标签:add rom 实现 hover ref 表格 dex tag append
在开发项目中,需要将表格头部固定,而且表格大多数情况下是会水平滚动的。项目的css框架是bootstrap 3,故也可以叫做bootstrap table。
html code(source table):
<table id="top_fix_table" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" class="table table-hover"> <thead> <tr id="table_head"> <td>Test</td> .... </tr> </thead> <tbody> </tbody> </table>
stylesheet code:
#fixed_table #fix_head{ background: #FFFFFF; box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #888888; }
Javascript code:
<script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ var sourceTable = $("#top_fix_table");//table id var sourceTableHead = $("#table_head");//table thead tr id var headHeight = sourceTableHead.height();//table thead tr height var sourceTableWidth = sourceTable.outerWidth(); //get source table width //copy table and thead html tag from source table, $(‘body‘).append(‘<div id="shelter"><table id="fixed_table" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" class="table table-hover"><thead></thead></table></div>‘); //only set top and left,beacuse i need the top bar can scroll left $("#shelter").css({‘height‘:headHeight,‘position‘:‘fixed‘,‘top‘:‘0‘,‘left‘:‘0‘}); //set target table width equal source table width $("#fixed_table").css({‘width‘:sourceTableWidth+"px"}); //only clone tr html and change thead tr id attr var targetHead = sourceTableHead.clone().attr(‘id‘,‘fix_head‘); targetHead.appendTo(‘#fixed_table thead‘); //mark target table thead td width,height equal source table thead td width,height $("#table_head td").each(function(index,value){ var tempWidth = $(value).outerWidth(); var tempHeight = $(value).outerHeight(); $("#fixed_table td").eq(index).css({‘width‘:tempWidth+"px",‘height‘:tempHeight+"px"}); }); $(window).scroll(function(){ //scroll left method var sl=-Math.max($(‘body‘).scrollLeft(),$(‘document‘).scrollLeft()); $(‘#shelter‘).css("left",sl+‘px‘); var scroll_top = $(‘body‘).scrollTop() - sourceTable.offset().top; //control show or hide if (scroll_top > 0) { $(‘#shelter‘).show(); }else { $(‘#shelter‘).hide(); } }); }); </script>
bootstrap table 实现固定悬浮table 表头并可以水平滚动
标签:add rom 实现 hover ref 表格 dex tag append