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在 HP 机器上运行
biosdevname -i eth0 em1
而在DELL server
biosdevname -i em1 em1
biosdevname -d BIOS dev: em1 kernel dev: eth0
biosdevname -d BIOS dev: em1 kernel dev: em1
因此设备出厂的时候,网卡的name 应该是em1而非eth0.
下面就来改造em1 or eth0 为你统一的
1, eth0 变成em1 这个比较简单,只需在grub.conf的kernel 行尾加上参数 biosdevname=1 然后安装系统即可。
2. em1 变成 eth0 这个就需要多写一个参数了 需在grub.conf的kernel 行尾加上参数 biosdevname=0 net.ifnames=0 然后安装系统即可
To disable the consistent network device naming on Dell systems that would normally have it on by default, pass the following option on the boot command line, both during and after installation: biosdevname=0 To enable this feature on other system types that meet the minimum requirements (seeSection A.2, “System Requirements”), pass the following option on the boot command line, both during and after installation: biosdevname=1 Unless the system meets the minimum requirements, this option will be ignored and the system will boot with the traditional network interface name format. If the biosdevname install option is specified, it must remain as a boot option for the lifetime of the system.
net.ifnames=0 这个参数不清楚的可以参看http://my.oschina.net/davisqi/blog/208551
标签:style blog http os io for ar 问题 cti