标签:github strong style ini draw 更新 fork possible 数学
逛知乎很久了,终于知道了入门图形学很中肯的方法,就是实现一个软渲染器(software renderer)。
那啥玩意是软渲染器?我之前在github search 啊 search终于找到了一个most star的项目,附上链接,很高大上吧,关键是这项目有wiki讲解,我就果断fork一份看看。也知道了作者的意图:
Warning: this is a training material that will loosely repeat the structure of the OpenGL library. It will be a software renderer. I do not want to show how to write applications for OpenGL. I want to show how OpenGL works. I am deeply convinced that it is impossible to write efficient applications using 3D libraries without understanding this.
标签:github strong style ini draw 更新 fork possible 数学