标签:ble std main 数据结构 ret 元素 nod find name
#include<iostream> using namespace std; struct ListNode; typedef struct ListNode *Position; struct Hash_table; typedef Hash_table *Hashtab; typedef Position List; #define Min_table_size 10 struct ListNode { int Emelent; Position Next; }; struct Hash_table { int Table_size; List *Thelist; }; //////////////相关函数声明////////////////////// Hashtab Inittable (int Table_size); //初始化一个散列 Position Find (int x,Hashtab H); //查找元素x,返回对应的位置 int Hash (int x,int Table_size); //散列函数 void Insert (int Key, Hashtab H); //在散列中插入元素Key void Delete (int Key, Hashtab H); //在散列中删除元素Key ///////////////相关函数定义//////////////////// Hashtab Inittable (int table_size) { Hashtab H; if(table_size < Min_table_size) { cout << "Table size is too small" << endl; return NULL; } H = (Hashtab)malloc(sizeof(Hash_table)); if(H == NULL) cout << "out of space" << endl; H->Table_size = table_size; H->Thelist = (List*)malloc(sizeof(Position) * H->Table_size); if(H->Thelist == NULL) cout << "out of space" << endl; for(int i = 0; i != H->Table_size; ++i) { H->Thelist[i] = (Position)malloc(sizeof(ListNode)); if(H->Thelist[i] == NULL) cout << "out of space" << endl; else { H->Thelist[i]->Next = NULL; H->Thelist[i]->Emelent = i; } } return H; } int Hash (int x) //对10取余数 { return x % 10; } Position Find (int x,Hashtab H) { Position P; List L; L = H->Thelist[Hash(x)]; //指向含有那个元素的表头 P = L->Next; while(P != NULL && P->Emelent != x) P = P->Next; return P; } void Insert (int Key, Hashtab H) { Position Pos, Newcell; List L; Pos = Find(Key, H); //先找找看,有没有Key,有就算了 if(Pos == NULL ) { Newcell = (Position)malloc(sizeof(ListNode)); if(Newcell == NULL) cout << "out of space" << endl; else //插入到槽后面的第一个位置 { L = H->Thelist[Hash(Key)]; Newcell->Next = L->Next ; Newcell->Emelent = Key; L->Next = Newcell; } } } void Delete (int Key, Hashtab H) { Position p,Tmpcell; List L; p = Find(Key,H); if(p == NULL) cout << "not find the " << Key << endl; else { L = H->Thelist[Hash(Key)]; p = L ; while(p->Next != NULL && p->Next->Emelent != Key) //寻找Key的前驱节点 { p = p->Next; } // Tmpcell = p->Next; p->Next = Tmpcell->Next; free(Tmpcell); } } int main () { Hashtab H = Inittable (11); Insert (1, H); Insert (4, H); Insert (9, H); Insert (16, H); Insert (25, H); Insert (19, H); Insert (29, H); Delete(19,H); cout << H->Thelist[9]->Next->Next->Emelent << endl; return 0; }
标签:ble std main 数据结构 ret 元素 nod find name