:strong pen long com roo sim global use near
1. Multiple Features
note:X0 is equal to 1
2. Feature Scaling
Idea: make sure features are on a similiar scale, approximately a -1<Xi<1 range
For example:
x1 = size (0-2000 feet^2) max-min or standard deviation
x2 = number of bedrooms(1-5)
The contour function of theta1 and theat2 is a very skewed elliptical shape. And
if you are running gradient descent on this, your gradients may end up a long time
to fjnd the global minimum.
x1 = size (0-5000 feet^2)/2000
x2 = number of bedrooms(1-5)/5
so the coutour plots will give a much more direct path to the minimum
Mean normalization:
Replace Xi with Xi - Ui to make features have zero mean(except X0)
X1 = (size-1000)/2000
X2= (#bedrooms-2)/5
3. Learning Rate
We can plot the J(theata) vs number of iterations and the J(theata) should
decrease after every iteraion. and we can also see if the gradient descent converges or not.
And if gradient descent is not working, usually means that:
you should use a smaller value of alpha(learning rate)
To choose alpha():
..., 0.001, 0.003, 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1...
4. Features
you can try to define new features, for example:
Area = frontage * depth
Polynomial regression:
we can set that x1=size, x2=(size)^2, x3=(size)^3(remember ot feature scaling)
and it becomes linear regression
5. Normal Equations
Idea: method to solve for theta analytically
where x is m*(n-1) dimensional matrix and y is a m dimensional matrix,
n : number of features, m:number of training example
And feature scaling is not necessary for normal equations
Gradient descent
1. choose alpha
2. need many iterations
3. works well even have large number of features n.
Normal equation:
1. no need for alpha and iterations
2. need to compute matrix inverse
3. slow for large n (n = 10^6 etc)
Note is not invertible means that:
1. you have got redundant features(linearly dependent)
2. there are too many features, delete some features, or use regularization
机器学习笔记-1 Linear Regression with Multiple Variables(week 2)
标签:strong pen long com roo sim global use near