标签:瞧瞧 use abstract lin 赚钱 注意事项 led color class
Decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently.(将抽象和实现解耦。使得倆者能够独立的变化)
public abstract class Product { public abstract void beProducted(); public abstract void beSelled(); }
public abstract class Corp { private Product product; public Corp(Product _product){ this.product=_product; } public void makeMoney(){ this.product.beProducted(); this.product.beSelled(); } }
public class House extends Product { @Override public void beProducted() { System.out.println("生产出的房子是这种..."); } @Override public void beSelled() { System.out.println("生产出的房子卖出去了...."); } }
public class IPod extends Product { @Override public void beProducted() { System.out.println("生产出的ipod是这种"); } @Override public void beSelled() { System.out.println("生产的IPod卖出去了"); } }
public class HouseCorp extends Corp { public HouseCorp(House _house) { super(_house); } @Override public void makeMoney() { super.makeMoney(); System.out.println("房地产公司赚大钱了"); } }
public class ShanZhaiCorp extends Corp { public ShanZhaiCorp(Product _product) { super(_product); } @Override public void makeMoney() { super.makeMoney(); System.out.println("我是山寨,我赚钱呀"); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("房地产公司是这样执行的"); House house=new House(); HouseCorp houseCorp=new HouseCorp(house); houseCorp.makeMoney(); System.out.println(); System.out.println("山寨公司是这样执行的"); ShanZhaiCorp shanZhaiCorp=new ShanZhaiCorp(new IPod()); shanZhaiCorp.makeMoney(); }
标签:瞧瞧 use abstract lin 赚钱 注意事项 led color class